Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Twenty-sixth Entry

Case File Note: I appologize for my dereliction of duty. I had a nasty bout with gastrointestinal issues. Some of our food is spoiling. I don't want to think about what that might mean. I am back, now, but it is with a heavy heart that I compile this Case File Entry.

[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Tommy

[size=14pt]Shelly's sick now, too. That just leaves me and Amy who aren't sick. Shelly cried when we told her she had to leave. She didn't want to go. Amy hit her on the head with a baseball bat, then I dragged her outside and left her for the other sick people to find.

She's back at the window with the others now, with the sick people. Some are really sick. I wish the grownups were still here. They'd know how to cure the sick people. I don't like looking at them, but I can still hear them. That's how I know they're really sick. They can't talk anymore, that means they're sick. When grandma died, she could just make whistling and moaning sounds before. That's what these people sound like. I don't like the sound anymore. I just want to hide in the corner and cover my eyes.

Amy, though, she doesn't care. After she first hit Robert, the first of us to turn sick after the grownups left, with a rock, she doesn't care about anything. She just watches them. Her face almost looks like theirs. She doesn't get angry, she doesn't cry, she doesn't smile... Just like them.

She had a pretty smile. I miss her smile.



Case Subject: [url=;u=3694]Ruukil

Jan 28th

I saw soldiers today. They were infected, their rifles were still strapped to a few of them. I tried to kill one quietly but it let it's friends know before I could complete the job. I had to book it into a nearby house. There was a reanimated family inside. I'm on the roof now, I'm waiting for the helicopter. I hope they pick me up, I hear the Z' closing in. They can't get to me but I can't get down.


Case Subject: [url=;u=3796]33knight33

i have learned from them in my time spent following them.

they have become predictable in how they react when the others rush at them.

hunkering down in a closet or standing in a corner.

it could not be easier.

after my time spent stalking them i wait.

i wait for the chance when they are distracted by the masses of the others like me.

I will repay them for what they have done to my kind. not the others. they do not deserve the pleasure of the kill. there must be balance.

i have kept away the stronger of the infected. these people are mine.

they have tipped the scales. i must reset them.

the time has come. i have dispatched the smarter of the others. they will not get in the way this time.

they have become careless when fighting the running and hording others. acting as if they have mastered the killing of them.

they will see the balance.

my wait is over. one of them has made a loud blaring sound and flashing lights. bumped into one of their bright cars.

i goad the horde of my others to find them. they will do as always and hunker down. mistake.

i spot who i have found to be the weakest of the pack standing in the back of their group as they move to their customary corner.

he is shaking. good. i will teach him the balance.

the young one is easy to take down. with one leap and strike he falls. once down he begins screaming to the others.

FICET! they cry back. i hope that means pain.

but i am already on the move. i pause on an air conditioner as i return the glare of the man looking at me. this is the one they call Walkerxes. but he is not walking now.

he returns to the aid of his companion. dragging the younger one back towards a small shop's entrance.

just as anticipated. they move to the only defendable position in the building. the closet.

taking my cue i head to the roof of that building. i find my way to the air duct i had reconnoitered previously.

it is all going as planned. they have lost their balance.

i wait a moment for them to all be totally encumbered with the growing horde of others at the one and only entrance.

i make my move. diving down again upon the huddled kid in the corner.

he is unable to scream as his throat is immediately gouged away.

i pause for a moment to watch him fade to black.

he is still trying to mouth cries to his companions

slowly the balance he has upset is restored as his blood drains away from him and unto me.

the only girl in the group is the first to notice me as signified by her screams.

she fires at me as i move toward her striding on the wall then back to the ground.

they have not dealt with me before. they do not know how to handle me without their balance.

i club her hard in the jaw as i move to the door.

i cannot fight them all in here now. when i do make it outside i notice that same man is looking at me.

his face more rewarding than before:

there is fear and anger in his eyes. he now knows the balance as it should be.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Randall Williams

Pos-1 Southern barricade - 194 yards
Pos-2 T-intersection north of S. barricade - 249 yards
Pos-3 Left lower corner of q-zone - 321 yards
Pos-4 Right lower corner of q-zone - 403 yards
Pos-5 Lefthand overpass - 506 yards to green billboard
Pos-6 Righthand feeder road - 464 yards to blue sign

Temp - 81 F, cold bore compensation negligible
Windage - slight westerly wind approx 15 mph, 1/8 mil hold left to compensate

-Spotted 7 targets advancing on Pos 5
Order given to eliminate all targets
Engaged targets, all eliminated
-Spotted 14 targets advancing on Pos 6
Order given to eliminate all targets
Engaged targets, all eliminated
-Spotted multiple targets advancing on Pos 6, 5, 2, & 1
Order given to fire at will on all potential targets within zones

*** The next few pages are smeared in dirt and blood, with a fine layer of gunpowder residue coating them all***

This is Gunnery Seargent 1st Class Randall Williams. Our position has been overrun. My spotter has been wounded, a result of a close contact with one of the hostile targets. He seems to be in stable condition, though I fear the bite wound might become infected if medical attention is not acquired soon.

We are currently in egress. Incomplete intel failed to prepare us for the nature of the "viral infection". Many shots placed on center mass failed to incapacitate hostiles for more than a few seconds. As such, our overwatch position was quickly overrun as the hostiles easily advanced through town and into the surrounding hills.

We have attempted to radio for emergency evac, but have received no response. Our POR is the outpost stationed roughly 3 klicks south of our current position.

My spotter has not asked for any more morphine since the first dose I administered to him after he was attacked. In fact, he has said little at all. I am certain he needs medical attention, as the wound on his forearm won't stop bleeding, despite administering half the contents of each of our first aid bags, but he will not complain.

