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Thread: What is weapon "WORLD"?

  1. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe The Zombie View Post
    I love Realism mode, but I was wondering how you'd make it more realistic?

    • Change the hud so you can only see your health.
    • No SI at all.
    • The CI a bit less common, as you wouldn't find 1000 zombies in the middle of nowhere, like in Swamp Fever.
    • Headshot ONLY. None of this "Less damage to the body" stuff. Headshot/Decapitation ONLY will kill it.
    • Skill level would change how much damage CI do, where the items are etc. Not how much damage they could take.
    • No halos at all, no matter how close you are to an item.
    • Hordes smaller to counter the headshot only.
    • Removing limbs would only slow infected down, unless all were removed, then they could only do damage if you're stood on them.
    • Pill/Adrenaline Overdose. Vision goes blurry, controls limited a bit like when attacked by a jockey etc. Continuing to use more pills and Adrenaline increases this effect.
    I like that idea of no other HUD's and no halo's, but communication would have to be kicked harder in the rear than ever. Which is actually a good thing, so never mind!

    Regarding headshots. I believe you should make headshots the most economical way to kill a zombie, but if you blow their torso away, that should work too. Maybe you have to spend half a magazine to put them away, or go for the headshot?

    I grinned at the idea that if you stood on an armless, legless zombie, they'd still be able to hurt you, like in Monty Python. Otherwise, don't think they should be able to do nothin' to you. xD
    "What are you gonna do, bleed on me?!"
    "Ohhh I see, running away aye?! you yellow bastards!! Come back here! I'll bite your legs off!"

    The lack of S.I... that would make it a plain ol' zombie game, and I can't help but feel it'd become a repetitive slog for some. That said, I play samurai warriors. x] It'd be a welcome change of pace, in my book!

    What if you had to find food and water? o_O And how long is each campaign, day wise?

  2. Zombie Rat
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    Speaking of which, there are times where I long for iron sighting the magnum. just sayin'
    Weird stuff....

  3. I've done my time
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    i agree with just the head shots. using the magnum in realism takes care of even having to try to get headshots. but to be honest realism is VERRY hard as it is on expert. so im fine with it remaining the same.

  4. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe The Zombie View Post
    I love Realism mode, but I was wondering how you'd make it more realistic?

    • Change the hud so you can only see your health.
    • No SI at all.
    • The CI a bit less common, as you wouldn't find 1000 zombies in the middle of nowhere, like in Swamp Fever.
    • Headshot ONLY. None of this "Less damage to the body" stuff. Headshot/Decapitation ONLY will kill it.
    • Skill level would change how much damage CI do, where the items are etc. Not how much damage they could take.
    • No halos at all, no matter how close you are to an item.
    • Hordes smaller to counter the headshot only.
    • Removing limbs would only slow infected down, unless all were removed, then they could only do damage if you're stood on them.
    • Pill/Adrenaline Overdose. Vision goes blurry, controls limited a bit like when attacked by a jockey etc. Continuing to use more pills and Adrenaline increases this effect.

    1 - I agree and disagree here. I could do without seeing everyone's health - never thought of that before - but it's not that big of a deal it should be taken out. Still, I get your point.

    2 - Disagree. SI are products of the infection and fit into the story.

    3 - Disagree. You can't say '(x) amount of zombies wouldn't be at this location' because, well, have you studied the habits of zombies in real life? Of course not. This is a fictional world. Zombies can be any and anywhere. Again, I understand your point but there's no right or wrong here. They just are there.

    4 - STRONGLY disagree. These zombies aren't dead - they are simply infected individuals. Meaning: they can still die by normal means (gun shot wounds to the body) they are just really, really sick.

    5 - Strongly agree. When I'm looking for my keys in real life and they are right in front of me (sadly) they don't GLOW to show me they are there.

    6 - Disagree. Hordes of any size are welcome.

    7 - I agree (except with the stood on part - might be too complicated in game, all things considered) but it should be random. Say one zombie slows down when it loses and arm but another wounded the same way will keep coming as if nothing happened.

    8 - I agree and disagree. I always thought pills should have a certain amount of doses and the bottle can be passed around and shared - but to say 'overdose!' is a little dramatic and complicated. Besides: they aren't using acetaminophen but ibuprofen which is a little less harsh on the liver (I think...)
    - fight with me, not beside me -

  5. Left 4 Dead
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    everything makes sense,
    but i have two things to say

    1. this is realism mode, not Cliche' mode, i dont see why SI wouldnt be allowed. and please dont say SI's dont make sense, because in all seriousness, we dont 100% know how a infection is going to effect us (if Z day were to happen)..

    2.Pills/adrenaline overdose, should make a bigger effect, dizziness(makeing you stumble every 4-9 seconds),and worse and worse accuracy, and the effects of the overdose will get worse and worse, not helping itself until you get healed, or die, unless you wait 6 minutes(maybe even longer) after first use that it will fix itself.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckg0928 View Post
    1 - wrong thread, needs to be in L4D2 general not L4D general
    You know we are already in L4D2 general...And theres nothing wrong with his thread

  7. Hunter
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    Don't you mean "Romero mode"?

  8. Banned
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    I've never played RE so I wouldn't know. But how is it not playable? Realism is aimed to make it needed to communicate, but you can still rambo atm.
    I'm an idiot and I can't follow directions. So now I'm also banned.

  9. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post

    My complaints in a non-literal definition of realism are (some of these are the ones I listed above):

    1) The deagle that can 1-hit kill common infected yet almost every other weapon registers as 75% damage for a non-lethal head shot. That not only pigeonholes us into choosing the deagle but it also is incredibly imbalanced in the right hands already.

    2) The improved HP should apply to SI as well. 75% damage on non-lethal head shots.

    4) Defib should probably be removed from the list of items in realism mode since you are most likely going to die due to blunt force trauma and not something like tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrhythmias, or myocardial infarctions.

    5) FAKs give way too much health. They should give the same amount of health pills do but that health should be permanent instead of wearing off over time like adrenaline or pills. Instead, we have FAKs that heal us to 80~95 HP.
    FAKs dont give too much health,if it does the health dwindles down quickly, and it is pratically impossible for a team to beat an expert realism w/o a defib. The Deagle isnt a 1 hit kill all the time. though im not sure about the deagle because i dont use it so much.

  10. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post

    4) Defib should probably be removed from the list of items in realism mode since you are most likely going to die due to blunt force trauma and not something like tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrhythmias, or myocardial infarctions.
    This is so true. It's the thing that bothers me about realism most. No amount of defibrillation can bring you back when you've lost all your blood or have been beaten to a pulp by a roid raging monster. When you die, you should stay dead, not come back in the next saferoom or have some magic defibrillator that replenishes blood and repairs a smashed skull.

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