First off, I'd like to say a big thank you for adding in the weapon restrict capabilities. Makes the game much more enjoyable for everyone :9

One suggestion for the map rotation though -

It seems to me that Lonestar automatically picks a "Not often played" map in the event that no one has rtv'd and nominated a map for voting. This is fine, except that those maps are "Not often played" for a good reason - they cut down on teamwork and empty out servers in a hurry.

We have been getting more than a healthy dose of Havana, Italy, Prodigy, and Assault these last few days. While these maps can be fun for a brief time, they often deteriorate into non-stop slowplays and a royal asswhooping for the objective side of the map.

It would be nice if we could choose between several maps before Lonestar picks one for us. Maybe something along the lines of an extend option, 3 out of the top 10 most popular maps (at random), and 1 less common map.

Not sure how flexible Lonestar mod is with options like this, but it would be a welcome addition.

Thanks for taking the time to look this over, and thanks again for the options you have already added at our requests.
