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Thread: Zombie Digest: Chapter 23

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    Zombie Digest: Chapter 23

    Case File: II45894-036
    Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
    Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
    Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

    Begin Case File Twenty-third Entry

    Case Subject: [url=;u=1155]Gr4verunner

    January 15th

    I can't believe it, after so much shit......there's only two of us now. Frag and I both want to just sit down and give up I think, but we both know we can't. We spend a moment in mourning and move on. With all our gear crushed beneath the wreckage we need to resupply fast. These pistols won't last long. Frag and I head away from the airport, into the city feeling strange. We never thought that thee would be just two of us after we joined up with AK. I guess we'll have to adjust fast.


    Case Subject: LuckyDucky


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Audio Entry:

    December 27th, or possibly the 28th, it may be after midnight by now.

    Hale-fucking-loogies, a shower. I never thought I'd be so happy to take one. I won't lie about it.. I was starting to smell like a zombie. Forgetting that I've been puked on by fat infected guys, bled on by countless zombies and myself, splattered by wheezer guts and the acrid smoke they exude when they die, and other nasty substances.. I've been running around like a crazy person since I don't know when. No amount of Old Spice can handle that alone. Most I've had in all of this month was brief wipe-downs with water and a washcloth.

    A nice shower, new clothes, some provisions and food... I'm like a new man. All of us are, even Chloe. Between feeling clean and a little safer now that we've reached a safehouse, and Pote's efforts to keep her cheered up, it's starting to pay off. I haven't heard her cry since we first got off the roof.

    ...I'd have preffered she wear less revealing clothes after she showered... but I guess it's proof that she really truly IS a young teen girl. At least she put on a sweater and has a coat. It's not exactly warm out... sure, it's not like it'd be in New York, but it's at least mid 40's out there. And yet, there she is wearing a halter-top, shorts and flip-flops.. with the addition of the sweater we insisted she wear. She got a little lippy about that with Pote, further proving herself as a teen, and further setting the dynamic of older-brother/kid-sister between the two.

    It was actually pretty funny. I remember how I used to get along with my younger sister.

    Fuck. I hope she's ok. I haven't heard from my brother since leaving him the voicemail on the roof. I'm starting to get worried.

    I'll pick this up later.

    End Entry.



    Case Subject: [url=;u=1155]Gr4verunner

    January 16th

    We move into the city, it's quiet so far but there must be more survivors here. Our best bet is to meet up with some others, but who knows if that will happen. We survive a few fights, barely, in the streets. Ammunition is running low. I'm down to my last pistol mag.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3006]Allane

    Jan 28.

    As I may have said before, this is almost becoming routine. Although the zombies appear to have mixed it up a bit and came to us in waves of three, instead of being continuous. We might as well patent the "get in corner and shoot" technique, we use it so often and it works so well. It's so methodical and mechanical it's almost boring despite the fact that there are about 50 zombies trying to kill us... This is probably post-zombie apocalyptic syndrome: boredom in killing zombies.

    But, other than my rants about these stupid zombies, I at last got to revel in the warmth of a shower! I never thought I'd be so glad to feel water! Normally, I hate water because when I took swimming classes in High School, the water was always freezing cold. But after getting in the water for a bit it warms up, and you start to enjoy yourself. Hm, I'm surprised I'm able to remember High School. I've been through so much, yet somehow I still remember a time in my life that I probably should have forgot a long time ago. Time to get off of this topic...

    Clean clothes... nice. I found a nice polo shirt, but it's one size too large. I'm wearing it anyways, just to keep the stench of those rotting things away. And of course, jeans to compliment. These ones are black though. Not sure why you'd make black jeans, but they'll keep me warm during these winter days. Walker, Pote, Ficet and Cloe have all found new clothes as well. Cloe is dressed like a typical teenager (almost stereotypical), which seems to have alleviated some of Walker's mistrust with her.

    Speaking of Winter and days, they should be getting longer. Now that that winter solstice thing has passed, we'll start getting more sunlight, which means the zombies won't be quite as active. Hopefully this means smoother travel for us.

    That helicopter has to have come from somewhere... I think I saw him coming from the Southwest. I know there's a small town out that way, but could there really be a survivor camp there? I'll let the others know of what I think about our situation. But for now, we've found some beds (not covered in blood, thank whomever you thank) and we're going to sleep until tomorrow, then leave when we're well rested. I'm taking first watch.'

    Good night


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Audio Entry:

    Dec 28th, early morning,

    (phone rings in the background)

    Holy shit, it's my brother calling, finally. Gonna try to record this.

    'Waylandir, hey! Where the fuck have you been, man!'

    (muffled and barely audible) 'Whats up! Sorry, man.. we're takin the Appalachian Trail up north to check on the family, and the cell reception sucks up here. I barely have a bar of antenna.'

    'How far are you?'

    (Waylandir) 'Not that far yet. We're on dirt-bikes and its slow going. We don't see a lot of infected though.'

    'Who's with you?'

    (Waylandir) 'BulletShield, Coil and Tiny right now. Dizz didn't make it, dude. We're gonna head to Philly and pick up Cheech, then come back to the trail and head to New York.'

    'So what.. you guys leave from Merrill or something?'

