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Thread: Zombie chapter 7

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    Zombie chapter 7

    Title: Weekly Zombie Digest: Chapter 7

    Intro: Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!


    Case File: II45894-036
    Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
    Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
    Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

    Begin Case File Seventh Entry

    Case Subject: [url=;u=3694]Ruukil

    Early Morning, December 9th:

    It better be December 9th. Or I've gone crazy already. No one has responded to my attempts. I started the car and slowly pulled out of the street. If no one was here I was going to search a few ground level houses for food and supplies. This is Texas after all.

    I unlocked my door and shut it behind me. I locked it for some reason, probably to convince myself that the car would be safe.

    I walked to the nearest door and peeked in the window. It didn't look like anything was there, but I wasn't taking chances. I first checked around me. There were no zombies that I could see. Of course I have horrible vision, I wouldn't be able to see them if they were much farther than one hundred yards.

    I opened the door, it had been unlocked. The lights were out, I switched them on, I didn't hear anything at all, but there was probably something there. I panned around for a second before going into the living room area. Instantly I noticed it, the rifle. It was a nice rifle, a big scope too. I will have to find out what kind it is. It had a clip in it so I went looking for the rest of the ammo. I tore the room apart looking for it. All I found was some duct tape and a few batteries. I kept those.

    I went to the hall closet next. I heard something moving in there. Then I opened the door and jumped back a few feet down the hall. Then it bolted out quickly, she was too fast for me to identify her. I hit her in the face with the butt of my shotgun and brought the barrel to her. I unloaded two shots into her body. It was over in an instant. Then I looked down at her, she had been a human. A little girl no older than my sister. She'd probably been hiding in the closet for a very long time. Weeks. But the ammo was there in the closet. I grabbed it in both hands and left.

    I rushed back here to the car and locked the door. I'll go back out in a little wile, but I need to think, I just killed an innocent child. It was her fault too for jumping out at me. She probably thought I was infected. I named her Kate, that's what it said on the wall under two other names, Jared and Mary. Some pretty uncreative names if you ask me. I've vented enough here. I'm going to sleep. I need to wait for the zombies that are on their way to disperse. I'm hiding under a piece of sheet metal on the floor of the back seat.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=4796]Tick

    December 9th, mid-morning (watch still broken)

    Fell asleep last night under a stack of reloading and ammunition manuals. My head is currently swimming with powder measurements, casting specifications, overpressure considerations... Need to unwind. Think I'll risk a couple shots with my .308, stay in practice. Probably attract a few more of those bastards, but shouldn't be too bad. After that, I'll get to work on a new and improved pipe bomb.

    December 9th, half hour later

    Shit. I severely underestimated the range of hearing these things have. I might have a problem.

    I suppose it's kinda fortunate I got the .308 out, as someone had knocked the scope off zero last time it was out. Glad I found that out now rather than when I desperately needed my shot to be on target, I guess, but I don't know if I'll get that chance now. There are at least fifty of those things downstairs now. I've retreated back inside the apartment and blacked out the balcony door again, but I can still hear them out there. Christ, they're loud. One of them is screeching like a banshee. Even with ear plugs, I doubt I'll be getting any sleep as long as they're still down there.

    The stairs are still out, so I don't think any of them can get up here, but it's going to be hell for anyone else to get up here through that mob. Better start working on that pipe bomb. Really wishing I'd paid better attention in chem and physics.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3694]Ruukil

    They're everywhere.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=1575]AK99

    Blackberry Entry-Diary December 9th.

    December 9th- Fire Station. 0900hrs

    I haven't slept at much. Last night I heard those things all over the place. Maybe only a block or two away. When I look out the windows I see more. More often. Grave has to get here sometime. Its getting scary. And sitting here all alone is not helping. I'm going to sleep during the day. Survive during the night.

    End Entry-Diary December 9th.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Dec 9th 5AM,

    Man, its early. I haven't woke up this early in a long time. But in the end, I couldn't sleep anymore.. my arm hurts too much. Ficet is wide awake too, so we've decided to head out early. We found ammo that fit our weapons in an ammo pile that people seem to keep leaving in these rooms. We're as equipped as we can be, for now, so I guess it's time we head out.


