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Thread: Unban request for "akaMachine"

  1. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: Unban request for "akaMachine"

    Quote Originally Posted by akamachine
    I’ll close with if you feel I am smug perhaps you could ask yourself why you think that. If members of TTP had not opened with insults and accusations we would be having a very different conversation, if it was even still going on after all this time. Smug possibly never even a factor in your mind because there wouldn’t be a side to take and bias to have read.
    Once again, it's "our fault" that you are a dickhead. It's TTP's management, and TTP's bias that makes you smug and obnoxious.

    In fact....we're the ones that actually started the smugfest, and you're simply the poor downtrodden non-admin that's being abused.....right?

    Let's check up on that. Here's your first post, in your unban thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by akamachine
    #1 - Failure to follow order fast enough (given less than a minute during first spawn into game) / telling commander to take a chill pill and that I’m working on it. I was NOT vulgar, or abusive. But obviously the commander/admin knew I wasn’t happy being addressed as I was.

    #2 - BF2142

    #3 - While I recognize following orders are important, being banned because I spawn (a few seconds) into the game and literally have the commander irately telling me I get off the titan. Thirty seconds later as I’m waiting for a shuttle to spawn so I can (with my TWO MAN SQUAD) take the furthest away silo because that is my objective I am told again, by an irate commander, to get off the titan! I follow orders, I lead squads and have even been commander on your server, I imagine at least a few of you have seen me around - but I don’t play so some twit with a god complex can attempt to micromanage every single squad and treat us poorly.

    #4 - I believe I was banned for telling the commander to “take a chill pill, I had just gotten on the titan.” I can’t promise to do that again as players shouldn’t have to put up with abusive leaders or admins.

    I’ve missed playing on TTP - I know the players and dread running into a few of them, hopefully some share that view of me. Strong server with a good community. However, I will not go somewhere I’m abused and simply take it. If you don’t want your players standing up to abuse, then you’d better not unban me.
    #1. Telling your commander, regardless of whether they are an admin or not, to "take a chill pill" is insulting. You wouldn't tell it to your boss at work, you wouldn't tell it to the coach of your team, you wouldn't tell it to people you don't know, especially in tense situations. Here, you DID do so........meaning that you view authority with contempt. That is vulgar, AND insulting in TTP. It does NOT matter whether you see it that way or not. It's our house, and you are the guest. If you do something that offends us, whether you intended to or not.....that's YOUR PROBLEM.

    #2. stats links. An insult in itself. IF you won't help us know who you are, why should we go through all of this for you? Who are you, other than 1 out of 10,000 other gamers out there in the 2142 universe. Why should we care about you? That's your burden, not ours.

    #3. Saying "but I don’t play so some twit with a god complex can attempt to micromanage every single squad and treat us poorly" is VULGAR AND ABUSIVE, again. It's insulting. It assumes that the commander, regardless of them being an admin or a 12 year old kid, is an idiot. And that is offensive to TTP. It doesn't matter who the commander is, whether or not you trust him, know him, clan with him, or game with him. If you don't do as the commander says, period, this is just some team deathmatch. TTP is fundamentally against attitudes like yours, because you degrade gameplay. Justifiable disobedience in your mind or not (and the orders were legitamate and tactically sound, in fact....yet another problem with your opinion and insults...since that makes you even more wrong), no player is entitled to take the game into their own hands and do what they want....except the commander. And even then, the commander is required to hear out any squad leader that gets on the mic and provides TEAMPLAY information.

    Your information was to insult the commander and say your own admission...."take a chill pill".

    The only abuse in the communication between you and the commander came from you. His were simple orders and commands.....and yours was blatant insubordination and insults. Your confession, your description of the events, makes you 100% banned in TTP, everytime.

    If you want to talk abuse.....if I had been the commander, AFTER you had said "take a chill pill" me, I would have been more than happy to take your ideas of verbal abuse to the limit. I would have cast you out as a traitor, informed all squad leaders of your actions, and verbally banned you on the spot, to make it FUCKING CLEAR.....that kind of shit don't fly in this house.

    Gumby was the commander. He is also a long term regular, reservist, admin (in multiple games), and resident clan member. Gumby is a calm, straight laced, loyal admin who knows that TTP doesn't tolerate abusive players, but we excommunicate abusive admins. He knows better than to become abusive.....but he also knows that once a player crosses the's his immediate job to remove said player.

    And that was you.

    I could have led my post out with this 1, 2, 3 rebuttal of your situation......and been a lot calmer with you. But I'd rather not.

    Because just as it's gumby's job to find players that don't belong's my god given talent to get you fucks to blow up, lose your cool, and start trashing the site ("clear as mud"), the structure and heirarchy, the admins themselves, and now me.

    I have succeedded, yet again, in finding the exact pieces of shit I need to find so that we can keep them off the server. As per my initial "accusations"....most if not all are 100% accurate. You ARE a liar (like I said in my FIRST POST), you are abusive, you are maliscious, and here......even when totally and undeniably beaten in all respects of your're the kind of lump of shit that, in their death throes, still calls out insults and cheap shots, rather than realizing if you would just back up, open your eyes, and see that TTP IS'd be unbanned.

    Hell, even I would vote to unban you. I'm probably the most merciful admin here. But not when I smell what you truly are, and that's an undermining, stick-it-to-the-man prick of a gamer that thinks that is used to being told they are the smartest kid in the room, and now truly believes it.

    You were beaten here. You can say we are biased and call our accusations false all you want. Without just makes you even more of a bitch. A name calling, lying, lame ass bitch that instead of making sense, just cries and moans, and looks up oppression catch phrases and slogans, rather than reading.

    And to that.......TTP yawns a collective "Go fuck yourself". Is that a nice thing to say? No. Is it insulting? Yes. But we have no reason, and no willingness to treat you nicely, given the first post in our forum by you is a tirade of false persecution and accusatory nonsense.

    The 2142 admins have voted, and though it is not finished techincally until 9/14, as it stands, your ban was sustained by >85% of the admins.

    I'd like to personally thank you for taking the time to waste ours. This post, like many others before it, is an EXCELLENT training tool for our admins, regulars hoping to be admins, and players trying to fit in.

    TTP is not the place for high-horse fuck faces such as yourself to think what you can do with your friends, in your world, is what you can do here. Our rules are simple as they get.

    "Play as a team". No team, ever, has players that tell other players to "chill out". Most especially players that are empowered above them.

    You've got a problem. Not us.

    Ban sustained. Locked.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Unban request for "akaMachine"

    thanks for the sig, punk.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  3. Just getting started
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    [Expert] Death Toll


    Iam looking for good players for the campaign.
    I tried it alot of times with random ppl but always failed at the final.

    greetz :)

  4. I've done my time
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    Use the rock on the finale, it should be pretty easy :P

  5. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lekwid View Post
    Use the rock on the finale, it should be pretty easy :P
    There are plenty of rocks around the finale, you should give a bit more detail.

    Also, isn't the rock spot in DT patched?

  6. Just getting started
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    nope, still works in campaign. I think it is patched in survival though.

  7. I've done my time
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    Yes, it's patched in survival but not the campaign. It's the rock on the right side of the dock when you are facing the water.
    Face the right corner of said rock and aim a little to the left where there's this jagged point. Run and jump on it. You need to time your jump at the last minute kinda. If its not working, you are either jumping too close to the right side, your timing is a little off, or youre in the wrong map.

  8. Chicago Ted
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    If the OP doesnt have Zombie Geno. he can also run to the Safehouse then stay their for like the entire time killing zombies then after getting it. Do the same tactic to beat the finale

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