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Thread: Time for a server-stat reset?

  1. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShotgunJustice View Post
    I'm not perfect, but I don't really feel like giving something up. I don't smoke, drink or take drugs so I'm clean, but there's not too much to do.
    That isn't the point of Lent. the point of Lent is to give up something you REALLY REALLY love. its a time of self denial. it can be something simple, like you aren't going to eat out.
    some of my relatives give up meat for lent, and I know some religions give up meat and dairy. (Unless there like diabetic, which is one of my friends' case. she can give up meat but not the dairy.)

    my family's giving up Soda for lent. its not that hard actually, I don't really even miss the drink. it was always just kind of there so I drank it. I thought about giving up gaming, but I've already cut back a huge amount on how much I'm gaming. might have to start watching myself again seeing as I have rediscovered hand helds. maybe next year I'll give up gaming for lent lol.
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  2. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almostinsane View Post
    That isn't the point of Lent. the point of Lent is to give up something you REALLY REALLY love. its a time of self denial.
    Its not that hard actually, I don't really even miss the drink. it was always just kind of there so I drank it.
    I'm also pretty sure you're suppose to give up something you're going to miss.

    I haven't been to church in a few years. So I'm not giving up anything up...I could easily give up stuff like meat and cheese - but 1) I'm doing it anyway and 2) It's something that really means a lot to me.

  3. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    I'm also pretty sure you're suppose to give up something you're going to miss.

    Yeah, you are.
    and let me rephrase myself.
    I am not missing it as much as I thought I would.

    let me also add this much.
    I'm the type of person that can adjust pretty well. I used to hate change as a kid but now I can cope pretty easily. if I can't game, I'd write. if I can't write, I'd read. if I can't read, I'd watch a movie. if I can't watch a movie, I'd go for a walk. if I can't go for a walk, I'd do jumping jacks or run around in circles in my sisters room harassing her for about 2 hours straight. if I can't harass my sister, I'd play and bug with my skink.
    if I couldn't play or bug my skink, I'd just be a bad pet owner.
    Lent can't be all that dramatic for me because I don't need any of the stuff that I use on a daily basis. it might take a day or two to get used to, and maybe occasionally I'd miss it, and I would probably whine that I don't have it, but I complain for attention.
    the only thing I need is the bare essentials. I might go a little crazy at some points, but I could walk to one of my friends house and harass them for the day. (GASP) The horror! Communicating WITHOUT THE INTERNET?!!? FOREIGN CONCEPT!! DOES NOT COMPUTE.
    Basically; Like all people in this day and age I'm spoiled. I have the LCD screen, a computer I didn't pay for, my 3 iPods, xbox, ps3, wii, pretty much every console released since 1990(+ some extras.. have a couple doubles lying around) and a ton of junk food I'd really be better off without. this house is actually a very large house. my family is rather large for these parts - 6 people - and I can't believe we need all this space. we really don't. purge a few things, and we could actually move into a much smaller house and still deal. we might see eachother more often, but whats the bad part about that? People would probably walk way more often.
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