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Thread: Survival Article 10

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Survival Article 10

    Title: Weekly Zombie Digest: Chapter 10

    Intro: Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!


    Case File: II45894-036
    Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
    Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
    Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

    Begin Case File Tenth Entry

    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Dec 11th, 6AM,

    That thing blasted through the door like a tank.

    At that moment, I thought we were all dead.

    Lucky, who was the closest to the door, got knocked back by the debris, but came back up shooting. The beast hesitated for a moment, as though it could not figure out who to crush first. It gave us the time we needed.

    "RUN!!" Allane shouted at us, then unloaded the sub at it. The bullets penetrated, I'm sure of it, but it seemed to have little effect other than to really piss it off. The thing lunged towards Lucky, but then angrily started for Allane. Ficet grabbed me by the shirt and helped me to my feet and we started to stumble for the door.

    Lucky cut around the other side of it, backing towards the door, unloading buck into its side and back, only pausing to shove more shells into the gun and continue to pump more rounds into it. I was affraid he might hit Allane, but the thing was so big, there was little worry.

    Allane, though, was trapped in the back corner of the room. He cut around the side of a dest to try to avoid it, but the thing just slammed its fists down on top of the desk, splintering it to kindling - some of the shards hit Allane and stuck, but nothing major. It gave Allane the chance he needed, and sprinted past, towards the door.

    We got out and ran for the exit, Ficet dragging me along. It caught us just as we made it outside and a ham-sized fist slammed Ficet away from me, knocking me down and throwing Ficet ten feet down the street. He looked dazed, and was slow to get up. The thing went barrelling after him, and Lucky followed it, pumping shot after shot into its backside. It finally stopped its charge for Ficet and turned to go after Lucky. Allane began firing at it as well, trying to get it to lose its lust for Lucky.

    "Everyone scatter!" I yelled, followed by, "Ficet, get your ass up and run, man!"

    He did, ducking down an alley. I hobbled off in the opposite direction, knowing full well the pistols I had would do little to the beast.

    Allane strafed left across the street, unloading another clip and the thing, and paused to put his last clip in. Lucky backpedaled, slamming more shells into his gun, then continued to pump rounds into the beast as he reversed away from it.

    The last I saw of it, the thing had turned its attention to Allane, and began charging at him.

    I could hear the echoes of gunfire behind me as I ran, feeling cowardly, but knowing our only hope was to drive the thing in too many directions to follow, in the hopes it might grow confused and lose us.

    I staggered my way for a while longer, but I am so damn weak from this fever that I couldn't make it far. I made my way into another office building. I had to put down three zombies to get there, and another two once I got in.. I wasted way too many rounds to do it, but I'm so fucking shaky.

    I've locked myself in a utility closet. It stinks of bleach in here.

    I haven't heard anything for a few hours.

    Fuck, I hope you guys are ok...


    [font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

    [size=7pt]Mid-morning Thursday December 11th

    Well he woke me as he promised. During the night he decided that he wanted to go with. I decided to honor my word and we headed out for that open road to Texas refreshed and determined. Gus and I finally got to the border of Texas but there were no armed guards welcoming us into a safe haven like I thought it would be. Damn. I failed to check the gas gauge and suddenly the light went off indicating I was low. So I managed to will my trusty car to the nearest exit and town. It managed to die just outside this building with some sort of simple symbol and an arrow leading me into it. We checked it out and it looks like some sort of safe house. It had all sorts of supplies and a bed. No guns or ammo though. Considering it was broad daylight and I had no idea how well those things could see, I decided to move my bag and the cans of ammo. There is no way we could keep lugging these ammo cans around with our bare hands. Luckily though, I found some rope and was able to lash a crude carrying case attached to my bulging backpack. In exchange for the rope I decided to leave 2 boxes of 9mm for whoever comes here next. May they get as much out of this place as I have. We decided to take a break and wait for a little while to formulate a plan. I saw this huge building off in the distance and so we will make for it to see what the area has to offer. Will write once we get there.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=2478]Ficet99

    Dec 11

    It's been a few hours and I've heard nothing from anyone after I ducked into an alley way when I was told to. I hated running but I also knew that shooting it wasn't going to do any good either so I listened and retreated. I'm about to go out and check for them since sitting here isn't going to do anything.

