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Thread: Zombie Digest 20

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    Zombie Digest 20

    Title:  Weekly Zombie Digest: Chapter 20

    Intro: Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!


    Case File: II45894-036
    Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
    Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
    Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

    Begin Case File Twentieth Entry

    Case Subject: Rescue Pilot

    Voice Recording:

    Second entry..

    Dec. 24th Around 1 A.M

    I feel an eerie sense of foreboding. I'm trying to ignore it, but it just won't go away. My thoughts continue to dwell on the faces of the ones we left behind at the hospital that day. The crying of the children, the sobbing of the women, and the anger of the men. Nothing I will ever do in this life time will ever let me forgive myself for leaving the innocent behind.

    I miss my family...but they are dead, or one of those things...what if I see them again but they are one of those things? Will they recognize me? More importantly, will I recognize them? I think I'm slowly going insane inside this flying metal bucket... this recorder crap doesn't help at all.

    The only consolation I have for being alive is the faces of the ones I've rescued so far...happiness, rejoice...they thank me...but I can never feel happy for them, they represent something I can never have...
    Every one of the people I have saved is different, with a different background..they tell me about themselves..why I wonder, how can they trust me so much without knowing me?

    I can recall the last 4 I saved... a biker, a veteran, an office worker, and some college girl...boy did they make a mess of that roof...burned about half of the place too...

    Now that I think about it.... they might have damaged the radio there....guess I'll have to make a pass over the hospital just to make sure nobody is trapped up there without help...I'm running low on fuel, guess I'll pass by only once...

    End of Entry Two.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    I have no fucking clue what day it is anymore. Christmas Eve Day.

    I should be happy that we actually have some down time without having to be constantly vigilant about the zombie right outside our door. Point of fact is, though, I'm fuckin bored. Lucky had the cards with him.. and as much as I hate cards, at least it would have been something to do.

    It's fuckin cold on the roof this high-rise. We've sheltered ourselves on the lee side of a generator building, but it doesn't help block the wind as much as we'd hoped. Poor Chloe, in her hospital gowns and bare feet is shivering constantly. I gave her my coat, but all the seems to have done is make ME shiver too, with little effect on her own shivering. It doesn't help that she's so frail and emaciated. With so little meat on her bones, she doesn't have a lot of insulation. If no rescue comes by tonight, we will have to try to climb back up on top of the elevator housing (the stairs to the service ladder are trashed) and take the ladder back down and find our way back out of the hospital. Probably through that tank we left behind down there.

    I have used the time to make sure Pote's ankle and Allane's arm are on the mend still. So far, so good. Allane still shows no signs of nerve damage to his fingers and the splint still holds. It looks like Pote's ankle may well be sprained and not broken. Time will tell. He found a busted hunting rifle on this roof near the radio building and is using it for a crutch. My fever is pretty much gone, but I'm still taking the doses of antibiotics like a good little patient. My arm doesn't hurt nearly as much either, though I can't raise it above chest level without it screaming pain at me. So far I've kept the wound clean, though, so hopefully no recurrence of infection.

    I never did get to remove the bullet from Ruukil's arm.. although I suppose he's beyond that worry now. Hardly got a chance to know the guy and now he's dead. Or at least that's the assumption I'm working under.

    I took some of our first aid supplies and cleaned Chloe's feet with alcohol swabs and bandaged up the worst of the cuts and scrapes on them. To no large surprise, the stinging of the alcohol set her to crying again. Fuckin puts chills up my spine every time she cries, as it sounds so eerily close to the crying of the witches. It doesn't help that she looks exactly like a human variant of one. A mystery I'd dearly like to solve, and at the same time dearly like to ignore.

    She doesn't talk much. A little, but not much. She seems to open up more to Pote than to anyone else.

    We really need to find her some shoes. In the meantime Pote cut some strips of cloth from the hem of her hospital gowns and has used them to wrap her feet. At the very least it might help shield them from the cold a little.

    Holy fuck! I just realized the date! It's Christmas Eve!

    ...what a way to spend the holidays...


    Case Subject: Rescue Pilot

    Voice Recording:

    Third Entry...

    Dec. 24th

    Christmas Eve, ha, we would be visiting the relatives now, having dinner, handing out presents to the kids and all that Holiday bullshit. Doesn't feel that important. The military camp forbid any excessive lighting to conserve energy. How could anyone think about decorations right now is beyond me. I refueled and am now flying back to the city.

