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Thread: Zombie Digest: Chapter 25

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    Zombie Digest: Chapter 25

    Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!

    Case File: II45894-036
    Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
    Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
    Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

    -Begin Case File Twenty-fifth Entry-

    Case Subject: Ficet99

    Jan 14

    Were still in the city unfortunately. We need to get out but we just can't seem to find a way without it involving a fight with those things. Now that I think about it it's been days since I made an entry, maybe I'm just not finding the time or something to write about. Ironically this is becoming more of a rut than my real life, encounter, escape, encounter, escape, tank, escape, low on ammo, just escape faster, and hide out in the nearest safe house. I never thought I'd say this but after you've gotten use to it the zombie apocalypse is just a bit... repetitive.

    At least the thrill of the chase or being hunted is nice and exhilarating, otherwise I might have gotten really bored a long time ago. Sometimes even I wonder if I'm thinking clearly or logically but maybe I've just got book smarts and a lack of common sense. I hear another horde approaching our little hide out (which happens to be a shoe store this time around, maybe we Walker thought they didn't like that new shoe smell). Maybe I'll go in just using my knife this time, just to make things a bit more interesting...

    Case Subject: LuckyDucky [Infected]

    A strange discovery today. I have been following a group of them for several days, stopping to occasionally hunt down another who comes too close, this prevents their group from growing larger. This group is not just any group however, it is mine. The ones I stayed with in the past when I was like them, alive. When I, like they are now, was trying to resist becoming what I am today. When my vision first gave me a glimpse of them, I saw four. I recall the day of my resurrection a chaotic one, and there used to be six of us. My curiosity got the best of me, eventually I got to see them, their faces. That was when I made my discovery. They were exchanging conversation. I recognized them, Pote, Walker, Allane, and Ficet the one I saved from the curse that now consumes me. They were the four that I saw through my vision, but a fifth was there. A small girl, one that was also living. One that I did not see through my vision...why? How? What is wrong with her? What exception does she have that protects her from my sight? And it appears the mindless prefer to stay away from her. HOW is this possible! I must find a way to capture her, to find out why she has these gifts! The horde has been avoiding their group, it is time that has changed.

    Case Subject: Walkerxes

    January 18th.

    Fuckin batteries died on the tape recorder. Sometime after my last entry, I think I must have bumped the play button, and its the type of play device that just keeps cycling the tape over and over again.. and in all the zombie goodness, I didn't hear it clicking.

    Finally found some batteries.

    We've taken a chance and entered this highrise. We're headed to the roof in the hopes that we can get our bearings and plot a way out of this fucking city.

    For a time, the intensity of their hunt seemed to have slowed.. but the motherfuckers are back into full swing, doging our every step. And after our brief bit of luck, and subsequent rest, in finding the safe house back on the... um. hold a sec.

    ..back on the 10th.. I had to go listen to my last entry to, cuz I couldn't remember the dam day.

    At any rate, we haven't found another safehouse since that time.

    So far, however, it seems pretty light in this building.

    More later when I have a moment alone.

    19th early morning.

    I'm on watch now, and the others are asleep. We've secured an area near the top of the rise.. what appears to be offices for board members and high up muckity-mucks of whatever corp owns.. owned.. this place.

    I'm growing worried about my family here. Pote's ankle keeps getting exacerbated. While on the hospital roof, back when he'd first hurt it, I'd had him do as many of the "RICE" measures as I could, but we'd had no ice, nore any type of ace wraps. The rest part was pretty easy, at the time, at least, as well as the elevation. I'd used cloth strips similar to what we'd used for Chloe's feet as shoes, but they didn't have the stretchiness ace wraps have.

    At any rate.. all the running later undid any good that might have been done. He's in pain and withdrawn, really only seeming to open up to Chloe.

    Allane is also withdrawn. He hardly says a word. Neither of the two have opened their diaries, and they were as avid about keeping them as I am.

    Ficet... I swear he has a death wish. He keeps taking more and more risks, as if he's trying to either prove something, or as though he's bored and trying to liven it up for himself. But that he puts us all in risk.

    Chloe, on the other hand.. she's been opening up more and more. Its like being around people has finally broken that shell she'd been hiding in. Hell, she hardly ever cries anymore, but for that one time awhile back when I noticed her crying tricked the horde into thinking a witch was near. She still can't remember anything past the closet, but that will come with time. She seems to have attached herself to me in a similar fashion as she has with Pote.. only that it requires Pote to be otherwise occupied first. He still gets her near-full attention otherwise.

    We did finally find her some shoes, and she even agreed to wear them. Amazingly none of the minor cuts and scrapes she sustained before we found her shoes got infected.

    Oops, speak of the devil, look who just woke up.

    'What's up, kiddo?'


    Made it to the top, have our direction. While I think we should stay another day in the hopes we might allow Pote's ankle some more rest, I don't think our little place here will remain secure for long.

    We unanimously feel that trying to find that military base the chopper came from is our best bet for survival.

    We need to get the hell outa this city.


    Motherfuckers won't leave us alone. And we hear coughing constantly off in the distance, either above, behind, off to the side.. but never in view.

    But more frightening.. there's something new hunting us. We caught a glimpse of it once, and occasionally can hear it... it makes this odd... mumbling-gurgling noise... like it's talking to its self, but its vocal cords won't sustain sound... or something.

