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Thread: New Unlock Ideas part 3

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    New Unlock Ideas part 3

    Sorry i havn't posted in a bit, stopped play tf2 to play champions online. Now im tf2ing again and finished the engi ideas. More to come hopefully.

    This is a list of each class, and unlockables I think would be interesting to implement. Since only the engi is left, these would all be 3rd round unlocks. Keep that in mind. Let me know what you think, I had planned to do this each day on steam fourms, but then realized that every frisking 5 seconds someone posts, so no one would see em. I’ll just do them all that once now, and repost a few times just in case (in different spots). Pentadacts (inspiration to some degree) is here:


    New PDA: Hey all you egg heads! Tired of building the same old thing time and time again? Erect a dispenser, grab an ammo crate, pop a sentry, maybe finish that teleporter exit (of course you built a entrance at your spawn first! Who wouldn’t!). Then whack on em for a bit… Sentry kills close foes, dispenser heals snipers and scouts, maybe transport a few heavys… Oh Noes, a spy! Oh, pyro got him… sigh… But wait… what’s that, gleaming in the distance? Is it… no… don’t fall in love again, you’ll only get hurt… No, it is! A new PDA!! New stuff to build, finally!!! And best of all, it replaces you shitgun, err, shotgun, so you can have 2 different PDAs at once! And what new stuff can you build? Are you uncontrollably salivating yet?! Well,… First, there’s the Snip-o-matic, a triple barreled tripod mounted beauty, each crome barrel mounted with a laser sight! To cut down on overheat, and to increase accuracy from recoil, this gun fires one barrel, then another, then another, so one shoots, while the others reload! Ok, so the caliber of the rounds are small (only does about ambassador level damage), but hey, extra range, plus headshots = win! Upgrade it, and it loses a barrel! That’s right, it gets less barrels when it upgrades! But don’t fret you gun lovers, cause the shots are 2x’s as big! And while the fire rate may be a little slower, the lasers charge the shot like a sniper rifle! Fire one, then switch to the other barrel so the first can charge! And no reloads! Level three has only one barrel, but using a cylindrical system to fire and reload super fast, so it shoots a little faster then the lv2. And since its more or less a tank-mounted machine gun, now automated, it sprays 5 shots in a line at enemies heads, guarantying that at least 2, maybe even 3 hit the most dodgy foes, and maybe hit a few near them! Though it doesn’t charge, it does x3 head crits, so high damage headshots are a breeze! There’s one negative with this sentry, as so with the sniper. More than one foe at anything but long range is a total hassle. Which is why the second new and shiny building, the COMPRESSOR is your best friend! Created using pyro-tech, the lv1 has 3 air tanks on a tripod, made to deflect incoming rockets/grenades/arrows/ect as well as push close foes away! It even can push spies and momentary make their cloak shimmer! The lv one works only instantly, and only in those 3 directions, but the lv2 fixes this a bit, and adds some fire power! With 4 tanks that constantly rotate, and a 1sec continuous compression blast (with a cool down time after) this thing rocks! But wait! There’s so much more! It also has a mounted pistol that rotates while firing to help keep those pesky spies at bay! And now, the piece de resistance! The lv 3! It has 6 tanks, that fire individually for 3 secs, keeping almost all projectiles at bay! And now with 3 rotating mounted shotguns (YAY!), spy checkings never been easier! The compressor may even get the occasional kill! Our third device is rather… Unusual. The Spawn-bot-o-mobob creates a single bot, that lives, fights, then dies, and then is gone forever. Or, at least until the machine resets. A lv one makes only scouts, spies and snipers. A lv two can make demos, pyros and engies, while a lv 3 can make heavies, soldiers and medics. It picks what you team lacks, and tries to function like the bot spawns now available (they should be done by the time this would be out). They don’t show up on the board, and don’t count as part of your team (or anyone’s team really). No bot Domninations! Whoo! Finally, the megaporter, a continually spinning, teleporting machine (machine as in it is constant, awesome and also a machine). The lv1 is the size of a regular teleporter, but takes 2x the build time. But it never stops spinning, thus one tp after another is a snap! Of course, there’s a little negative… It takes metal to teleport. Every teleport eats at its energy supply, regainable only though a good whack of metal The lv2 is much larger than the regular teleporter, able to hold multiple people on its pad, but can eat metal much faster. Finally is the lv3, the true megaporter! It’s 3 times the size of a regular teleporter, but again, needing metal to feed it. This version has a one second cooldown between tps, but can transport everyone on the pad at once, with only the cost of on tp in energy! Tp half your team in one go! One other thing. Spies can telefrag using it much, much, much easier, but it still only telefrag one person (possibly at random).