    We've stopped to rest for a bit inside a derelict van. So far it's been pretty quiet. We've seen a few of the zombies, but nothing we couldn't either sneak around, or silently kill. Did you know these things will die from a heart shot? Ficet explained that one to me. He's quite effective with that makeshift bayonet. Sure makes it easier knowing I don't have to always aim for their head.

    We're gonna move out in a few... and now I just heard that telltale cough. Our friend the Wheezer is out there somewhere.


    Stopping to rest again. I decided to write on the go, today, every chance I get. We've had some good and bad luck.

    The good luck; we found a downed chopper, half crashed into the side of a building. I can't be sure, but it may have been a Blackhawk. That's Army, right? The pilot was toast, his head caved in from the impact with the building. ...there was one of those screamer things that attacked me yesterday as well. It's body was mangled, also from the crash I presume, but it had the same hoodie. ...what is it with these things? Do they wear uniforms? I mean... the two witches I've seen looked identical, and now these hoodie wearing things too... At first we weren't sure how it could have gotten into the chopper... but then I remembered when the one hit me yesterday. The impact like it nailed me from the air. Ficet confirmed it.. the thing had come flying at me, not running. Maybe this one LEPT into the chopper? ...I think I'll call em Leapers, then..

    Why was it good luck? I found the pilots sub machine gun, still strapped in next to the seat. Plus three clips of ammo for it. I don't know what type of gun it is, I'm not military.. maybe an M-something? ..It's not a P-90.. that I know (I've watched a lot of MacGuyver-gate: SG1 in my day, and they ALWAYS used P-90s). The sub was light weight and easy to hold, even with my bad arm, so I replaced the BB rifle Ficet had given me... I felt it was only prudent.

    The bad luck came when we made the bad decision of cutting through an alley... smack into a mob of them. It got a little hairy for a second, but luckily we'd discussed, then practiced the idea of backing into a corner, me crouching low, him staying high and shooting over my head. It worked in reality pretty well... but that my ears are ringing and my head hurts like a bastard. ... I'm down to a clip and a half, or so, of ammo left for the sub, though.

    I think the Wheezer guy is following us, probably over the roof tops. ...I'd dearly love to give him a Halls. We heard Mr. Gastrointestinal Man for a brief period also, but he must have moved on.

    12:40 PM,

    That coughing is gonna drive me insane.

    However, we hit the paydirt. First, a completely empty street. Like deserted. No zombies in sight.

    Then, on said street, was a nice Sporting goods/Survival store. Most of the good stuff was looted, but we grabbed some backpacks and filled em up with an assortment of dried fruit and granola packages, and even managed to find some ammo that fit my sub, plus some shotgun ammo for Ficet. Found a good pair of boots for each of us too.

    Even better, two buildings down was a medical supply store, which is where we're camped out now. Found a plethora of bandages and first aid supplies.. and even better, an assortment of pain medication. About the first thing I did was immediately take two hydrocodone. Hopefully enough to kill the pain, but not enough to make me loopy. There's a bunch of other stuff in here too. Hypothermia blankets, IV poles, IV bags of saline, regular blankets... hospital supplies, basically.

    We've also figured out why the street is so deserted. Down the street aways, there's a butcher shop. Apparently there's a zombie party, and we missed the invitation. I think every zombie that was on this street is packed into that damn butcher shop. Do zombies eat beef and pork?? I hear them banging on something, a door maybe.

    I say whatever is distracting them, keeps their eyes off of us. Ficet, however has that look in his eye. He wants to know what's up. He wants to go and find out what could be drawing them in there.

    I can't deny that I'm curious about it myself.

    I've talked him into waiting long enough for the hydrocodone to kick in, at least, which has given me time to wr

    Holy shit.

    There's someone out there. I mean someone HUMAN. He apparently agrees with Ficet and is headed right for the butcher shop. He's got.. it looks like a bottle.. in his hand. I think he's lighting a match.. holy hell, he made a Molotov Cocktail!

    Ficet's got his gun and is on the move.

    Time to go!


    Case Subject: [url=;u=1575]AK99

    Blackberry Entry-Diary December 9th.