He has a job to do, and so do I. His job is to survive long enough to reach the outpost, and my job is to get him there. Should we fail in our objectives, the above observation data should hopefully prove useful to further recon missions sent into the area.

Semper Fi,
Randall Williams, Gunnery Seargent 1st Class
USMC, 3rd Force Recon Division


Case Subject: [url=;u=3694]Ruukil

Feb 3rd

I have found safety. That helicopter saved me. The man dropped down in that small machine of his and saved me. He then dropped me off at Fort Sam Houston. As soon as I hit the dirt they took my stuff and stripped me down. I fought back at first, apparently I put up a good fight. But eventually they got me into a room and made sure I wasn't infected. I got to take a shower and some food that I would have called shitty before this all went down.

I'm apart of the military now, I think. But I don't know if it is official. If it can even be official. They won't give me my gun back, I feel naked without it. They said they're giving me a new gun and they gave me the military clothing. The webbing, cargo pants, and the jacket. They probably have more clothing than ammo.


Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

Audio Entry:

jesusjesusjesusjesus. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.



I have to be calm. I have to talk this out. I've gotta get it on record before I lose it again.

Potemike is a wall of misery. He won't let anyone near her.

Ficet.. jesus christ, Ficet. His throat is in tatters. There's no way I could have saved him, even if he had been alive when I got to him.

Chloe.. that fucker hit her so hard that he shattered her jaw, and the impact of his blow crushed her windpipe. She suffocated to death before our eyes. I'd taken Ficet's knife and tried to give her a field tracheotomy, but there was just too much damage. I held one of her hands, and Pote held the other as she died, her feet kicking, her body bucking as she fought for air. Her eyes glistened with tears and fear.. and there was nothing I could do.

After that Pote pushed us away and has been guarding her body since.

Allane guards the door as I stand over Ficet, wondering what to do. I can't believe Ficet is gone. He's saved my life so many times!

And that thing. That mother fucking thing. It looked so... normal! He could have passed for anyone, until you saw his eyes and the way he moved.

Our experience with the infected, thus far, has been pale-to-white skin and washed-out bloodshot eyes. Even the special ones.. except the Witches who have eyes that glow red. This one, though.. his skin was as healthy as any normal human's. Dark hair that looked like he even kept it neat, but for the bits of dried blood and flesh from his victims. His clothes were lousy with old blood and gore, but in any other regard he seemed like a normal human. But his eyes... his eyes were all black... as though his pupils have taken over his entire sclera. ...all the better to see us with, my dear, though even the light didn't seem to effect him, and with pupils that size, you'd think it would. ..and the way he moved.. was defiantely not human. He moved like some type of hunting animal that walked upright. Slightly crouched, his stride springy and always ready to leap. His movements were both fluid and jerky, as though he was aware of everything at once.

And he was intelligent. I know it. He stared me down.. twice. I know there was something there, some challenge.

He will come for me, some day.


We couldn't leave Ficet and Chloe laying there like that. They deserved better.

We spent the rest of the night there where they died, and this morning we set out; me carrying Ficet's body over my shoulder, and Pote and Allane carrying Chloe between them.

We found an older building.. some shoddy derelict apartment building, and placed them in one of the bedrooms. We lay each on one of the two twin beds in the room... then took one of the Molotovs, emptied its contents on the beds, and lit them on fire.

We knew we risked calling down the horde on us, but it needed do be done.

The horde still seems to be holding back. We're a ways off now, but can see the glow of the building in the distance as it burns still. It's the best we could do.

We will wait until morning and then we will continue on our course out of the city.


He has hurt my family. He has killed my brother and my sister. He has looked me in the eye and has challenged me. He seeks his balance.

I will take his fucking balance and stuff it down his throat.

When we meet again, and oh yes... we will meet again.. on that day, it will be him or me.

One of us will not walk away from the encounter.

I promise.


Case File Note: Addendum - Excerpt of 'Study of the Post-Vale Strain Trials'

Test Subject: "Chloe"

It is unknown, at this time, why the test subject known as "Chloe" never completed her transformation after her administration of the Witch strain. As with all the other test subjects, she underwent the initial transformation to the "pre-witch" phase, her appearence altering from her origional form, in the first 24 hours. However, unlike the other subjects, in the following 24 hours she did NOT complete the transformation.

The current theory in the Science Division is that it may have had to do with her stage of physical developement. Chloe was the youngest of the test subjects, and it is believed that she was a "late bloomer." The other test subjects of the Witch strain were between late-puberty stages and pre-menupausal stages. Chloe, however, was in the stage of early puberty, and had not acheived her first menstruation.

That is their theory, at any rate.

The Witch strain was a failed strain anyway. It caused its subjects to become mentally unstable (even in the initial pre-witch phase). The female subjects became unapproachable, tore at their clothing (which always makes me think of the Bible and how people would "rend their clothing" in grief), and would otherwise be immobile and weep constantly, but attack anything that startled them. They became highly sensetive to bright pin-point lights, such as a flashlight or laser pointer.

The fact is, much is unknown about the various strains. For example, how the bastardized mutant strain, the one that created the "common infected" hordes, not only came to be, but managed to escape the labs, inspite of the multitude of precautions.. and started the whole incident. Another example, inspite of the controlled study, the Smoker strain somehow mutated, allowing Smokers to propagate more Smokers.

It is believed that some of this mutation came from contamination by the bastardized strain. An example that points our scientists to this belief is with the Boomer strain. What was supposed to have been a corrosive biological agent the Boomers "vomited" mutated into being some type of pheremonal attractant for the common infected. The "Tank" strain subjects became nearly as mindless as the common infected, only with greatly increased rage.

Only the Hunter strain retained its pure form, and they remain the most promising of the test subjects for military use.

End Case File Note.

End Case File Entry

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