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Thread: Zombie Digest: Chapter 24

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    Zombie Digest: Chapter 24

    Case File: II45894-036
    Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
    Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
    Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

    Begin Case File Twenty-fourth Entry

    [font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

    [size=7pt][b]Its been a while since I last wrote.

    Its been a crazy couple days. Never realized how much my Boy Scout skills would come in handy in this apocalypse. Had I known, I would have studied all the harder.

    The simple acts in civilized life have become like real treats. I just got to take a shower and shave and it felt SO amazing. I almost felt human. So new cloths and all seems like the world is normal. That is until I saw an infected pass by as I stood guard while Chloe took a shower. When she came it seemed like she was trying to catch someone's eye. Whose? Who is left?

    It seems that the infected have realized we are the only ones left in the city and so they are hunting us.

    The rest of what has transpired is just too painful for me to write. Theodore Roosevelt had it right when he wrote in his journal the day his wife and mother died: "The light has gone out in my life"[b]


    Case Subject: [url=;u=2478]Ficet99

    Dec 30 sometime between 2 and 4 am

    We've had very little sleep and we can't even really stop. Every time we find a place that we think is safe they find us again and the will to keep on running to survive dies a little more. Were currently taking shelter in the back room of a jewelery store and I chose to put myself on first watch since everyone else passed out as we came through the door. Pote was up long enough to help me barricade the door but then he just practically fainted and now I'm doing all I can to fight sleep, I'm writing this to preoccupy myself.

    They just won't give up... The blood lust in their eyes gets redder and deeper every time I see them, they're just so angry... Almost as if their jealous that we don't have to go through their torment. They want us to suffer like them, or at least they want us to kill them in the process of trying to make us suffer. We have to find a safe house for rest and ammunition soon, other wise we might not ma-


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Audio Entry:

    (whispering) Its about noon on the 30th.

    We've hit a lull for a moment... we need the rest something awful. We had found a spot that we thought was safe early this morning, but they found it. Luckily Ficet was awake on watch. They bashed through the door so hard, though, that Ficet got cut up a bit by flying splinters.

    If he hadn't been awake, we'd be dead.. him and his shotgun kept em off of us long enough for us to react.

    We've been running since.

    We managed to give them the slip, though, but they're outside this small building we've hunkered down it.. searching for us.

    It's given me time to give a quick assessment of any injuries, and check old ones. Allane's arm is still good, or so it seems. Pote's ankle, though, is fucked. It's swollen up bad.. and the real bitch of it is, there's not a lot we can do about it.. and he keeps making it worse by running on it when his adrenaline is up and he can't feel it as much. Problem is, the adrenaline's worn off now and he's in near tears from the pain. Ficet's been helping him run, but there's only so much he can do. Ficet, aside from being cut up here and there, is still pretty good. Chloe, the same, but that she's been running barefoot since she lost her other flip-flop lastnight.. and we haven't really had the chance to shoe shop. As a result, aside from being nearly black to the ankle with grime (especially after the rain started around 7 this morning), they're pretty cut up and bruised. She doesn't complain about it though, surprisingly... in fact.. I don't think I've heard her cry since we left the hospital.

    My arm, while still weak, is pretty good. Aches like a bastard much of the time, and itches like fuck with the scabbing, but otherwise ok.

    Now, though, I think I'll try to catch a quick nap befo-

    Fuck, my fucking cell just went off with a text message.

    (Allane, fervent whisper) 'Walker what the fuck!'
    (Potemkine, rasping, at the same time) 'Dude, why the fuck isn't that on vibrate, turn it the fuck off!'

    'I know, I know guys. Sorry, shi-'
    (Ficet) 'Oh shit! They're coming! Time to move!!'



    (whispering) 31st early morning.

    We've taken refuge down the end of an alley. We've managed to give them the slip again.

    Earlier, by grace of fate or divine intervention, we managed to find a pair of crutches... which we got by killing the infected using them. And let me just tell you how fucking wierd that looked. At any rate, Pote took them. It leaves him unable to move and shoot, but at this point, moving is the important part.

    So now, Chloe is watching over him and guarding him, like he'd been doing with her prior. Funny kind of turn of events.