    about 20 minutes after last entry,

    I found Lucky, when I walked into the street he saw me and came out of hiding to join back up with me. It had been hours since he'd heard anything as well. We needed to find Walker and Allane but I knew yelling for them would be a bad idea so I figured that we should just try and search the area hoping they would see us and come out. Knowing Walker's love of office buildings we decided to check a nearby one of those first. Zombies had been inside and we had to dispatch them which I hated doing since the shots were probably going to attract more of the horde. After hearing the shots Walker came out of the closet he had been hiding in (I had to chuckle at that as a wrote it, I'm so immature) and he looked as sick as ever, the excitement definitely wasn't helping him at all.

    Now we needed to find Allane who is still gone, the last I saw of it he was the last one that the thing had been tracking so he might have been a distance away. We started moving, it was dangerous every second for Allane to be alone and for all we knew he was injured or possibly worse... crushed to death by a mass of steroids and mutated flesh.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=1575]AK99

    Blackberry Entry-Diary December 11th.

    December 11th- National Guard Base 1333hrs.

    Blood all over. Brass casings everywere. And one, messed the fuck up, supply truck.

    We had just finished killing the rest of those fuckers when Frag opened a door to the mess hall and this huge thing came running out. Frag had just enough time to jump to the side and dodge him. I froze. I just stood there. Grave immediately ran for the ammo room. The giant stood straight up and ran right for Frag. I started screaming to Frag "JUST KEEP HIM BUSY!" I saw a camouflaged supply truck about one hundred feet from me and I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Frag was jumping in and out of the building and taking shots from his pistol as he could. I got beside the truck and dropped my UMP, pistol, and my Blackberry. I shut the door, clicked my seatbelt, started it up, and started down the road.

    I heard Frag scream my name. And out of the mirror I saw Grave throw a bottle of something that lit the fucker on fire. Frag tried to run after me but got picked up by the flamming giant and tossed like a rag doll outside onto the pavement. Frag bounced two to three times before coming to a stop limp on the road.

    I got to the end of the road and pulled a hard left and rose the truck up onto the right side tires and floored it back down the road, as it landed back down. As I came down I saw Grave jump out a window and run into the road. But he tripped up on a crack and fell to the ground. The giant ran at him. Grave scurried backwards but the tank came closer and closer.

    I glanced down. The speedometer was at 85. The wheel started to shake, but I held it firm. The giant rose its fist over Grave's body then BAM! I hit the thing so hard the whole front of the truck smashed backwards and came into the driver compartment. My head snapped forwards into the steering wheel then back into the seat. My belt locked and a puff of white smoke came out the the top of the belt. The gas and brake pedals came back and smashed my legs into my chest. I must have hit the thing off center because the front right wheel came flying off and lurched the truck to the right as the body scraped the ground and a shower of white hot sparks flew off. The truck went almost completely sideways down the road when I must have hit a pot hole or something because the right side lifted off the ground and I did two barrel rolls before landing on the right side shoving the right door at me then landing finally on to what was left of the wheels. I skidded for another fifty feet then stopped. The giant tumbled right along with me almost the whole time. And thankfully he never got back up.

    I crawled out of the window NASCAR style and collapsed. I have a lot of cuts and bruises and my left leg is in more pain than you can believe. Grave was able to get frag up and into what was the medical supply room, then brought me my UMP pistol and obviously my blackberry. He helped me back to Frag and said for us to stay here and rest, and made one of his smart ass comments. "Why do you always wreck everything you drive?" He bandaged us up and got us some MRE's then said he had an Idea. He took the Fire Truck into the little repair garrage next to the Armory.

    End Entry-Diary December 11th.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3006]Allane

    Dec 11th, Mid-day.

    I lost my damn watch to that damn big thing (or whatever it is!), so I have no idea what time it is. The sun's directly above me, so it must be about noon... My left arm is pretty broken... fighting the pain was all I could do to keep moving to find some place to hide. Currently I'm in a broken down apartment room. It seems the last inhabitants decided not to pack up before leaving (or maybe they didn't have a choice), so I started making a makeshift splint for my arm. I'm no medical expert, so all I could do was rig up a sheet of cloth and a string attached to it to sling around my shoulder. Not too good, but it's getting the job done.

