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Thread: KorriGunZ - BF3

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    KorriGunZ - BF3

    Game handle is: KorriGunZ
    Battlefield 3 ID: 248492438
    Battlefield 3 Stats Link: Progression - korri_gunz - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
    Banned By: ZoranDaWicked
    Reason Given: Being Disrespectful
    When?: Sometime in last 2-4 months
    Server: Unsure, I can't cross check it because I am banned from all of them I think. Sorry I can't provide exactly which one it occurred on, I have no way of knowing because of the amount of time that has passed.

    Because it has been so long I can only assume what it is was that lead to my banning. There are only a couple things in BF that can even get me to bring up the chat window. Either someone tk'ing constantly, tw'ing constantly, or sticking up for someone else that did nothing. Those are usually the three possibilities that get me going or ruffled up. I rarely, almost never, get too carried away. I always try to use tactful direct responses, but sometimes that isn't received well. I can also only speculate as to why that is and I have some pretty good ideas, but that isn't why I am here.

    If I was out of line (which I may have been, but nothing I can think of that would warrant a perma-ban from all TPG servers in BF, but it has been sometime, so I can't be positive) I do apologize.

    I would like to be able to play on your server. I do not own premium or any of the extra content, and your server is like the only one that is populated that runs the game stock, and is in North America.

    If for some reason I was to be unbanned, I will simply keep the chat window hidden. If it doesn't concern me, I don't care. I wouldn't be sure how to deal with a tk'er or tw'er, but I guess I can cross that bridge when I get there, if I get there.

    I'm a pilot and lately I have been very busy. I don't get to game as much as I used to, and it would just be nice to have a decent server to play on when I am able to play.

    Thanks for your time,
    Last edited by korri_gunz; 08-03-13 at 10:47 PM.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer ZoranDaWicked's Avatar
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    Re: KorriGunZ - BF3


    You are correct. I'm your banning admin. Thank you for posting in the correct format. Since this ban happened a bit ago, I will need to dig further into the details. Usually when I ban someone for being Disrespectful it's because they said something about the admins, their decisions etc. I will start to look into this and keep you posted. Please check back here.

    "Look at me once means trouble, twice means death"

  3. Registered TeamPlayer ZoranDaWicked's Avatar
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    Re: KorriGunZ - BF3

    Korri.....the logs below refresh my memory. I'm older and not a child like you called me below. I do believe you were kicked a few times for arguing an admin decision. You also spoke about your buddy. I'm sure he got banned for teamwounding/teamkilling... because you started to blame Amntmind saying he was teamwounding first. What was your buddies name?

    Calling admins Children, Mentally challenged is just being disruptive to the server.

    Then Saying "admin, you are a cunt. hope you die in a car accident..and if you have kids...them too. twat mother fucker."

    That line ended your playing days here.

    We do not accept childish behavior here, Smart ass comments, Disruptive comments. Players who do this will be kicked/banned.

    Why should we let you back into TPG? Why would you want to play with a bunch of Mentally challenged children who apparently run this server?

    Waiting on your reply...

    Line 175: [01:16:48] korri_gunz > I have seen some mentally challenged people in my life, but getting kicked for saying Hebrews...that take the cake. And saying..
    Line 177: [01:16:57] korri_gunz > isn't racism. You don't even know your all.
    Line 183: [01:17:43] korri_gunz > No wonder America has gone down the tubes.
    Line 185: [01:17:49] korri_gunz > Clear example.
    Line 189: [01:18:08] korri_gunz > Uhh...bahh sheeple. That is what I am talkng about.
    Line 191: [01:18:23] korri_gunz > I was talking to my buddy, who happens to be of that religion.
    Line 194: [01:18:39] korri_gunz > so that was between us, so, ya. mentally challenged.
    Line 198: [01:19:01] korri_gunz > I can't with children at the helm. I was trying to do that till you kicked me.
    Line 202: [01:19:22] korri_gunz > I'm not talking, this is typing. Again, difference.
    Line 207: [01:19:48] korri_gunz > Have a brain, we know. No need to state the obvious.
    Line 264: [01:43:51] korri_gunz > amntmind was teamwounding in spawn, just now
    Line 265: [01:44:03] korri_gunz > he was shooting friendlies with chopper
    Line 267: [01:45:11] korri_gunz > that is bullshit, he did not intentional anything
    Line 268: [01:45:24] korri_gunz > amntd...was teamwounding firt
    Line 269: [01:45:27] korri_gunz > that is some bullshit
    Line 271: [01:45:44] korri_gunz > admin, you are a cunt. hope you die in a car accident..and if you have kids...them too. twat mother fucker.

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    Re: KorriGunZ - BF3

    That is some damn good record keeping!

    Waiting on my reply...? Not sure what else to say.

    From what I have gathered from the last post, it won't matter what I say, I will stay banned.

    There are only a few things that can get me that irritated. As I said in my first post, typically one of three things, and it is clear, it was one of those three three things.

    There is not much left for me to say that would add to my original post. I apologized and said you would not hear anything else from me on the chat. I would just keep it hidden. I don't want to play with TPG, but I want to play on a server that has stock maps, full rotation, decent ping, and is populated. That just so happens to be the TPG server.

