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Thread: Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.

    Hey guys! My names Dustin, aka Streetbum. New here, and I find it unfortunate that my entry to these forums is under these circumstances. I've discovered these servers this past week and have spent a good amount of time in them. Almost all of it has been a very good time, w/ me getting along with everyone and everyone getting along with me.

    Today I had a couple of friends at my house and I brought them in a server, and they are very, very new to CSS. Ive been around since 06, have played competitively a bit, know my way around the game. Neither of them had sound, and we were playing for about "a map" (if that were a unit of time) before an admin came in and was pretty outrageous. His name was something like db4d irishrice. No one had been calling strats before he came in (I had actually tried calling myself once or twice, gave up in order to try to help them get more of a grasp on things). Anyway, he came in halfway through the game and started slaying us immediately. I just asked him to relax because they're new and couldn't even hear him, nevermind understand the immediate flow of the map and where they are expected to be. They don't know the names of the places he was telling them to go, and in the midst of me trying to help them, he just kept slaying us and threatening to ban us.

    Anyway, my ban came when I told him to just have some empathy, understand that they are 100% new and to try to be inclusive and not a jerk to them. Then, boom, banned. I don't think I was out of line, ESPECIALLY since a bunch of people in there were backing me up. When you act like that towards new players it keeps them from getting into CSS. The fact is, if they'd been CT, or if you'd never come in and started getting angry, not one person would have been bothered by our being in there. Then when one of them went AFK for a minute to help me get the names of the people involved still in there, he got slayed some more. Not that it was just him left holding everyone up, just that the admin was watching and waiting for the chance to do it again.

    The other thing is, when you call a rush strat w/ 11 people all running into the same hallway... its just a cluster****. When it gets like that, and everyones blocking, and you cant shoot w/o dinking the teammate strafing in front of you, it isn't fun. If a strat is called that is "everyone rush ____" on a full team of people, WHY is it not okay if 1-2 people are elsewhere to keep their whole team from immediately rotating. Instead, you just get slayed before you even have a chance.

    Anyway, I really enjoy your servers. They're populated usually and have good map rotations. I almost always adhere as strictly as possible to the strats called, but like I said, this just seemed ridiculous. I've gotten along with literally every person in there via chat/mic except for this one admin. Sorry to undermine the dude in front of everyone in there, I was just really amazed at what was happening, and the support of everyone else for what I was saying emboldened me. Thanks for reading.

    telepwN! Street :)
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    Happened around 2:15-2:30 today. Not sure exactly.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.

    Re: Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.

    Street, welcome to the forums. I am in fact your banning admin. When i came into the server i played two rounds to see what was going on. The server was in a complete mess. The ct's were winning the map 9-1. The map was de_nuke. I saw that nobody was calling, people bunny hopping, and several baiting. I immediately took action. You were not the only person banned.

    If you have played at Tpg you understand this is no ordinary place to play. It is not a pub "lets all go out and get some frags" type of place. We make calls and try our best to perform the objective.

    1. If your friends do not have voice they should not play here. They will get banned. Have them get a mic, headset, or enable voice through speakers. Every single admin will ban if a person is not following the call. Being new to the game is no excuse.

    2. Let the admin do his job. I have a job to do and I try my best to do it. If you have a problem with the way I do that job then please bring it up in the admin abuse section of this forum in game is not place to bring that issue up.

    3. Calls where everyone goes one way works extremely well on these servers, if you stick around long enough you will understand that. Do not sit back and watch flank or go lone wolf you will be banned for that. If you have a problem with the calls either play somewhere else, start calling, or start performing the call. 10 times out of 10 the calls are not the problem, the person's performing the calls are.

    4. I do not have a personal vendetta against you or any other player around here. In fact your ban was for 1 hour for disrupting the server, many admins would of perma banned you. Also after banning a few more people we started to gain ground and win a few rounds, get the bomb down etc.

    While your here please read the cs policies and procedures section.

    Again ship up or ship out. I am trying to give you a chance here because you seem to know the game. Ball is in your court. If you have any other additional questions of me please feel free to ask.