    The Sergent gave me a map, showing the location of the military camp. He told me to place it next to the radio on the rooftop, told me that they weren't going to be sending me to the city anymore, but if any survivors did make it to the hospital, at least they would know were to go after wards. I doubt there is anyone left, I made a pass last night, and all I could see was carnage. Nobody, fucking deserted. I'm going to make several more passes today.

    At least it has stopped raining...

    End of Entry Three.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=2891]FragRaptor

    Dec. 24th... Christmas eve...

    Our stay in the forest has been a pleasent one. So far there are no zombies.

    We found a hunting rifle that we are useing to catch prey.

    It's very peaceful. Maybe the zombies are gathing together for zombmas.

    I can only hope that there is a great present on christmas day...


    Case Subject: [url=;u=5252]toofpick

    [McHaley Jail Warden Log]

    Buddy (I'll call him that, seeing as he refuses to tell me his name) wheels me down to the end of the D block hall. There's a big, mean door at the end. One of those huge doors you see in bank vaults. Thick, unforgiving steel. Buddy wrestles with the wheel set in the middle of the door, and with a reluctant groan, the surly door swings open.

    A howling, gibbering wave of teeth and claws, feral eyes and tattered clothing greets us. The inmates from Block D had gotten in here, somehow.

    "Shit!" says Buddy cleverly. Seems to sum up the situation pretty well. He's already blazing away with his pistols.

    I yank out my shotgun and brace my wheelchair against the doorframe. Don't want the recoil to propel me down the hall.

    The mob is close enough for me to see the individuals. Close enough for my shotgun.

    I see Howard, the serial murderer. BOOM.
    Randy, the rapist. BOOM.
    That kid who kill his entire family with a bucket. Don't know how. BOOM.
    Czaja, who tortured an entire jury to death. BOOM.

    This isn't like when I killed Valentino. This scum don't even deserve to live.

    Their blood makes interesting patterns on the wall. Each time I kill one, the pattern changes.
    I see a coiled snake.
    My mother before she was born.
    The tracks a spider leaves on a dusty wall.
    A trash can full of broken birds.

    __________________________________________________ _______________                                                                       
    It's hard to tell if Block E was as freakishly clean as Block D was. That mob of zombies dirtied things up nicely. I can almost relax, now that I don't have those harsh, sterile walls closing in on my head.

    Block E is for the crazys. We pass Finger's cell. Yeah, that's his name. They call him that because he tried to steal the fingers of other inmates. I heard there was a meat cleaver involved. Not sure.

    I shine my flashlight through the view slit of Finger's cell. There is a furtive shape crouching back in the corner.

    "Hello?" It says. He's alive. Dunno how.

    I swing the door open. He thinks I'm one of them. Tries to make himself smaller in the corner.


    Never liked what he did to Valentino's fingers. Feel better about it now.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    This day is dragging.

    We've tried to kill the time by telling stories about what our lives were like before all this started happening. Everyone but Chloe. She claims she doesn't remember much beyond the utility closet where we found her. Part of me feels pity for her, things must have been so traumatic for her she's shut everything out. Another part of me, the part that sees the living "witch" in her feels a creepy suspicion. I sometimes think, what if there WASN'T a time before the closet? Or at least what if before the closet she was someone entirely different, before taking on the countenance of a witch.. like this is some pre-infected version of what she will finally become. It's uncharitable of me to feel this... shit, she's just a scared kid. It's obvious she's at least regressed to a mental age that predates her chronologic 13 years. She's damn near autistic.

    Lucky was quiet too, but not like this. He was just one of few words. Not jabber-mouths like me and Ficet.

    __________________________________________________ _______

    I swear I heard a chopper earlier. I don't think the others heard it though, so I didn't say anything.  It was just the barest hint of a sound, like a low growl way in the distance.

    After a few hours I've convinved myself I must be hearing things.

    __________________________________________________ _______

    The light of day is leaving. The temerature is dropping.  We're going to have to leave the roof soon and try something else. So much for fucking rescue.

    I tried calling my brother earlier. It went right to his voicemail, so I left a brief message. I'm hoping it's just that he's in a cellular deadzone.

    Here's the stupid part: The voicemail I left went something like, "Hey, it's me. Just calling to see how things are goin. Gimme a call back when you get a chance."  Like it was just another day in our dull, mundane lives and I was calling for a quick catch-up.

    I've never been good at leaving messages.