    That big thing was horrible. It busted through walls like they weren't even there! The thing decided to go after me primarily, which I hope means the other got away safely. The laundry shop provided little protection for all of us. I tried to grab its attention and ducked behind a desk before it got the chance to smash me. It then proceeded to smash the desk. I got hit by a good shard of it in my leg, but it doesn't hurt at all. After everyone exited out the back door I sprinted towards the door to lead it out to the streets. He hit Ficet pretty hard and sent him flying into the streets. I couldn't let my new friends die now. I continued to take its attention and led it into the open. The beast and I fought through the streets, it trying to smash me at every corner. At one point I saw it rip up a huge slab of concrete from the street and chuck it into the building right above of me. Luckily, the building was already pretty well shelled out at that point.

    Around one corner - I don't particularly care which - I tripped on the curb and that thing came down like a tank onto my left arm. I got my arm out of the way just in time for him to break it... I'm surprised it's not fractured right now. I dodged into the nearest building while it was distracted by something. I heard it grunt and growl for a while before it decided to give up the chase and look for some other target. Lucky for me.

    I'm down to my last clip in this SMG. Though I don't know why I still have it, as I need two hands to use the thing. I'm fortunate to still have one of my pistols and the backpack with more pistol ammo. Although, I did find some pain pills that the residents left behind. They're doing little for my arm however.

    I wonder how safe the others are?

    Dec 11th, 6:00
    I felt well enough to start searching around the city for the others. I don't remember the path that I followed when that tank was following me, so I just started trekking through the city. Oddly enough, there were few infected in the streets. Though I did see a lot of bodies strewn across the place: some sitting along buildings, others randomly scattered in the streets. I think that tank proceeded to beat up some zombies when it couldn't find me.

    After a rather un-eventful walk through the city, I ended up stopping in a pawn shop to check out if there was anything I could scavenge. Here I sit now. I can see quite a few zombies hanging around an office building. I can only sit here for a bit to catch my breath, but I gotta keep moving, there's nothing here for me.

    6:30 - that horde of zombies is acting up, I think something caught their attention. SHIT, it's that tank again! I'll just keep sitting here, and wait for the trouble to pass. He's not going for me that's for sure... Maybe I can make a break for that office building while they're distracted.



    [font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

    [size=7pt]Some time later, around 7:00pm

    We were walking on the street talking about what we once did before this chaos started when I kicked a tin can around the corner. As we rounded the corner expecting to see the entrance of the office building, we were instead greeted by horde of those zombies that had become aware of us. Smelling our flesh, they decided to make a run for us. God there were so many! Not to mention one of those juggernaut things! All we could do was through down our packs and start shooting. One, two, three, four, they all started going down once he and I opened up. I let him use the storm for longer range combat because shotguns were crap. That guy was a pretty good shot! They kept coming and we kept shooting. We reloaded as fast as we could….but they got nearer and nearer. Finally I had to pull out my Sig Saur to finish off the last of ‘em.

    By that point that juggernaut found out what was going on. They may be big and fast, but they sure are stupid. We didn’t waste any time and tried to reload our weapons as fast as we could, emptying the magazines as fast as we could reload them. Finally it was upon us. I dove, but the old coot didn’t. Poor guy never had a chance. The juggernaut picked him up and started using him as a bat against the building we were using as cover. God I never knew how much the human body could take before it was broken in half by sheer trauma. Having been bought a precious five minutes, I unloaded my last two ready magazines into that brute. He finally staggered a bit then fell over. I went to check on the old coot just in case….but alas. He was dead. Poor bastard. That thing nearly broke every bone in his body.

    Picking up the Storm, what was left of Gus’ 12 gauge shells, about 2 boxes worth and my bag, I sighed and muttered a few words on his behalf. I never was much of a religious man. So I started for the building hoping to not catch anymore of the undead before I could refill my magazines.

    As I approached the building, I could see a faint outline in the late evening dusk. It looked and walked like a man heading towards the same building. I only had half a ready clip left so I followed him cautiously. When I caught up to him I could tell he was a human. He looked pretty dazed and has an arm in a sling. I managed to catch him before he stumbled and fell. Apparently his name is Allane and had just been separated from his group of comrades earlier that day due to a tank. By the way he described it, it I think it was the juggernaut I had just killed. I like tank better, which is what he called it. I half carried him, half dragged him into the building and started up the stairwell.