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    Re: Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.

    The map was de_nuke, so its pretty reasonable that the CTs were winning lopsidedly. Frankly, I'm just going to leave the server if I'm stuck on T from here on out. There's plenty of other servers where the admins wont scream at us, cuss, call people "pussies" among other insults, resort to slaying before warning and then write it off as "THIS IS A TEAM PLAYER GAMING SERVER" as if that is an axiom that I should somehow know at this point, or try to be the boss over every movement I make when I'm perfectly capable of reading where I will be most useful on the map.

    I disagree w/ your point #3. Ive watched it fail, repeatedly. People get flashed, block, most of the team baits, and its just not fun. Its not fun at all, and this is supposed to be a game. Like I said, I'd been following strats and tried calling myself before you came in. It should also be said that most of the time the admin calls after I've already bought and everyones already moving. Seriously, I can be already on my way to do something and then someone will call and LOSE THEIR MIND when I had the gall to not stop what I was doing, lose any advantage that I had to get picks, and ignore the fact that picking off rotating players is how rounds are won easily...

    Again, you're literally the only person who has acted in the fashion that you did. One other admin and I had an convo about what was going on the first night I was in there and we ended up resolving things civilly without him coming across as abusing his power, being unreasonable, etc. I was completely unfamiliar with your organization, and he was able to coach me through your insanely strict T-side rules without any of that.

    I've been a mod on enough communities to understand that you'll win, everyone will back you up, & I'll be permabanned should I put up much more of a resistance. So dont worry, I wont "argue" any more. I get that you have your rules and you think I'm not even a blip on the radar. I'll make sure not to bring anyone into your servers though since you clearly dont care about new players, or how the Counter-Strike community in general is dying because it's not inclusive at all for new players.
    Last edited by streetbum; 06-24-12 at 02:36 PM.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer vafaskillz's Avatar
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    Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.
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    Gamertag: vafaskillz PSN ID: vafaskillz Steam ID: 76561197974779190

    Re: Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.

    So I addressed our stance in your admin abuse claim....however you still remained banned. Do you want to continue this unban thread or have you decided rushing with the team is not for you?

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.

    Ive said a few times that I've never had a personal issue with following the strats. Was even trying to call myself at times. I was sticking up for/trying to help my friends, which got me banned. Don't worry, I wont be bringing them back there, rofl. Also, I thought the ban was an hour? It got extended because of this? lmfao. wowzas.

    I was called mad in that last post, but you guys seem mad. Idk why. I tried to follow the channels that you laid out for exactly what I did, when something happened that I felt was unjust, and Im allowed to have an opinion. Dont extend my ban because of that lmfao. And tell me "you dont need me". Jezzum crackers.

    EDIT: Cool, not banned. Hope that was a misunderstanding and you weren't threatening to extend it? Cant see why you'd extend it because of what I've said here. Didn't mean to piss anyone off lmao. Just getting out my side of the story.
    Last edited by streetbum; 06-26-12 at 04:19 PM.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer vafaskillz's Avatar
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    Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.
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    Gamertag: vafaskillz PSN ID: vafaskillz Steam ID: 76561197974779190

    Re: Hello, Im Streetbum. Banned today.

    Quote Originally Posted by streetbum View Post
    Ive said a few times that I've never had a personal issue with following the strats. Was even trying to call myself at times. I was sticking up for/trying to help my friends, which got me banned. Don't worry, I wont be bringing them back there, rofl. Also, I thought the ban was an hour? It got extended because of this? lmfao. wowzas.

    I was called mad in that last post, but you guys seem mad. Idk why. I tried to follow the channels that you laid out for exactly what I did, when something happened that I felt was unjust, and Im allowed to have an opinion. Dont extend my ban because of that lmfao. And tell me "you dont need me". Jezzum crackers.

    EDIT: Cool, not banned. Hope that was a misunderstanding and you weren't threatening to extend it? Cant see why you'd extend it because of what I've said here. Didn't mean to piss anyone off lmao. Just getting out my side of the story.
    It was a temp ban...hopefully us speaking this out on the forums clarified some things for you.


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