Quote Originally Posted by Sketch
Quote Originally Posted by Veovis
Quote Originally Posted by shoi
he must be able to have a good idea of how much health the enemies have

i've noticed in his demos and frag videos that he seems to be able to show up and take out 3 people with one shot each... which is a great skill to have. it probably also has to do with team communication
He also goes for soldiers with a medic on them a lot... a risky move unless you know they are very low.
Watching it a second time, I noticed he often goes for the Medic last, which surprised me. Competitive play must be on a entirely different level.

I was most impressed by the double-jumps on Badlands. He must know the rocks on mid like the back of his hand.
Honestly, Carnage's movement isn't as good as many other top scouts, but his aim a different matter! Go for the solly if you think you can kill him... The medic will generally keep healing him 'till the bitter end, and the soldier is the one that can kill you the fastest.

Anyways, another version of this which was a rough draft just got put out... It has more frags, and a funny ending.