    The others are getting restless. We'll likely be heading back down the ladder soon.


    Case Subject: Rescue Pilot

    Voice Recording:

    (in a overly exagerated singing voice)
    I'll be home for Christmas. You can't count on me.

    (singing stops)
    I suppose I shouldn't be using this to record my crappy singing. To be honest, though, I don't know why those military guys gave me this thing to begin with. I mean, really. I Fly from the base, to Mercy, to the base, to the other rescue stations, to the base. Rinse, repeat.

    Not terribly interesting.

    I'm headed towards Mercy to make some passes around it, I figure I'll do that once or twice today to.. wait.

    Scratch that, I see signal fires down there. I think I got survivors! Mercy will have to wait.

    __________________________________________________ ______

    Well Merry Christmas! Ok, so it's still the Eve of, but hey, I'll take it. A family on the edge of the city had noticed my overflights and made a fire in their yard to get my attention. That took guts!

    When I got close, I saw a mother and her three young children, a teen girl and two younger boys, on their roof. They must have climbed up their after lighting the fire. The house was surrounded by infected, but luckily for them, no specials.

    ..I don't even know what "specials" means, but the military guys keep warning me about them.

    I got the chopper as close to the roof as I could, and the mother and daughter helped hoist the two boys on the chopper, then climbed in themselves.

    Wasted most of my day though, as I had to deal with the obligatory chew-out session with the commander for breaking protocol. Fuck him, I ain't miliatary.

    I'm headed back to Mercy now, but it's already growing dark.



    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    That's that. We're leaving the roof.

    There's nothing for us here and we've not got the supplies to try to wait it out another night. We're going to try to take a different rout through the hospital, perhaps explore some more floors and see if we can find any types of provisions. At the very least some med supplies and hopefully some blankets or warmer clothes for Chloe. I'm hoping to land my hands on some surgical equipment.. maybe even some suturing staples or needles and thread. It's too late to suture my arm, that bitch is gonna scar like crazy, but it never hurts to be prepared.

    Pote just stood up and it looks like he's ready to roll, so to speak. I guess I bett

    Holy fuck.

    Holy FUCK!

    I hear a chopper. This time there's no mistake. The others hear it too... and its getting closer.

    __________________________________________________ _______

    Sure as fucking shit! It's a chopper alright, and it's headed right for us.

    WE'RE SAVED! I can't even believe it.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=2478]Ficet99

    Dec 24

    We've finally made it to the roof. We've killed so many infected to get here and now it looks like were not even going to be rescued. We also saved this girl, Chloe. She cries a lot (Screams like a banshee is a better term). I'm surprised the infected haven't jumped all over us because of it, but maybe it's because it sounds so similar to the cries of the witch. She looks a lot like the witches so I haven't let my eyes off of her in fear that she may actually become one. I don't trust her but she looks so innocent that I almost can't believe she'd hurt anything. If she'd just stop crying! Stupid Walker and his disinfectant, all he's been doing is hurting her and making her cry even worse.

    It's Christmas eve... This makes me miss my family too much. Going to dinners, eating, playing pool with other family members, then opening presents Christmas morning... Doesn't matter how old I get but the spark of it all still grows inside, there are just some things a kid never out grows.... Because Christmas is all in the heart. That's a song my Dad sings, now I'm tearing up for the first time in weeks.

    When this all started I said I didn't know what happened to my family but that's a lie, maybe facing it will make me feel better. School had just let out early because of some emergency, all we knew was that it was a really bad case of the flu or something like that and it was causing people to go crazy. I walked outside and there were my parents in the car with my sisters trying to flag me down so they could take me somewhere safe. I began to walk to their car when my Dad honked the horn... Then three students near the car flipped out and attacked it. They broke through the windows inside at my family, I ran toward the car as blood splattered across every window so I couldn't see inside. When I got near the car the last thing I saw was my litter six year old blond sister's face smashed against the window covered in blood and a look of dead fear frozen across it.

    I freaked out and ran to my bike that I'd ridden to school on. I got on the bike and made a break for it as the entire city broke down around me. People chasing and killing other people, chasing me. They couldn't catch me, I was too fast on my bike and I just kept riding out into the country trying to make my way to my house. Once I got out of the city the chasing stopped, the infection had yet to move that far. I got to my house and I barricaded myself in the basement with my Hamster (Chippy the back stabbing rodent). There I sat, trying to make myself think that the people in that car weren't my family. I don't have a lot to smile about but smiling helps... I can't say I'm not afraid, even in the sight of these things I sometimes lose my cool and almost panic. I can't panic though, to panic means to die and I'm determined not to die, so to not panic I need to stay calm and I'm good at that.