    Trapatron: Tired of that worthless pistol? Does its uselessness and high ammo make you want to gnaw your own arm off? Have you in fact, tried to gnaw your arm off? Doesn’t it hurt, like, a lot? Is your mouth tired from trying? You know what, if your that crazy and stupid, maybe this next unlock is for you! Replace that time honored pistol with something experimental and dangerous to everyone! The Trapatron is the ultimate building defense system! It hooks various traps to, and near your buildings, and can place some away from them to surprise your foes! All are prototypes, so if they don’t work, you’ll probably be dead, which means no issues for us! Yay! In any case, here are some of our objects in operation (maybe more to follow (whatever valve thinks is cool)). First we start with away from buildings. Placeable anywhere just about, invisible to foes till triggered, but needing to be x feet from another Trapatron trap, they are; A pop up lv 1 sentry, an air blaster (2secs, long range compression blast in one direction), thunderclapper (loud boom, then stun foe), and a uber drainer (1/4 uber drained). Placeable on buildings would be; A one shot compression blast, a spy killer (explodes and does 130 damage in 5ft when a enemy spy walks by), a one shot 5sec ubersheild for the building (only when it goes down to half life or something) and kritzfeild (makes sentry do minicrits, increase dispenser work, increases teleporter workings for the next 3 goes). The primary fire places and the secondary fire cycles though the options (it has a screen that tell you what you would place and a blueprint to tell you where or on what).

    Robot: Nothings worse than having to do the work yourself right? But wait braincase, why don’t you just make a robot to do it for you? Well, why not let us do it for you, and we’ll sell it to you and if (when actually) it kills you we keep you money? Ok, sound like we have a deal! Throw that wrench away boys, and let you little robot (which follows you around) do you work for you! It gathers metal! It can take metal from you too! It’s invincible and small and cute, so it can pick up fallen weapons where you fear to tread! It’ll upgrade and fix you buildings! It focus on one till it’s all done too! So if a solider damages one building, then starts on another, the robot will fix one till it’s fixed, and will ignore other, maybe more damaged buildings! That’s not really a good thing! Deal with it! It can hit people! With its wrench hands! Booya! It won’t go more than about 6 feet from you! After all your buildings are upgraded, it’ll make another one of its self! For each building! It costs 200 metal! Of its own metal! Or it will take yours! After it makes one for each building, it will follow you and wrench people! It does less damage, but oh well! Those other robots on buildings will walk (or roll really) around when they have nothing to do, and wrench enemies! Robots can’t be sapped! Man, 20 cups of coffee makes you energetic!

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    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

  3. Registered TeamPlayer enf's Avatar
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    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozanTomb
    Sorry i havn't posted in a bit, stopped play tf2 to play champions online. Now im tf2ing again
    I think you need to start TF2ing at TTP instead of just whoring your ideas here.

    2009-11-22 0d 00:55:16h
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    Quote Originally Posted by ATEXANnHISGUN View Post
    given the right set of circumstances I can motivate myself to eat a plate full of shit.

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    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

    A) just because my stats are low doesn't mean i don't play on your servers. Usually they're empty.
    B) I can't whore anywhere else right now. Sorry its your corner, now pay half up front if you want to have a good time

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
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    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

    You know, this may be considered advertising for another site.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer LuckyDucky's Avatar
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    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozanTomb
    A) just because my stats are low doesn't mean i don't play on your servers. Usually they're empty.
    They are not empty... and it isn't your stats that are low, it's your TIME PLAYED that is low, you know the thing that tells us how much time you actually spend on the servers?
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

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    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

    The one thing I've thought about Engineers is to lay down mines. Maybe traps.

    Even better, having a bouncing betty. That would be awesome!

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Whiskey_dod's Avatar
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    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Watsyurdeal?
    You know, this may be considered advertising for another site.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Mr.Expendable's Avatar
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    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey_dod
    Quote Originally Posted by Watsyurdeal?
    You know, this may be considered advertising for another site.
    There is no harm done in him sharing ideas, so why not?

  10. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Gamertag: FragRaptor Steam ID: FragRaptor

    Re: New Unlock Ideas part 3

    New engi wrench needs to be able to put 3 lvl 1 buildings down at a time.

    The above = better offensive engineer.

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