    December 9th- LOCATION ERROR 75691. 1559hrs

    I don't even know were to start. I've been on the run for almost 2 hours now. I think I'm safe. I have no food, one flask of water and 2 magazines of spare .45 ammo.

    I had just finished eating a cold hotdog from the fridge then went around to check the doors and windows and made sure I still had the truck locked except the driver door. I climbed in and took a nap. Next thing I knew I heard a switch click down and my leg slipped off the dash of the truck then a slight delay and bam! Every light on the truck turns on and the Q siren wails. My leg fell off the dash and hit the master warn switch. Every flashing, revolving, and strobe light that the truck had was now on and gleaming. The Q siren so loud that it rattled the garrage door and all the windows in the truck.

    Those things. They came running so fast.

    I knew I couldn't risk taking the truck. I turned the switch off, shut the door, and ran ran as fast and as long as I could. The faces. So. So. Gruesome. As I ran they started closing in on me. I jumped over a car, spun around and unloaded a clip into the group. It slowed them down but I don't think it stopped any of them. I just kept jumping and running over cars and trying to get away. They couldn't get over the cars or get around them as fast as I could thank god.

    I've run in circles for about two hours maybe more. Maybe less. I'm near my house. I'm going to look for any supplies left. My parents are long gone. My dad got called back to Washington D.C. He said he wasn't sure where they are going but he knows that it was going to be in the north possibly in Greenland or Iceland.

    Now not only do I have to spend a night out here in the woods and hide. But I need to get back the Fire Truck.

    December 9th- House. 1643hrs

    The house is empty. It looks like someone threw up over every square inch of this place. Nothing in here is useful. I think I'm going to try and stay the night in here. If it gets bad I'll climb on top of the roof and make a last stand.

    End Entry-Diary December 9th.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3006]Allane

    Dec 9th 5AM

    It's a little early to be headed out, but by the time I get to anywhere worth stopping to rest, it'll be light anyways. I found a beer bottle in that safehouse and a small rag. I'm thinking I can rig up a bit of a Molotov Cocktail with this thing. I kicked my smoking habit a whiles back, but I keep a lighter for when I get extremely stressed.

    I've been hearing quite a bit of coughing going around above me. Makes me want to hand him a big cough drop, because he's coughing quite often. However, his coughing sounds strange, not too human, but that's probably just me.

    I see quite a bit of smoke billowing into the sky, maybe I can go check it out, there might be people I can hook up with over there.

    9 AM

    I've arrived at the wreck, had to make my way through a handful of those infected to get here. As long as I keep my flashlight off and move silently, they're easy to get past. I ran into a zombie I just couldn't get around with it noticing me, so I grabbed its shoulders and gave it a hearty knee into its spine. It was a little disgusting to hear that *pop* of the spine, but it didn't get back up afterwards.

    I can't reach the wreck from down here, but it looks like the pilot is dead, and there's a strange hooded body laying nearby the downed helicopter. Time to keep moving

    12:35 PM

    I'm hearing a lot of gunfire on the other side of this building... I think there are people nearby, time to go investigate...

    Yeah, there's a butcher shop ahead with a ton of zombies trying to break down a... freezer door I think? There's no way I can fight all those things by myself - damnit, can't find my lighter, I'll just use a match - time to put that Molotov to work!

    3:00 PM

    That Molotov worked maybe too well. Those zombies got lit up like a Christmas tree and started scattering. Not so tough now are they? After the fires died out, I moved to check out the freezer in the butcher shop. However, I heard a noise behind me so I whipped around with my pistols but instead of running into some zombies, I ran into HUMANS. I immediately dropped those pistols to my sides.

    What a way to meet though eh? One of them, looks to be another one of your average citizens, he calls himself Walkerxes. The other one, who seems to just emanate this aura of happiness (for which I'm grateful for), calls himself Ficet. So anyways, we get introductions out of the way and apparently all of us were coming to investigate why all those zombies were hanging around the freezer in the butcher shop. We walked over to the door and opened it to find some poor half-frozen guy. He says his name is Lucky, for which he should be very glad about. He said he got locked in there when he accidentally blew a whole through the door that once held off some zombies.