    There was a problem with the team wounder that day, and often, not just on TPG, I see many people that report the tk'ers/tw'ers...being the ones that end up getting kicked/banned. That more than upsets me. That is why it went where it went. Also, I was talking to my one friend that day, who is Jewish. There was nothing "racists" in our chat, but I do believe the term is antisemitic.

    To be honest, I do still think it is complete b.s. that the person who was originally breaking not only the server rules, but the game rules, ended up staying, and I was the one who was banned. Who wouldn't that upset? Think about it. Go to a server, have someone tw/tk you repeatedly, report it to the admin, then have no action taken. How would that make you feel? Yes, I was overboard, and can only speculate as to why I was out of control, but as far as my reasons for just being simply upset, more than warranted.

    By your last line, "waiting on your reply..." I don't think there is a thing I can say or do to get unbanned. And if I am going to be sincerely honest here, I feel like I am just being baited for the amusement of the forum and the clan. So if I can be honest enough to convey that openly, it should be no problem in believing me when I say I am truly sorry, and it will never be a problem from here on out, if I was given a second chance.

    I'm not going to keep eating shit or beating a dead horse to get into the server, I'm just not going to do it. I do not condone some of my words, or my actions, especially the car accident line, that is totally of out line. I do however stand behind my just being generally "upset." Clearly however, it should have been communicated in a much better fashion. This has become hard however, as I see more and more often...these types of injustices.

    I am no stranger to gaming Zoran. Being playing probably just as long as you. I remember the very first FPS games years and years ago. You being what I assume as roughly 40 years old, should probably recall this too. From that time till now, I have seen a progressive downgrade in what I consider admins being "overzealous." It just irks me, but that doesn't excuse the shit I said.

    There is absolutely nothing else I can do or say outside of...

    First apologizing for the extremely negative shit I said. Secondly, recanting the stuff I said, because I do. I consider myself to be an extremely honest person. With that being said, all I can further say is that it would never be a problem again.

    To be honest. If you guys got to know me, I think we would mesh good. I have been involved in gaming for a long time, and been involved in clan/squads/gaming communities for just as long. If anything, a good friendship could be built, and to be honest, I could be an asset to TPG in the future.

    Again, all I can say is sorry. I have tried to reiterate my feelings, let you guys know how and why I was thinking what I was, and why I said what I did. I have apologized. Given my word that no future comments from me in this manor would ever occur. That is really all I can do. I don't take back being upset, not giving one inch of ground on that, but how I communicated that could have been constructed in a much better manner. In a hypothetical situation though, based upon the feelings and vibes I get now, if I was to have approached this in a different manor, how would it have played out for me? I feel like I would have got banned or kicked either way. I do think that players should be able to communicate, in a clam and tactful manner, any disagreement they have with admin actions. I do however feel that even if this is done in a polite and politically correct manner, the end result is going to be the same. At the time, I had no idea an "admin abuse" part of the site was setup, or I would have just gone directly there.

    So my lesson learned here is two fold. One, I need to take a chill pill in these situations and have a far different approach. Two, it sucks to eat shit, but you got to own up to what you say, and weather the ride after.

    Lastly, Zoran, see you are in Philly. I'm a Harleysville native myself, although I do now live in Southwestern PA (very near Pittsburgh). So hello to a fellow Pennsylvanian. That's all. You guys take care. Sorry for how this all unfolded. See you guys (and gals if there are any) on the Battlefield. And again sorry for being a smartass dick and saying some of those really nasty things I said about you. It was uncalled for, and regardless of what happens, I hope you accept my apology on that. You are a person too, with feelings, and I had no need to say that, regardless of how upset I was. It is just really hard sometimes when you see what you feel is admin abuse on a scale that is outstanding. Sometimes a persons feelings/passions outweigh their rational thinking.

    Over and Out,

  5. Registered TeamPlayer ZoranDaWicked's Avatar
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    Re: KorriGunZ - BF3

    Hey Gunz,

    Thanks for the positive reply. I'm 44. I accept your apology because that's the kind of person I am. What I will do is start a vote for the admins to get you unbanned based on the reply you gave above. This normally will take no longer then 3 days.

    There are usually 99% of the time admins on. All you need to do it get our attention by typeing @admin <issue> one of us should see it. Another way is to join our teamspeak when playing, several of us are on it and we will try to help. Taking matters into your own hands or freaking out is bad. As you said Lesson learned. This is a great community with great people, great forums, teamwork and communication. I'm looking forward to seeing a local player playing and definitely working as a team over teamspeak. Admins are here to enforce rules and its never personal.

    Keep you posted. Gonna get the post up now in our area.

    "Look at me once means trouble, twice means death"

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    Re: KorriGunZ - BF3

    Thanks for your professionalism and response, and consideration in the matter.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer ZoranDaWicked's Avatar
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    Re: KorriGunZ - BF3

    Make sure you get on our teamspeak.....makes Team Gaming much better. Vote is going on as we speak.
    "Look at me once means trouble, twice means death"

  8. Registered TeamPlayer ZoranDaWicked's Avatar
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    Re: KorriGunZ - BF3


    Your ban has been lifted. Please PM me if you have any problems joining. I hope to see you in teamspeak and hope that you are a good teamplayer from now on who is respectful.

    Cya in game, keep your kool, let the admins do their jobs. If something bad happens, post in the Bf3 section of the forums under "Problem players".

    Have fun.
    "Look at me once means trouble, twice means death"

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