    (Waylandir) 'Yeah. We got here and a lot of our guys were turned. They took down Dizz when we were tryin to clean up the place. I can't believe that crazy fucker's gone, man. He was eating this shit up, startin fires, taunting them.. you know Dizz.

    -Anyway, we got here and camped out for a day or two, creamated Dizz just to be safe, checked the place out, then loaded up. Its pretty quiet there cuz its so remote.. in fact its really quiet here on the Trail.. hardly see anything.'

    'Just be careful man. I'm sure there's still zombies around. That and you don't want to be free of zombies only to wipe out on a dirt bike.'

    (Waylandir) 'Oh! Dude! I figured it out!'

    '...You're not about to get on me about writing that book again are you?'

    (Waylandir) "Haaaa no! I figured it out though. These things are attracted to sound. You gotta be really quiet.. but you can trick em into doing stupid shit too! We had the dumb fucks jumping off a cliff to try to get to us from across a ravine yesterday. Was funny shit dude. We kept whistling at em and they would run straight for us and off the cliff. It was like watching fuckin lemmings. Coil keeps laughing about it randomly, has been since yesterday.

    -Oh, I figured something else out too! Those fat things puke shit on you that attracts all the other ones. Watch out for em!'

    '..Uh, yeah... I kn-'

    (Waylandir) 'Shit, I'm runnin outa batterey, gotta go man.. Watch out for those pukers! Seeya!'

    ...Slow fucker. Leave it to Way to tell me a bunch of shit I already know. Well, he's alive anyway.

    'Oh hey, Chloe. Did I wake you?'

    End of Entry.



    Case Subject: [url=;u=3694]Ruukil

    Jan 18th.

    I'm out of the city. I've been walking for miles now. I see packs of cars where the traffic had them killed the zombies probably had a field day in that panic.

    I'm somewhere now, I don't know where. I think that I'll probably die out here, I thought I'd die in there too. I keep telling the book I'm going to die. But I won't, I just keep living. And soon I don't think these guns will be serviceable. I'm getting close to having to throw my pistol away. My stuff if pretty beat up.

    I think I'm about twenty or so miles from the town. I'm in the country where there are less of them, when I find them they are usually alone. I've found some people who have not been infected yet, but they don't let me in. They tell me to move on and stay away. I've contemplated killing them for their shelter, but I won't do it. I've been able to find a place with good people inside of it sometimes. They let me in and help me. It's good to know some people are good in this mess.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Audio Entry:

    (panting breaths) Dec 28th, afternoon.

    (more panting breaths)

    Jesus, they're everywhere. It's like all the shit we killed to get into the hospital filled back up again while we were on the roof... and we didn't have a handy Pote-made bomb to clear em like we did on the way in.

    We found a back way out of the hospital though, not that it made a huge difference... aside from not seeing but one special, and that from a distance.. a wheezer, I think.. I'd swear it was wearin Lucky's clothes.. but those things are hardly recognizable as people with all the growths on their face and neck.

    We've just got done running, which is why I'm breathing so hard... and being a smoker I ain't cut out for this shit. We're taking a brief pause...

    Fuckin Chloe lost one of her stupid flip-flops.. kids. She's damn lucky we haven't hit any broken glass. God knows there's enough of it around.

    We've given her a gun too. Or Pote has given her a gun. One of his pistols. Makes sense.. we can't watch her 24/7, especially when we're in the shit like we've been. She's hangin tough though.. kid's got guts, and isn't even complaining about the cold, regardless of the fact that her fingers, toes and lips are lookin kinda blue. She's wearin the coat, anyway.. we gotta find her some shoes... and then somehow talk her into wearin em.

    So far we're ok.

    Shit, they're on to us. Time to move out.



    Dec 29th, morning.

    I don't know if we can keep up this pace. I just awoke from a dead sleep.. and no one else is awake, that means we didn't post a watch, and that means we're getting sloppy.

    I can't even remember if we agreed to set a watch, or if we just collapsed here and passed out... so I don't know who to yell at for dropping the ball.

    heh.. I guess we all get the blame.

    Looks like we're in a small room, no windows, with one lamp. Hell, the door isn't even reinforced, but with a chair under the doorknob. ...that shit doesn't even work in the movies.

    I think we must be the only people left in this fucking city.. and the horde seems to know it... they've dogged our every step, until we must have caught a break and stumbled into this place.

    (a sudden banging can be heard)

    SHIT! They found us! Everyone up! MOVE MOVE MO-


    (the sounds of people running, panting, and the occasional gunshot can be heard)

    I don't think I can make it much farther.


    ..these things just won't let up... they've been hounding us relentlessly all day... it's already getting dark...


    ..its like something's driving them..

    (a loud single hacking noise can be heard, followed by a girl's screaming)

    'Fuck! Chloe!' (loud automatic gunfire very close to the mic)

    'C'mon, Chloe, *cough* get up kiddo, we *cough* gotta keep moving.'

    (rustling and a girl's voice) 'I'm ok, *cough* just help me up *cough**cough*'

    (a inhuman scream, then a slightly distant grunt of pain and a collision)

    (Chloe) 'POTEMKINE!!'

    'Son of a fuck!' (more automatic gunfire)


    End Case File Entry

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