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Thread: TF2 Down?

  1. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by assistndestroy View Post
    The common and special infected all follow the same rules when controlled by the AI, which doesn't change whether you're playing on easy or expert. .
    I'm sorry, but you're wrong there, and I say that with 100% authenticity.

    For starters, the AI is much more aggressive on the advanced and expert modes, and on easy and normal it is quite frankly a pushover. Have you ever spotted a boomer on Easy or Normal and noticed how (after making his alert sound to say he's spied you) he just stands there for several seconds, burping and gurgling away? The same boomer on Advanced and Expert will spew on you the minute he's in your range and will then immediately use his melee attack on you repeatedly until he is dispatched.

    It's similar for the hunters - on easy and normal you can shoot them half of the time before they even get into pounce position. Yet on the harder modes, he'll either pounce you straight away, or run at you and claw viciously.

    Again it's the same for smokers - I've known them many times on Easy or Normal, once they've seen you, to just stand there coughing and spluttering. If you don't appear to be acknowledging him, he will snare you, but if you even so much as look at him he'll just run. On advanced/expert, he'll attack you almost instantly or scratch you.

    I don't know about L4D2 SI, but I imagine it's much the same stuff.

    Commons seem to be the same across all modes, although I have noticed that there seems to be more commons on the easier modes. Also, on Easy, a pump shotgun rips through commons just as well as or probably better than an autoshottie does on expert.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  2. Zombie Cat
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    I don't really notice the phenomenon of the specials sitting around on the lower difficulties, because I rarely play normal or easy, so I can't comment on the veracity of that statement. But even if the reaction time on the specials is quicker for the higher difficulties, that really isn't a significant change in the behavior in how they approach the group and attempt an attack remains the same. The only difference is how long you have to seize the initiative in combat, and how much damage they inflict and can take. What I'm talking about in my previous post is that the AI doesn't get any smarter, so between easy and expert, the strategy for dealing with a special doesn't really change.

  3. Witch
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    I do believe the AI gets smarter when you're playing the more difficulty settings...

    You should try Easy a couple times.
    Just keep track of the SI's actions.

    You'll notice a great difference in the way they act, how they choose to react and so on.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  4. Junior Member
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    Yep- What the other members said- Ditto! I agree with them. As for your question, I will rephrase my response to "Wiggin out" or "Over compensating" if you prefer rather than "Too harsh'. As for the rest of the remarks I only used that to get the point across that I'm not some beginner to this game. But I am also not trying to be someones mentor either, nor am I interested in being one of those players who think they are God's gift to L4D(present company excluded of course). But it does seem for some reason like this game has too many so called "Experts" who think they know everything and who usually spend the whole game telling everyone else what to do, when I already know 99% of what they might be telling us strategy wise. I listen anyway because I always hope to learn something new. But Things like "Ok hang back until the witch calms down a bit before the next person tries to pass her". Or the classic "Hit the tank with the Moli first, then keep moving back". Or how bout any of these- "Hit the witch with the bile jar", "Don't use your health kit till your black and white", "Let him lay there and wack all the zombies out before you attempt a rescue", "Don't get too far ahead or you'll get raped"- on and on and on. I pretty much like being a person who works well with my team mates and I am generally the one in the game who rescues and protects the majority of players. Many of these same so called "Experts" are too busy trying to get ahead of everyone else and taking control that they forget the most basic rules such as "Before you open the safe room door and run off on the next level try waiting at least until all the players have spawned". "Don't get too far ahead or your gonna get jumped or smoked". So many of these big talkers end up getting fucked up the road a piece then the late spawners are expected to go save their ass, and it's usually me who does it. I remember one game I happened to make it to an area first with one other player. The other two were fending off a few zombies behind us just around the corner. So we held up and gaurded the forward area which at that moment a huge horde came out of nowhere so I tossed a moli about 15 feet ahead. Now one of the guys that was around the corner spent the entire game tellling everyone what a pro he was "I'm one of the best of the circuit". Anyway he runs and intentionally jumps right into the fire from the moli I just threw some 10 seconds earlier, and of course because it was expert he died. I said "Wth? How come you jumped into the fire?" He replied- "Because I am always the one up ahead, if you knew me you know I always take the lead, not you! You shouldn't have thrown a moli here. Your just a really bad player". Nope, I saw through his bullshit. The strategy I used seemed not only solid, perfect, but also totally warranted. He was just pissed because I knocked off a horde he wanted to take out. He was the one interested in making sure he had the highest kill ratio. The entire game he did, except that round of course. Afterward he kept insulting me, and I simply ignored him until it sort of hurt my feelings after awhile, so I left the game. To me this guy represented the worst kind of player. The ones on a power trip, the ones out to get the most zombie kills, the most special infected kills, the most tank damage, etc. Yet they can't simply hold back in the saferoom untill everyone respawns. To me this sort of person is a novis. Now if they happen to be good at kills like shot-gunning a wicth down at point blank range and getting twice the number of zombie kills as I have, yet they consistantly care more about the welfare of their team rather than being the big headed expert, well then I am more than williing to respect them and listen to their advice, because a good player should always be willing to admit there is something new to learn all the time. I try to be a humble player and gaurd my team mates as best I can. To me a real expert can be measured by how much he or she takes their team mates into consideration.

  5. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonsGoMOO View Post
    I do believe the AI gets smarter when you're playing the more difficulty settings...

    You should try Easy a couple times.
    Just keep track of the SI's actions.

    You'll notice a great difference in the way they act, how they choose to react and so on.
    I agree. Playing on easy really shows you how different the infected react. Even the zombies are total wimps on easy mode. On expert I can't remember how many times we shoot them in the face and head and the same dumb assed zombie keeps coming in for a bite to eat anyway. Well I mean they move in to kick your ass rather than for a quick snack. All they want to do is kick and punch, they don't seem all that hungry

  6. Zombie Cat
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    Thank you it is funny.

  7. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Please, I beg you,

    (Guy off family guy who does nothing but claps and laughs) FUnny!

  8. Zombie Cat
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    @ Kagato Where do you get those funny pics

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