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Thread: New Unlocks part 6

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    New Unlocks part 6

    This is a list of each class, and unlockables I think would be interesting to implement. Since only the engi is left, these would all be 3rd round unlocks. Keep that in mind. Let me know what you think, I had planned to do this each day on steam fourms, but then realized that every frisking 5 seconds someone posts, so no one would see em. I’ll just do them all that once now, and repost a few times just in case (in different spots). Pentadacts (inspiration to some degree) is here:

    I realize some of these ideas, as are, cannot be implemented the way their formatted. Nothing is concrete, just the opposite. Most of the weapons have WAY too much meat compared to the streamlined weapons in game. I'm sure (100% in fact) that when steam thinks of game and weapon ideas, they first have a grand thought with way too much in it. 'Let’s make it do this and this and this!!' Assume that about half of any weapon (even the bare bones) is what would be really made, and that am not a professional game maker, so what is reasonable and what is cool is inseparable to me right now. Maybe that will change one day. These are concepts, and OP up the butt. I know.

    Links to other parts:

    part1 of this (scout pyro)

    part 2 (heavy)

    part 3 (engi)

    part 4 (spy/sniper)

    part5 (Sol, demo)


    Big needle: To replace the good ol saws, medics get something from our deepest nightmares, and their wettest dreams. 40% less damage, this rusty, green-goo filled foot long syringe is capable of some disgusting and amazing feats (depending on which you are, friend or foe). It has a bar that drains when it hits its first target and take 10 secs to recharge. When hovered over a target, your aimer turners into a skull (foe) or medic head with a halo (friend), when the bar is full (and the green goo fills back up inside). If you skull hit a foe, it does normal damage and gives them a disease. It mutates every 5-10 seconds, from –speed to –damage, damage over time, ect. It also can jump to other nearby allys, about once every second. Every time it doesn’t jump, its chance to jump increases. It stays with the person till they die, or receive enough healing (3 seconds from medic, or 100% heal from medpacks). Every med pack less than 100% reduces the effect of the disease, smalls by 33%, mediums by 66%. Your teammates are immune to your diseases, so they can’t jump to them (but medics on other teams can infect them). When a ally is hit with the medic-with-halo, he gains a positive bonus stim for 30 seconds which increases something at random (speed, damage, small regen, ect), but forces the 10 second recharge. Anyone can be affected by only one disease and/or one buff from the Big Needle, even with multiple medics. If a target is already affected by buff/ disease, the Big Needle will not use its charge, instead doing only its regular damage.

    Syringe Cannon: Sometimes you need to hit someone far away with a disease filled needle, and the regular syringe gun/blutsager just won’t get the job done. And sometimes you need to put one big needle in someones face, not pester them with a barrage. Have both. The Syringe Cannon charges similar to the huntsman (but for a full charge, gets half the distance), but shoots one 2 foot needle. Though headshots don’t count extra, and the damage is much lower, it can random crit. It also has much more ammo. The syringe does decent damage with no falloff, and gives a negative life regen debuff which continuously hurts the affected foe. It also gives them a disease, which while half as powerful as the Big Needles, it can affect foes in addition to the Big Needles disease, and like its big brother, it affects allys the same way, buffing any hit by accident (20 second buff not 30) (again though, 1 disease and buff per person from the Syringe cannon, and one from the Big Needle). The trick is, the weaker one is cut down some more if a target is disease/buffed by both the Big Needle and the Syringe Cannon. So both don’t get 1 and ½ the effect, more like 1 and a 1/4. One nice thing is the Syringe cannon, when used on allys, gives them a buff, but also a good regen buff for a time (like 2-3 a second for 10 seconds).

    Needle Vest: Though much maligned, battle medics can be formidable forces. They’re fast, self healing, and good close range damage. But battle medics don’t heal other well, their main purpose, thus are generally a drag on the team. Thus I present a solution, the Needle Vest. Replacing the Medigun, this syringe covered vest is hooked right into the backpack system. It fires a burst of needles every second, giving allys within 15 feet health and regen and small buffs (again, same rules as with the others, adds only ¼ the effect, 5 seconds, and random buffs but stacks with the others). While it may not heal as much per second to any one target, it can patch up whole groups much faster. And the heal/regen scales up based on how damaged you are (how damaged the patient is, not the medic). It also overheals, and can do it to groups much easier (though the amount overhealed a second scales down the higher someone is). To foes, it is a constant supply of damage, negative regen, and small diseases. It slowly (20% slower then medigun) builds a mini-uber, which activates with alt fire regardless of wepion. The mini-uber makes allys with the vest affect radius glow with power, and sparkle and shimmer their team color. It cause all affected for the 15 seconds (or so) to take 35% less damage (reverse minicrits), as well as enjoy slightly improved heals, regens and buffs. The vests needles also now does minicrits vs enemies, and increases the negative regen and disease by the same amount.

    Also, apprently, the medic in tf:classic could infect people. I was unaware of this until after I wrote these weapons. Keep that in mind.

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    Re: New Unlocks part 6

    Tomorrow, I’ll make my final post on these ideas, with a Coup De Gras, A 10th CLASS IDEA! It’ll never be used, but hey, gotta throw my hat in.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Mr.Expendable's Avatar
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    Re: New Unlocks part 6

    I actually really like the disease needle idea, I always thought that should be an effect to the needle gun, damage over time, but they never did it. Both the ideas ive heard before but its nice to hear it all explained out.
    The vest is also a cool idea aswell, sounds similar to the buff banner in the way it ubers two questions for it though:
    What slot would it take over? It isnt specified but im guessing the medicgun slot.
    and, Would it take metal over time? seeing as it does shoot needles and that might be a way to make it not OP seeing as it gives minicrits and semi-uber to everyone within an area, which would be devistating if the whole team was within it. (Though thinking about it a crits would work really well because it would be able to kill them all within that small area, even if it might take more then one sticky to kill them all)

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: New Unlocks part 6

    Thank you for posting.
    1) Yes it takes over medigun, I though I made that obvious, ill rewrite it so it says it does. No wait, It says it replaces it after I say 'Thus I present a solution, the Needle Vest.' You must have missed it
    2)On the medic description (where you can find it), it mentions he has an inxhustable supply of needles he loves to plunge into flesh, so no, the vest has no ammo per say I whould think. I didn't intend it to, and while that might not make sense, tf2 stuff doesn't have to make sense
    3) I might not have been clear, my fault. The mini-uber does give reverse mini-crits (you and allys around you take 35% less damage for the duration), but when I mentioned the giving of mini-crits, I meant the needles that come off the vest mini-crit for the duration, not the affected people. Sorry for any confusion, I've fixed it

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Mr.Expendable's Avatar
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    Re: New Unlocks part 6

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozanTomb
    Thank you for posting.
    1) Yes it takes over medigun, I though I made that obvious, ill rewrite it so it says it does. No wait, It says it replaces it after I say 'Thus I present a solution, the Needle Vest.' You must have missed it
    2)On the medic description (where you can find it), it mentions he has an inxhustable supply of needles he loves to plunge into flesh, so no, the vest has no ammo per say I whould think. I didn't intend it to, and while that might not make sense, tf2 stuff doesn't have to make sense
    3) I might not have been clear, my fault. The mini-uber does give reverse mini-crits (you and allys around you take 35% less damage for the duration), but when I mentioned the giving of mini-crits, I meant the needles that come off the vest mini-crit for the duration, not the affected people. Sorry for any confusion, I've fixed it
    cool, sorry actually i did kind of skimm it to get the idea and I missed little bits. But yeah this one is probably your best out of the 6 installments you've posted.

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