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Thread: ARGH... Problems with spray

  1. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by [GF]<Mr.G> View Post
    We now know that for the past decade the earth has actually been cooling... .
    Uh... How about no? The last decade is the warmest on record.

    And yes, I know about the warming and cooling cycles of the earth. What makes this unprecedented (if you'd actually read my post properly) is man-kind's rapidly increasing CO2 emissions and the impact they are having on the earth's ability to cope with these increased rates.

    Climate change figures not available for peer review? I was searching on the net for a whole 30 seconds before I found this, and of course there's always the IPCC's Publications and data sections.

    I think it' s a real shame that there are a few cases of scientists trumping up the case for global warming, as it inevitably means that the press seize on it and bring it to everyone's attention and hey presto: suddenly all the research that's ever been done on climate change is in doubt.

    And as for global warming being the government's attempts to control us/make rich people richer? Get a grip on the paranoia. I couldn't care less for Al Gore and I haven't seen "An Inconvenient Truth", I don't know what businesses/deals he's supposed to be involved with- perhaps I'm being ignorant- but regardless, he doesn't have any bearing whatsoever on my feelings on this topic. What I do care for is data presented by organisations like the IPCC. As of yet, I haven't seen any significant studies by skeptic groups to prove that global warming isn't happening, or that man-kind isn't having an effect on global warming. All I hear from them is rhetoric and criticism of existing figures.
    RIP Mike Starr

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Like I said before, I'm just repeating myself, which is a waste of my time to be arguing the same points by different people. If you want my response just read my posts on the thread, not much more I can say.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

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    Quote Originally Posted by [GF]<Mr.G> View Post
    Alright, first and foremost Yes I am sure. Ever since I can remember I have been hearing people like ou saying 'Oh no, global warming, the Ice caps are melting"
    If it is SUCH a huge problem then WHY do the top scientists have to make up, manipulate, and cherry pick data so that it fits with what the are saying. We now know that for the past decade the earth has actually been cooling... conviently so did the term change from 'global warming' to 'global climate change' GIVE ME A BREAK! The fact that the science community does not agree with how humans are actually effecting our global climate is evidence in itself to show that there isn't sufficent evidence to show that we do cause global warming, or excuse me... global climate change. Infact there is more evidence to show that we are NOT effecting it that it makes this global warming non sense.
    that right mnah, is a statement made from pure craziness! dude you're swinging wild man and i promise i mean that in the most light hearted of ways.
    Im interested to know where you actually get your sources of information from?
    I'm not sure what it is that people dont seem to understand about taking something away and not replacing it? its just plain simple common sense.
    I dont know why you think a scientist would have to manipulate figures and data to show our effect or the effects we are having on this planet? cant you actually see for yourself the contrast in our way of life and everything elses? Cant you see it? and cant you see the simple maths behind it all aswell?

    I dont know if its because its so so basic people just cant seem to understand it?!?

    Here is another question, if global warming really does exsist, why wont the scientists incharge of researching it let their data be released to be peer reviewed? Is it becuase they whole time they have been lying and making up things to get people, and politicans to agree with them? Nooooooooooo that can't be, people wouldn't use 'Global warming' as a way to make money and/or gain power right? Look at Al Gore... he doesn't have ANY money invested in... oh wait... he does hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    i understand what you mean, and yes sadly the whole climate change will be used to make money...! but that doesnt meant its not a problem!

    Global Warming does exsist... naturally right now we are in the cooling state. The earth was hotter during the Medieval period with no cars and factories around... explain that? Did humans do that?
    NOOOOOoooooooooooo this is why i hate wikipedia lol

    Man made global warming, global climate change, or whatever term conviently fits what the earth is doing tommorow is NOT caused by humans, it is just a way to get certain rich people richer, and give more power to governments and to try and bring earth under one global government.
    if science has proven by fact that the burning of fuels, the increased rate in logging, the rapid increase in the human population and the massive decrease in species, the desire and need to take up more space is causing problems and it all comes down to human actions and behaviour...., who is it you think is causing the problem if not us?

    dude you really really really really really need to start watching and understanding about life man! Just watch David Attenborough! I cant not stress to you how much you will actually learn from that guy.
    Just do it man....serious, just do it! :waves:
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

  4. Senior-Senior Member
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    fucking hippies stop me at the gas station saying my car gets bad gas mileage of course it does its a big block. pisses me off so i just waste more and more gas rving around to piss them off
    For the brave men who stare death in the eyes, victory comes to those who are strong, as the weak fall by the wayside