    I hear a chopper in the distance... At last! The sound though... It's attracting infected I hear them coming. Those infected freaks are going to pay for all the trouble they've caused, and all the pain they've brought me.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Christmas Eve.

    I'm watching the chopper circle the top of the hospital and its the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. It flew in close, and Ficet and Allane ran up the ramp to the helipad waving their arms. Chloe.. well.. would you believe she actually smiled? The most beautiful smile I've ever seen, full of honest-to-goodness joy. I grabbed the gear we'd been hording and Chloe helped Pote hobble up the ramp.

    The pilot caught sight of Ficet and Allane and waved, but he must have been at a bad angle or something cuz he veered off.

    Now he's circling for a better approach. Over a loud-speaker he's asking if there are any more survivors with us, and Pote is shaking his head negative.

    Ficet, for some reason, keeps looking off to our left where the elevator building is.

    The pilot is angling the chopper in for a landing. I guess it's t  ...


    Case Subject: Rescue Pilot

    Voice Recording:

    I think I see a small fire on the roof of the hospital. I can't be sure yet, but that may be a sign that there's more survivors.

    What a way to make a shitty Christmas better, two rescues in one day!

    I'm drawing closer now, and I see people. They's signaling me from the landing pad, but I've come in at a bad angle so I'm going to circle the building once to get a better approach.. what can I say? This is not my usual chopper and it handles different.

    (There's a pause in the monologue where nothing but the chopper noise and rustling, along with a faint, but indecipherable diologue between the pilot and the base over the radio)

    Oh crap, I forgot to hit stop. Hate these things.

    Anyway, I've radioed in to base and am preparing to touch down on the helipad. I see five survivors, four males of varying age, and a young female. They look a little worse for wea-
    (a sudden inhuman scream can be heard, and then rustling and a clunk as though the recorder was dropped into the pilot's lap)

    (muffled and faint) What the fuck!? Who are-

    (another inhuman scream, followed by a very human scream, which suddenly turns to a wet gurgling)

    (alarms sound from the chopper, then loud, barely decipherable, sounds which hint at collisions)

    (recording cuts off abruptly)


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Chloe is crying again.

    Fuck, so am I. Allane might be also. Ficet and Pote aren't, or at least they're hiding it well.

    Ficet is standing on the edge of the Hospital roof, looking down the very long drop to the street below. I thought he was going to jump at first, but when I asked him what his intentions were, he just gave me a whithering look.

    Chloe cries into Pote's shoulder and he has his arm around her, doing his best to console her. I can't help but see that beatific smile she wore only 15 minutes ago. The rest of us stare at the wreckage.

    I can't do this right now...

    __________________________________________________ _______

    There it was, salvation on rotors. Landing. Coming to save us.

    It was a hunter. That's what Ficet kept looking for while the chopper angled to land. He could hear its growling, or at least thought he could, but the chopper kept drowning it out.

    Then suddenly we all heard it. That scream. It froze our blood, and hell, damn near made me shit myself. Caught me mid sentence.

    We all looked toward the sound, expecing it to land on one of us, but we were wrong. Out it flew, in a high arc out over empty space, to land in the open side door of the chopper. It went after the fucking pilot.

    The chopper veered, then spun, then tilted and began to fall right towards us, spinning all the way.

    We ran like hell, or at least Allane, Ficet, Chloe and I ran. Pote didn't run.. because I shoved him off the side of the helipad, knowing he'd be too slow to get away. The rest of us ran down the ramp, Ficet and Allane dragging Chloe behind them so she'd keep up.

    The chopper hit the helipad on it's side, the main rotor shattering and throwing blade fragments everywhere, the momentum flipping the chopper up on its nose as it slid along the pad.. right towards the elevator housing.

    It struck it with colossal force, crumbling in the side of the building, the tail rotor swinging around to bury its self in the cables and the service ladder we'd used to climb out.  Some time later we heard the distant crash of the elevator hitting the bottom.

    And here we are. Our rescue blown, AND our way back down cut off. Fucking stuck.

    Merry Fucking Christmas.


    End Case File Entry

    Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?

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    Re: Zombie Digest 20

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