    What we noticed of it.. it was fast.. once it noticed we'd seen it, it practically vanished.

    We're freaked. This doesn't fit the pattern. This thing is new, in a grinding wheel of sameness.. and it seems almost... seperate. That smoker following us, that we understand.. but this thing... its not with the smoker.. its alone, and different. But I don't understand.. nothing is ever different. Smokers, Hunters, Boomers, Witches, Tanks.. they fit their own respective pattern. Even the horde.

    I don't like it.

    (whispering) It's about midnight on the 22nd.. so I guess technically it might be the 23rd.

    We found paint on the wall in an alley behind us.. a house with a cross in it and an arrow. Safehouse near. It pointed us this way.. into a nightmare.

    All the while there've been cars abandoned, random car wrecks, etc. This.. it looks like some kid was playing with their Matchbox Cars and threw a tantrum. We can hear a tank somewhere in all that mess, so I suspect it was him throwing the cars all around. Meanwhile.. if we want in that safehouse, and we're not sure we do at this point, we've got to go through that mess... and hopefully avoid the tank while doing so.

    And our coughing friend is still somewhere back there. Mr. Mumbles hasn't been around since this morning, but I suspect he's around too.

    If they were ever gonna hit us, this would be the time... which is why we're heavily considering forgetting the safehouse.

    (whisper) We said 'fuck the safehouse' and got the hell out of dodge, back the way we came.

    We'll find another way around.... and I'm glad Ficet didn't decide that that was the moment he was gonna get crazy.

    Case Subject: Ruukil

    Jan 23rd.

    I've noticed that my entries have become less and less, this is probably because of a lack of down time. I am south of the town and alone. The only Z's I see are in cars or so damaged they are harmless. For the most part they don't notice me, I resemble a zombie. I've lost weight and now probably am below a healthy weight. I've chucked the pistol, it's broken. I don't know how to fix it. I picked up a machete that I saw in a car. There was a Z next to it but that was no issue. It should work well in a fist fight, luckily I have not had to use it yet.

    I have been following the road to where I think a military base might be. I saw a helicopter yesterday flying down the road. I lost sight of it after a wile. I'm using the sun to guide me to where it should be. At night I can usually find a high place that I can use to stay safe. Right now I smell something in the air. It's not the stink of death, but the familiar buzz of life. I smell burning gas and hear noise, like a city. I think there is life.

    Case Subject: Walkerxes [supplemental]

    23rd, afternoon.

    We're still being followed. The horde hasn't been as bad today, but that smoker is still back there, tailing us. We've had some hunter and boomer attacks, but as of yet the smoker hasn't enterprised on any of them.

    It's like it and the horde are.. waiting.. for what, I don't know.

    But that gurgling creature is still near by also.

    And I swear it's actually talking to its self or something.. but its throat must be all fucked up, because it can't make sounds properly.

    But I swear I heard it say a word. I'm not sure, but I think the word was "Balance."

    I have no idea what that means.


    Case Subject: Ficet99
    Jan 23

    We're being followed by something, well two things actually. One is a very curious Smoker that is terrible at hiding itself, the other is some new form of infected. Really the chance to fight something new and unseen is a bit exciting, that brings back some of the thrill to this whole situation. No more rut is what it comes down to, just come and get me... If you have to choose any of us, choose me...

    Case Subject: Ruukil
    jan 25th.

    I wandered today. I need food, and soon, water. The helicopters keep passing over, I think they know I'm here. I think I'm not important enough to save. That or there has been nowhere to land. I hope it was the latter of the two.

    The sounds and smells are getting louder. I'm getting closer, the thing is I think that means Z's will be there too.

    Case Subject: Walkerxes

    Hounded. Hunted.

    The mumbling creature is driving us. Where, I'm not sure. We're trying to keep to our route out of the city, and generally it lets us, but if we stray a way it does not want us to go.. it gets closer.

    'Balance, Balance'... it whispers it in the gurlging voice.. I'm losing my balance...

    We all are.

    The horde... it watches us, never even attempting to make a move at us. We pass the multitudes by and they stare at us as we pass.

    A few days ago we heard a Hunter. It was somewhere up and to our right. We paused trying to spot it, prepared for its leap. And lept it did. It flew at us from the top of a building.. we all saw it, ready to take it out...

    But that thing... like a flash, a blur came from the opposite building, hitting the Hunter mid-air, colliding with it and both continued in the path of the creature's line of travel, through one of the building's windows. It happened so fast we never got a good look at the thing... but the noises that came from the building... I think it ripped the Hunter apart, the Hunter screaming all the while.

    We ran. We've been running a long time.. but yet it allowes us times to rest. It's toying with us.

    We haven't heard that smoker behind us since the creature killed the hunter... either it killed the smoker too, or the smoker backed off.

    The creature wants us for himself. We are now his property. His toy.

    His prey.

    My family is in mortal danger.

    We're about to move on again, its gurgling is getting closer.

    (a scratchy, choked sound, that might be a voice yells) 'I'VE LOST THE BALANCE!!'

    (Ficet) 'Holy fuck! LOOK OUT!!'

    -End Case File-

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    Re: Zombie Digest: Chapter 25

    Thanks for the assistance, Iron.. though I will admit that this whole thing feels like some wierd out-of-body experience.. My hands are not my own!

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