  5. Zombie Dog
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    #75 - 30 Years of Global Cooling Are Coming, Leading Scientist Says - U.N. Panel's Glacier-Disaster Claims Melting Away

    EMAIL LEAK: Global Warming Researchers Caught Doubting Their Own Claims

    There you have it, stop insulting me, just because I am not a 'go greener' and do not take the word of the IPCC as 'god' doesn't mean I am stupid. Read them, actually read them... In there has everything I have been talking about, medieval warm period, suppression of data and what have you, go ahead and read it. Those are just a few things of the countless info I have found. Now can you see why I do not trust the IPCC? So there you have it, I am not a moron because I choose to question because there is NO! let me say it again NO evidence that is taken as 100% undesputed fact that humans are causing global warming, and the fact that the people at the IPCC are soo corrupt and have to manipulate data to get the real morons, and of course I mean that in a light hearted manner, to agree with them and believe what they say. :waves:
    Let them hate me, so long as they fear me...

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    excellent :locked:

    i will read all of these and every other link on Monday i've had a super quick scan through them and i can already see that there are many things to call out on.....but let me go through them on monday properly

    like i still need to see david attenborough so you can understand how the world works! THAT is the most important thing to do do it!...and im not calling you a moron...not at all, but like i said..monday
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

  7. Banned
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    Right then.

    First off, everyone has been spouting "facts." Such as Abyss' post. However, no one has posted any sources? Opinion's fine, but if you use fact then please PLEASE cite sources.

    I'm going to be pedantic here. I don't believe in "Man Made Global Warming." I do, however, believe that we are a major contributor to the natural global warming. We have put a hell of a lot of crap in to the air. Maybe not compared to the natural emissions of greenhouse gasses, but more than we could be.

    However, we are due fr the next ice age.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman Dyson
    In each hundred-thousand year period, there is an ice-age that lasts about ninety thousand years and a warm interglacial period that lasts about ten thousand years. We are at present in a warm period that began twelve thousand years ago, so the onset of the next ice-age is overdue. If human activities were not disturbing the climate, a new ice-age might already have begun.
    So again, thinking logically, we're making the earth hotter which is holding back the next Ice Age. Is this a bad thing? Modern civilisation hasn't had to deal with an Ice Age yet. It could be catastrophic (like the - meteorigically incorrect - The Day After Tomorrow.) Making it hotter is possible the better of two evils.

    I do believe we need to start depending on more ecologically friendly energy resources though. It takes millions of years for new fossil fuels to be made, as the name would suggest. Historically we've only really been using Fossil Fuels since the Victorian times when we had the Industrial Revolution. The dawn of combustion engines.

    That amount of combustion engines has exponentially grown over the last two hundred years. There are roughly seven hundred and fifty million cars in the world, that means roughly seven hundred and fifty million combustion engines wanting lots of lovely petrol.

    According to a report, which has now dissapeared off of the internet, that number is set to double to 1.6 billion cars by 2030. That's just about the whole population of China needing weekly top-ups of something we're running out of, or at least using up quicker than we can find.

    But anyway, on to green hippies. They do have a point. We are contributing (even if they use hyperbole a lot) to global warming, even if slightly. I don't really see that as an issue though. Venus has - theoretically - changed so violently (it is thought to originally be similar, if not identical, to earth) and that was natural. Yes, maybe not what we want, but it's proved that it happens.

    Also, we're getting better with terraforming (making baron planets habitable) technology. Maybe by 2030 when 1.7 Billion cars want fuel we'll have finally cracked how to make full, self-sustaining ecosystems on Mars or the Moon or maybe even Venus, who knows.

    But surely, even if you don't like it rammed down your throats, it is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it? I know I'd rather have a clean, habitable Earth in a thousand years than to not have one and be confined to space ships or in Vaults under the ground.

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    Ok dude....i have read what you have told me to read, and its pretty much the same thing!

