Quote Originally Posted by Watsyurdeal?
Quote Originally Posted by Ruukil
Quote Originally Posted by Watsyurdeal?
Quote Originally Posted by Sketch
Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey_dod
I know I play spy frequently, but I don't see too many others doing that anymore. I burned out of spy awhile ago, and have since gotten back into it. Who knows... maybe the rest are a little burned out roasted to a crisp, charred pile o' gibs right now...

Thank you TTP Engineers!
Double fixed

Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cat
I am in agreement to mock the TTP Pyro. This is a Gentleman's agreement between the Spies and the Pyros. All those agreeing say 'Aye', and all those opposed say 'Aye.'
Aye only cause they are women, and I must be chivalrous.
Nay, I am a man. Yay You may mock me. I deserve it.

I love how easy these fixes are