    I wasn't even going to start this up, but I have to share my chagrin. That text message earlier? You know the one that nearly got us all killed..? and you bet your ass my phone is on silent now...

    It was a text from my brother. It reads: 'Tactical update: Make sure you keep your phone on vibrate!'

    Yeah.... Thanks.

    End Entry.


    Its the 2nd, I think.

    I don't know anymore.. the days are running together, and the nights are even worse.

    For the first time since this shit went down, I want to just give up and die.

    I've lost my MP5. Well, I didn't lose it.. I know right where it is, but no way in hell am I going back for it. I was out of ammo anyway, and it was getting heavy. Plus I probably had damaged it using it as a baseball bat in desperation anyway... which was how I lost it. Quick motherfucker snatched it right out of my hands, one of the recently ex-military guys, of all the horde, they're the toughest it seems. Aside from the specials.

    I'm down to the 2 pistols, at any rate, and my ammo is getting dangerously low.

    Ficet's out of shotgun rounds. Pote's down to one crutch after breaking his other one over the head of a puker. Saved us from getting splatted with the attractant goo. The thing staggered back and when we shot it, we were out of range when it popped.

    For the first time in days, Chloe whimper-cried herself to sleep. I almost shot her. I can't take that noise, especially after running into a real witch. That was what Ficet spent the rest of his rounds on.

    Luckily, we haven't seen one of those really big fuckers yet. We're due.. and I think when we do, we're all dead.

    Oh yeah. Happy fuckin New Year... late. I've eithe rbeen running, or too exhausted to do any entries. I don't even think the others have done any either.

    ..I wonder why Chloe's not keeping one.. seems everyone else is.

    I'm doing this now to stay awake... I've got the watch. ..its night and I dearly want to sleep, but we've still been luckless with the safehouses. It's like they've all dissapeared. ..what's worse.. we're completely lost. I never knew this city that well to start with, and since we've been on the run, we've just been moving to avoid or get away from the hordes, in no decisive direction.

    They're blocking all the exits...


    Late morning, same day.

    We've had a quiet-ish day, so far. We've been able to move unnoticed for the first time in.. fuck, I don't know. We kept to the back streets, or cut and snuck through buildings, sometimes over roof tops.

    Chloe and I have taken turns acting as Pote's other crutch. Ficet's been leading, and Allane's been watching our backs.

    I noticed that I missed a call from my brother, now that I've got my cell on silent. He left a voicemail, but I haven't the time to check it right now. We've just stopped briefly to rest and eat. We've been rationing out food, as we haven't had the time to really stop and search for anything... but even still we're getting low.

    If this "lull" keeps up, we may be able to search for supplies.. or a safehouse.

    I probably just jinxed us, though.


    (whispering) January 3rd.

    They're everywhere. We're pinned down.. they don't see us, but its only a matter of time. Its like they're devoted to hunting only us. Why?

    I just want to end it...


    Case Subject: [url=;u=2478]Ficet99

    Case File Note: The following was taken from Case Subject Walkerxes' recording device, but has been attributed to Case Subject Ficet due to content.

    Audio Recording.


    "shots and yelling are heard in the back ground, and then a scream"

    (Walker) Someone get this hunter off of me!

    "More pistol rounds are heard followed by a sharp yelp"

    (Ficet) Walker get up!

    (Walker) I dropped my tape recorder!

    (Ficet) Does it matter at the moment?!

    "More shots are fired and a girl's scream is heard"

    (Pote) A smokers got Chloe! Allane shoot it!

    "More shots and a small pop are heard in the background muffled by the sharp screams of infected"

    (Ficet) Walker we need to move now!

    (Walker) ah ha found it!

    "Crashing is heard in the back ground"

    (Allane) Tank! it's a tank!

    (Walker) Oh sh-!



    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Audio Entry:

    January 4th.

    We escaped the tank by sheer force of luck and fire. The luck part was finding the fire. We tried to sneak away from the tank by ducking into a building.. it didn't work.. but what it did was afford us the discovery of someone's last-stand fortification. It wasn't much of a fortification, but whoever holed up there had made themselves some molotovs. I grabbed one, Allane grabbed another for later use, and oddly, Ficet grabbed a bunch--about 6--empty glass bottles.

    I lit the rag and hit the tank with it, and we ran like hell, Chloe and I bodily dragging Pote along with us.