    Sent: 29 October 2009
    To: The Knights Carbonic
    Gentlemen, the culmination of our great plan approaches fast. What the Master called "the ordering of men's affairs by a transcendent world state, ordained by God and answerable to no man", which we now know as Communist World Government, advances towards its climax at Copenhagen. For 185 years since the Master, known to the laity as Joseph Fourier, launched his scheme for world domination, the entire physical science community has been working towards this moment.
    The early phases of the plan worked magnificently. First the Master's initial thesis – that the release of infrared radiation is delayed by the atmosphere – had to be accepted by the scientific establishment. I will not bother you with details of the gold paid, the threats made and the blood spilt to achieve this end. But the result was the elimination of the naysayers and the disgrace or incarceration of the Master's rivals. Within 35 years the 3rd Warden of the Grand Temple of the Knights Carbonic (our revered prophet John Tyndall) was able to "demonstrate" the Master's thesis. Our control of physical science was by then so tight that no major objections were sustained.
    More resistance was encountered (and swiftly dispatched) when we sought to install the 6th Warden (Svante Arrhenius) first as professor of physics at Stockholm University, then as rector. From this position he was able to project the Master's second grand law – that the infrared radiation trapped in a planet's atmosphere increases in line with the quantity of carbon dioxide the atmosphere contains. He and his followers (led by the Junior Warden Max Planck) were then able to adapt the entire canon of physical and chemical science to sustain the second law.
    Then began the most hazardous task of all: our attempt to control the instrumental record. Securing the consent of the scientific establishment was a simple matter. But thermometers had by then become widely available, and amateur meteorologists were making their own readings. We needed to show a steady rise as industrialisation proceeded, but some of these unfortunates had other ideas. The global co-option of police and coroners required unprecedented resources, but so far we have been able to cover our tracks.
    The over-enthusiasm of certain of the Knights Carbonic in 1998 was most regrettable. The high reading in that year has proved impossibly costly to sustain. Those of our enemies who have yet to be silenced maintain that the lower temperatures after that date provide evidence of global cooling, even though we have ensured that eight of the 10 warmest years since 1850 have occurred since 2001. From now on we will engineer a smoother progression.
    Our co-option of the physical world has been just as successful. The thinning of the Arctic ice cap was a masterstroke. The ring of secret nuclear power stations around the Arctic circle, attached to giant immersion heaters, remains undetected, as do the space-based lasers dissolving the world's glaciers.
    Altering the migratory and reproductive patterns of the world's wildlife has proved more challenging. Though we have now asserted control over the world's biologists, there is no accounting for the unauthorised observations of farmers, gardeners, birdwatchers and other troublemakers. We have therefore been forced to drive migrating birds, fish and insects into higher latitudes, and to release several million tonnes of plant pheromones every year to accelerate flowering and fruiting. None of this is cheap, and ever more public money, secretly diverted from national accounts by compliant governments, is required to sustain it.
    The co-operation of these governments requires unflagging effort. The capture of George W Bush, a late convert to the cause of Communist World Government, was made possible only by the threatened release of footage filmed by a knight at Yale, showing the future president engaged in coitus with a Ford Mustang. Most ostensibly capitalist governments remain apprised of where their real interests lie, though I note with disappointment that we have so far failed to eliminate Vaclav Klaus. Through the offices of compliant states, the Master's third grand law has been established: world government will be established under the guise of controlling man-made emissions of greenhouse gases.
    Keeping the scientific community in line remains a challenge. The national academies are becoming ever more querulous and greedy, and require higher pay-offs each year. The inexplicable events of the past month, in which the windows of all the leading scientific institutions were broken and a horse's head turned up in James Hansen's bed, appear to have staved off the immediate crisis, but for how much longer can we maintain the consensus? Knights Carbonic, now that the hour of our triumph is at hand, I urge you all to redouble your efforts. In the name of the Master, go forth and terrify.
    Professor Ernst Kattweizel, University of Redcar. 21st Grand Warden of the Temple of the Knights Carbonic.
    This is allegedly the hacked email….! Dude, have you seriously read this? Lmao this is the biggest pile of lul I have ever read! I couldn’t stop laughing!

    But for now i am going to take it as being true....100% true! and even if it was, i still wouldn't believe it!
    But some might, and maybe you are one of them which you're entitled to, but i think your missing the point!

    Even if they have manipulated figures, changed data to suit them blah blah blah (which is wrong to do)...its still a problem!! - even all the other scientists who are condemning the IPCC are saying that themselves that it is still a problem, but the IPCC or whatever it was are just beefing up the reports!

    So regardless to what you may think about 'THEM' the issue still stands.
    To be honest, i think you're getting way over excited and are missing or not reading the information properly
    Like i said way way early in this thread i cant have this kind of conversation because people miss out the simple...and im mean simple simple little things which just blows the whole thing up in air and turns into a whirlpool of havoc, craziness and opinionated mess!

    i've read what you told me to read!
    now go and watch what i have told you to watch!
    What i've been telling to watch is PURE 100% FACT! nothing more, and nothing less!

    but like i said, i cant have this convo!! :/
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

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