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Thread: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    So since more than a few folks wanted me to make my post from ....

    ... into an article. Here it goes. I am thinking of adding a pic, but I have not narrowed it down yet.


    Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    This article came into being because of some tensions folks express when playing with others who differ from them in playstyle. I feel that a lot of this tension can dealt with and can add a sense of community and understanding to all games. I used Left 4 Dead here as an example because of its dual personality, though it can be said for many of the games that both TTP hosts and across the net as a whole. I have seen the tensions flare into all out name calling and ranting on many an MMO forum, but it can also happen with FPS and multiplayer games as well, or basically anywhere where folks play a game with different styles.

    Fun >Teamwork >Win = Casual


    Win >Teamwork >Fun = Competitive

    Of course there are the real assholes who are out to just ruin everyone's day and do not put teamwork in there, but for the most part everyone is trying as a whole to play together. The true differences are present in those that want to win at the expense of the fun and those that want to relax and have fun but do not care if they win. It is basically down to the 'competitive' and the 'casual'. A casual person will still want to win, but if they lose and still had a good time, they view it as fun. A more competitive type of person will be noticeably more enthusiastic about the game as a whole when winning, but will immediately turn dour when fortunes are not theirs in the game.

    Usually folks with similar mindsets gather in the same clans/groups/guilds, and as such get along well with said group. Tensions can occur when groups with differing mindsets game together without expressing their mindset on how they play the game. If a competitive group goes against a casual group for example and win, the casual group may see the competitive's exuberance of winning as poor sportsmanship. On the flip side if a causal group plays against a competitive group and wins, the competitives may feel the casuals do not take the game as serious as them if they do not express the same exuberance.

    Teamplay can be had with both types of gamer, just because you are out for a relaxing gaming experience does not mean you are out to mess up on purpose. Competitive players are not out to force others to be exactly like them or not be on their team as well. We all just need to realize that folks have different expectations of playing a game, but that it should always have fun and teamwork somewhere in there.

    L4D is a dual game, the cooperative teamplay aspect is more casual in nature, whereas the versus is more inclined to the competitive type. Unfortunately because of the lack of overall content folks that enjoy more of one play on the other and sometimes tension occurs.

    Tensions also arise when it comes to the term 'skill'. Competitive folks normally spend many hours fine tuning strategies and tactics that will give them the greatest chance of success, because this is in the end how they have their fun. A more casual player to a game may not play as often, nor investigate the game in such a manner and play it to the ability they have developed over their time playing. Both are valid and fun ways to play the same game, but come into conflict when one is seen as 'overdoing it' and the other as 'not being serious enough'.

    The solution to this problem is to express how you feel the game is the most enjoyable for you before starting to game. If in L4D for example you join a lobby and express that you are just up for a relaxing game in a casual environment, then the folks gaming with you will know and understand your position a bit better. If you do not and are on the same team as a competitive personality as a casual player then your laughing off of getting killed or having bad luck shine upon you might be viewed as not being a teamplayer by the competitive types. Same on the flip side if a competitive is 'into the game' and the rest of his team are not taking it as seriously.

    Take all this into consideration folks, as it will help you understand and overcome differences and conflict in your gaming experiences.


    I guess let me know you think, I haven't written anything 'as work' in a long time.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.
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    Steam ID: Walkerxes

    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    If you can find an image or two to spice it up, that'd be cool.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.
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    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    There are also tensions when it comes to the term 'skill'.
    Should probably read:

    Tension also exist when it comes to the term skill

    Other than that...peachy :9
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  4. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Potemkine
    There are also tensions when it comes to the term 'skill'.
    Should probably read:

    Tension also exist when it comes to the term skill

    Other than that...peachy :9
    Edit away, I always feel I am way too long winded and 'big wordie'.

    Would ...

    Tensions also exist when it comes to the term skill.

    Work better since it is usually more than one person, thus more than one tension?

    edit: Changed to...

    Tensions also arise when it comes to the term 'skill'.

    There are many tensions, they occur at a time when the word is used? Or am I over thinking it again?

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.
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    Steam ID: Walkerxes

    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    Actually I like the way that sentence sounds with the tensions arise etc

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    overall its a good read.

    a couple points that you can mull over however you please would be:

    -for the competitive gamer a good close game or a win = fun ;

    fun in L4D = teamwork with other competitive players >= (is less than or equal to in value of importance) win


    Also from my personal experience I can share that its not so much that a competitive gamer doesn't value fun or relaxed play. Sometimes for those like myself, who have been playing the game since it has been released, the "fun" in exploring maps or exploding heads starts to dissipate and is slowly replaced with competitiveness and the thrill of the win.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.
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    Steam ID: Walkerxes

    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    Quote Originally Posted by 33knight33
    overall its a good read.

    a couple points that you can mull over however you please would be:

    -for the competitive gamer a good close game or a win = fun ;

    fun in L4D = teamwork with other competitive players >= (is less than or equal to in value of importance) win


    Also from my personal experience I can share that its not so much that a competitive gamer doesn't value fun or relaxed play. Sometimes for those like myself, who have been playing the game since it has been released, the "fun" in exploring maps or exploding heads starts to dissipate and is slowly replaced with competitiveness and the thrill of the win.
    As far as the close game thing.. I think both the casual and competative gamer has a healthly appreciation for both, at least within TTP. I consider myself a blend of both. I play with a wide assortment of people, tend to want to team with those that I can get a good laugh with, but then at the same time can get hyper and loud when in the heat of the moment, and have a drive to win. I love a good close game, but then at times, I don't mind rick-rolling the crap outa someone either.. and even at times don't really mind getting rick-rolled if its for a good cause, such as showing new people how to play (and I'm sure knight, my partner in crime for training newbies, can agree there).

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    Well that is the thing I thought I explained... that you aren't locked into just one 'set' but can be a mix of both. I play all out in PR, but in L4D I could care less about winning as long as I have a good time.

    Its about what 'drives' the fun, winning or just easy playing.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.
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    Steam ID: Walkerxes

    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    Hey Blake.. what's the word? Would love to see this finalized and submitted

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles. Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.
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    Steam ID: Walkerxes

    Re: Tension: The Casual and Competitive styles.

    That is to say... all it needs is to be submitted. It's a good article, I'd hate to see it just slide off to nothing without becoming an article.

    Fly butterfly fly!

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