What do we do?

We publish twice weekly, on Mondays and Thursdays. Naturally, this can only happen if we have articles to publish, and sometimes submissions are more sparse than at other times. If you were ever considering writing an article pertinent to ...Texas TeamPlayers... , please let us help you.

The first step is in finding people to write articles. This is not as easy as it sounds. It requires poring over the forums daily to find topics in threads worthy of expanding to an article and publishing. Once a suitable topic is found, either the author of the thread / post or another interested member must be persuaded to flesh it out, polish it up, and formatted it for submission.

Not all articles get published, of course. Some are removed at the request of the author, others are found to be wildly inaccurate or plagiarized. Some never make it through the fleshing out, polishing and formatting due to lack of interest on the author's part.

Once an article is submitted through the editor we use (not on the forums, mind you), it is put up for a vote to the editorial board. We examine it for formatting errors, for potential plagiarism, for correct citations, for complete information, general flow, and lastly, time allowing, for spelling and grammar errors. One of the editors will "take point" on each article. The author is responsible for creating the content, any major rewording, and formatting and polishing the article. The editor is responsible for communicating with the author to assist with the fleshing out, polishing, formatting, and help resolve and issues or suggestions (and ensure that these are updated in the article).

All changes being made and a majority of editors voting that the article is ready to publish, the article is then in line to be published at the next available date. All articles are published in order of submission date as appearing in the article manager.

Why should you publish an article?
Fame, fortune, and romance ... well, I may be exaggerating a little, but think about what it does give you:

  • Sharing: If you enjoy the site and believe that people would get something out, you are helping the community to improve and grow.

  • Writing practice: If you enjoy writing, or wish to have more experience in it, this is an excellent way to get in some practice.

  • Get your name out there: There is a certain amount of prestige involved with having a good article published; people appreciate it, and hey, who knows, perhaps girls and guys will like you more, or want to be you

  • They are fun: I found it quite fun to write an article, and even though it was not as detailed or elaborate as some of the other articles, I had a good time writing it, and I hope that it has helped some of the people newer to the topic.

  • Learning: While writing the article I learned a few things that I had questions about and learned a little from talking to others on the topic.

What can you write about?

In some of the boards there are ideas for starting articles gathered in one spot (for example, the "The eensy, weensy spider..." thread on the bf2142 board http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?topic=46067) . Anytime someone spots a pertinent topic that is not in an article, a person can ask the author for permission to make it an article, or suggest they do it themselves. Browse through the articles and see if there are any gaps in what has already been covered. Articles can vary from individual tactics, map layouts and routes, item and weapon selections, the validity and effectiveness of certain things ... well, almost anything that is gaming or ...Texas TeamPlayers... related.

Are you interested yet?
then check out the "Articles and TTP forums" for guidelines and more information!

Even if you are not interested in becoming an Author, stop by the articles and check them out.
BF2142 Articles: http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?cat=51
(and while you are there, don't forget to check out the other interesting article categories).