    While on the stairwell, I was startled to find a kid, he couldn’t be more than 15 holding a shotgun right to my head. When he saw that I was human, smiled and was damn glad to see me. I am not sure if he was happier to see me, or the guy who I was dragging. Apparently he is from that lost group. I followed him to where he was held up and found 2 other guys. One of them looked to be in pretty rough shape. I looked at him and saw the infected arm. Thank god I decided to take those antibiotics. Gave him some and some of my bottled water. Good thing he knew the dosing. I sure as hell didn’t. I have come to learn that these other people are called Lucky, the one holding the shotgun was called Ficet, and the injured one was called Walker.

    Damn he looked beat up. Looked like if he didn’t get those antibiotics soon, that wound would have started to turn gangrenous. Using my first aid knowledge I cleaned his wound as best as I could, and rewrapped it with some gauze and other stuff I had picked up and the CVS. Man am I sure glad to see them. I have no idea what I would have done by my self in this city. They say they are on their way to some hospital called Mercy because they saw a chopper heading over there. Not much of a plan but it works for me. Now back to refilling those Mags!


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3694]Ruukil

    Dec 11th evening.

    I decided to go out and talk to the other survivor. I got his attention quietly with a few rocks and flickered my flashlight. I was running out of water and asked if he could give me water or let me in. He refused to let me in, I wanted to shoot him with the shot gun in my hands. He threw down a beer and a bottle of water. I was about to start a conversation when a small group of zombies showed up. They got between me and my car. I still don't understand how they were so quiet. I think it was because it was dark. I opened fire and the survivor helped too.

    He is a better shot than I am, but I think I did my job. The shotgun is kind of hard to miss with and they were pretty close, no more than ten or so meters. We killed them and I checked the bodies, it was surprisingly easy. They were mostly younger males. I think they're starting to rot, I think that this disease kills itself off. If we hold up long enough I think the infected will just rot away. I could be wrong though, I'm no scientist, nor am I any kind of genius.

    I took the drinks and I'm sitting low in the car. I took the front passenger seat out and covered the windows. I should be comfortable here, they don't seem to notice me as long as they can't see me. A few have walked around on the roof and the hood. They usually jump or fall off, it's kind of funny.

    The beer is warm.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Dec 11.. night sometime, I don't know...

    I can hardly hold this pen I'm so weak and shaky. I know it'll get better, with Potemkine (I'll probably just call him Pote.. it's easier) swooping in to our rescue with anti-biotics and first aid knowledge. That'd be good. With my nursing background and his first aid knowledge, we might even be able to keep our growing crew in ok health.

    We put our combined knowledge together to help better splint Allane's arm. He'd done a decent job, but it needed traction. Had we left it as was, he'd have had a good size bend in it and likely would have incured nerve damage. So with my knowledge, Pote's hands-on ability - not to mention strength enough to do it - and Lucky and Ficet's assistance, we managed to put proper traction on it, and splint it up. It'll be weak and unusable, for the most part, but he should be ok. It seemed like a clean break.

    I'm nearly about to faint.. I don't have a thermometer, but I'm sure my temp is in the 100s.

    Hey, on the bright side, Pote's a gun guy... I now know the sub machine gun I found and Allane was using recently is an MP5 Sub machine gun. Apparently, that's in the H&K family.

    This safe room has ammo for it too. Which is good, Allane nearly ran dry filling that tank (But don't worry Ficet, I'll always think of it as the "Hulk's second cousin twice removed" just for you.. in your honor even, my smiling friend) with bullets. After all that, it took Pote, some poor now-dead guy and a whole lot more lead to finally bring it down.

    Can't write anymore... I don't see myself being able to write much until I start to improve. These guys will likely have to carry me along...


    End Case File Entry

    Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?

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    Re: Survival Article 10

    He cut around the side of a dest to try to avoid it, but the thing just slammed its fists down on top of the desk, splintering it to kindling
    Typo? Just one thing I noticed while skimming through.
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Article 10

    Woops! Thanks!

    Fixing in article

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