Am I right in thinking that Gamebattles changed their ladder system recently, meaning that you can only play teams within 5 "rungs" of the ladder (in other words you can't play a top 5 team until you've worked your way up the rankings)?

From my experience of posting on the L4D section of the Gamebattles site, a lot of the people on there take their play far too seriously and it's all "you HAVE to be online at X hundred hours or you forfeit/ HAVE to post when you'll be playing or the match's not valid / HAVE to post your full team roster in by XXXX or you can't play" etc etc... Then there's a list of in-game rules for your team to memorise... And if you do play and have a bad match, be prepared for the other team to post videos of your performance on the site for public ridicule/humiliation.

I'm sorry, call me a jelly-spined pussy all you want, but it's not my cup of tea. I'll take
L4Dforums over Gamebattles any day.