    We ran until the monster's howls went silent.



    (whispering)January 6th.

    Ficet showed us why he grabbed the empty bottles today. We got jumped by a boomer earlier. We'd heard him ahead of time, so we were ready, and his vomiting and exploding missed us entirely. Then Ficet did the strangest thing.

    He ran over to the remains, and began filling the bottles with the thing's guts.. especially the biliary bits. Then he capped the bottles and gave one to each of us, and kept two for himself.



    7th. Morning.

    Ok.. Ficet's smarter than I give him credit for.. slightly. The bottles of boomer guts are a great horde repellant. We got swarmed big time early this morning. Ficet chucked his bottle behind them against a brick wall. Between the sound of the glass breaking, and the boomer goo, the dumb-fuck zombies went charging after the wall.

    They were still kicking and punching it as we made our escape.



    (sighs) The 9th.

    (whispering) We haven't seen a safehouse yet. On the other hand, we came acrossed a small convenient store that still had some canned goods. Canned Spinnach, to be exact. tasted like a banquet.

    We observed something terribly disturbing earlier today. The horde is not attracted to Chloe's crying. Sure, when they SEE her they come after her like any one of us... but..

    We'd ditched our pursuers earlier today around noon, long enough to duck into a small deli, to hide behind the counter and rest... and man the rotting deli meat was almost enought to make us risk the horde.

    Needless today, getting there, not to mention the past two days in general, was rough. Probably some of the worst yet, inspite of losing Lucky and Ruukil at the hospital, the chopper crashing and everything else. We were ready to pack it in and give up.

    Whether it was the adrenaline leaving her system, just the weight of everything or whatever.. after about two minutes once we were hidden, she just began sobbing.

    I thought we were done. I mean, they were close enough that we didn't even dare whisper to eachother, and there she was sobbing.

    But the horde never came. In fact, the ones closest to the building began to move away, as though something they didn't want to fuck with had moved in there... and it suddenly occured to me, that other than the specialized guys, mostly the horde tended to avoid the immediate vicinity of the infected witches. ..and here was Chloe, who's crying sounded so much like the real witches, actually driving them off with her crying. I would never have thought there would be a benefit to her crying, but apparently its close enough to the witches' crying that even the infected mistake her for one of them, and steer clear of the danger.

    But then why does that make me so damn affraid? I can't explain it, nor place it.. but I fear like I've never feared during this whole thing. I fear her.

    But suddenly, and all unexpectedly.. I fear FOR her too, and that fear is even stronger. These people have become my family. We've survived things together that no one has a right to. I can't even begin to explain the kind of bond that has least as far as my end of things. Chloe is included in this. Pote has been acting like her big brother, and I see it now for myself. I care for this girl, as I care for the others. I do not want to see her come to harm.

    But something isn't right. I smell something bad on the wind, and it's aimed right at this poor, beautiful little girl.. and my biggest fear is that I will be able to do nothing to stop it.


    Janu-fucking-ary 10th, baby!

    A safehouse! A thank-you-god-even-though-I'm-atheist-fucking safehouse! And we made it into it undetected.

    The provisions here are paltry.. BUT there's some small-arms ammo that fits most of our hand guns, and shot-gun rounds for Ficet.

    And an Uzi sub-machine gun... which is funny cuz I didn't think anyone even still USED these since the A-Team.. and that bitch is mine.

    We're locked up tight, and fuck all of you infected mother fuckers. We're sleeping for a week. ..ok probably not, but to hell with posting a watch, they'd just pass out anyway.

    End hale-fucking-lujia Entry.


    Oh yeah... I just got to finally listen to the voicemail my brother left for me. Here, I'll play it.

    (muffled) 'Yo! It's me. Just calling to give you an FYI. Watch out for the crying chicks, man. They're fuckin evil, and they ain't human. ..and they got claws. We killed one after she attacked us when we thought she was someone who needed help. Bitch.

    -Oh hey! I figured it out. Those fat fucks that puke... they explode when you shoot them! I'm gonna call em Boomers. Haaaa I think up the best names.

    -Seeya! Stay safe, dude.'

    That's my brother. A wealth of useful information. Fuckin noob.


    End Case File Entry

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