    Well, we're a group of 4 now, which is great. Safety in numbers eh? We made our way through some more sidestreets following some suspiciously placed burning barrels... After an hour of mowing through zombies and following those barrels we saw another one of those red houses with a cross in the center. Walker and Ficet said that they've seen that symbol before and theorize that someone has been setting up "safe-houses" throughout the city. The door looked exactly the same, except a little more beat up, almost as if a car had rammed the front of the door. It still locked well enough and kept the infected out, so it was good enough for us.

    We talked a little about our circumstances and encounters. Walker and Ficet seem to have seen a lot of activity. Walker was apparently pounced on by one of those screaming creatures. Lucky hasn't been through too much, but he seems to have been alone for a while. He said that at one point he was traveling with two guys named Frag and Grave. He says he hasn't seem them for a while, and probably won't.

    Anyways, I told them I was headed towards the Hospital: there's a helipad on the roof. I told them about the news chopper that was circling the city a couple days ago. The alleyways have either been blocking my view of him, or blocking the noise of his rotors. We then planned to make our way there and light off a flare once in a while and see if we could flag that pilot down.

    However, we need to rest and re-fuel. I shared some of my abundant .45 and 9mm ammo, thanks to those 4 survivors that passed by the greenhouse.



    Case Subject: [url=;u=3796]33knight33

    running, i am alone.
    through the empty streets, i know i am being observed.
    these people closing shutters as i run by.
    these sheeple hiding behind their costly 7 digit houses in what they perceive to be safety.

    there is no shelter. there is no salvation.
    i have lost the balance and with the fulcrum tipped, shall take what is mine.
    i need to quell this lust. what did i do to satisfy it before? can i do that now?
    was it ever really cured? or did i just add to my yearning by not indulging it sooner....

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my next spurt of consciousness i find myself in a tree, crouched in wait for an ambush, as if i am ready to strike again, wait- again? what am i waiting for? how did i make it up here?

    looking down, i not only notice how high i am, but the sanguine fluid on my hands... drops are still coagulating before they slip off into the wind... it is fresh...

    i again look down, did i? no! i could not have! i have control! i have balance!

    ...but... now that my senses are restored... i can taste it... the familiar resonance of smacking lips that is left by the salty taste of blood... its not enough... i have only skimmed the top of the myriad required to satisfy me... its becoming harder and harder to fight it... because it feels so good, so natural, the only way for me to become satisfied, yet the more i have, the more i want, the more i need. The More i Will Take.


    on my way out of the woods, i seemed to know where to go as if by instinct. not necessarily smell, but i could sense that i needed to head towards town... i realize this demon has taken over, i am now but a spectator to his- No! My!- actions...

    i can feel myself running, long careful strides at breakneck speed, but it seems as though an illusion because i have no control over it, as if i am in an infinite nightmare...
    without cognition i begin to slow... i scale the nearest tree. to gain a better view. it is a large pine.... i soon see my prey...

    ...looking down on the pickup truck, a tarp is covering the bed, tailgate up. i... well he cant see anything that would indicate a presence... but someone is there. no! two people. watching for several minutes, my desire begins to take over and i grasp a nearby pine cone. throwing it at the tarp, i see movement underneath, in two separate areas. i hear whispering, "who's there?, what do you want?"

    my instinctive auto pilot is in full control as i deftly, surprising even to my self, leap down to a nearby tree, using the branch as a spring to propel myself towards the car. ripping off the tarp, i detect a man and his dog. the mutt immediately leaps in my direction and with one fell swoop is smote to the ground, still howling. its shrill barking absorbs my attention, which is then returned to me after a strong kick to its larynx.

    the man is attempting to run, after a dozen strides i have caught up to him and as i pass him i use my two hands to shove him down. he is clutching an axe. i begin to circle around him and position myself to where i am behind him before i make my move--leaping at him feet first so as to kick the axe out of his hands before i pin him to the ground.

    after my first slash at his face... i see the crimson liquor return... the bloodlust takes over...


    End Case File Entry

    Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?

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    Re: Zombie chapter 7

    Not gonna lie... 33knight33's entries make great enders

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