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Thread: A little ban happy.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    A little ban happy.

    Normally I wouldn't waste my time in posting this, but since the number of American bf2 servers are dwindling and the fact that I like your server and most of the people that play on it like grand master, manno, remy, xavsnipe, fryguy, latinman, and trigger. So now its time to pour my heart out :D

    #1. Why do you think you got banned?
    -Oh i got banned for solo-guiding and requesting that I receive a better warning for solo-guiding which, was taken as i read, as disrespect.

    #2. What server were you on? What admin do you believe banned you?

    BF2 TTP... Uh ranger10 asked me if i had a gunner and i didn't reply... Kinda hard to reply when your flying. Plus u know i have no clue who this guy is so why should i answer him. It was like the other dude with some USA name screaming i was hacking. I know chosen was also present.

    So after he asked me if i had a gunner i was kicked. Now nobody was on the carrier to even be my gunner and its not like i red lined a guy for the chopper.

    The fact that really pissed me off was mac and cheese soloed the previous round with no apparent punishment. AND ranger10 asked him if he had a gunner and i never saw a reply or any action although he soon died after that and we lost the base so i guess it was swept under the rug.

    #3. Why should you be unbanned?

    - I felt my issue could have been resolved without me being kicked in the first place and i would of happily found some boon to gun in my chopper. And when i loaded back i asked... even nicely that it would be nice if i received a better warning for soloing. And then i'm immediately banned.

    #4. A written statement that you will refrain from doing anything that will get you banned again.

    - Guess I won't be soloing anymore.


    Now i don't expect you to believe me and i also expect you to side with your admin and his decisions which i completely understand. I just feel the measures taken were a little harsh and need to be reviewed. And I'm not gonna bring up or get started on my competition side of BF2.

    Note: The Topic Title is intended for humor not disrespect.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer ATEXANnHISGUN's Avatar
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    A little ban happy. A little ban happy. A little ban happy.

    Re: A little ban happy.

    Thank you for posting in the correct format.

    Your baning admin should be with you shortly.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    A little ban happy. A little ban happy.

    Re: A little ban happy.

    Normally I wouldn't waste my time in posting this
    Then why should I bother wasting my time to listen to you?

    Since you haven't been here very long, it's hard for you to know what our rules are. But like all servers, we have our own. And if the name of our server doesn't give you the hint, one of them is to play with your team. That can't happen if you're using the helo all by yourself.

    It's a teamplay vehicle, and I can't imagine that no one on your team wouldn't happily jump into the helo to gun for you. That means that not only are you not as effective without the mini-gun, but some guy is standing on the carrier wondering why you won't go pick him up.

    In short, you're hurting your team by not using an asset to it's fullest. Now I know you may think you're just fine without a gunner, but in reality a good helo team can tear it up much better than a solo artist. You may disagree.

    Secondly, it's your choice not to answer someone in the server. However, since we don't advertise who are admins are you may not know that you're talking to someone that has a vested interest in making sure the server runs smoothly. So that's your fault for the assumption. Normally, reasonable people would say, "Hey, maybe I should pick up a gunner like that random guy asked me to." Instead, you said, "Screw him, I do what I want." Which is a typical response we get when guys think...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunster
    I'm not gonna bring up or get started on my competition side of BF2.
    Thirdly, anytime you come back and make a smart ass comment like...

    Quote Originally Posted by [eBaD]|=TUS=|Gunster
    [23:09:59] use a better warning next time
    ... expect to be here, in this forum. You were asked several times to pick up a gunner. You chose to blow it off and do your own thing. At that point in time, you only received a kick. What got you your ban was the comment above.

    Flying solo isn't really something that should be banned for. You should've come back into the server, jumped in a helo and kept on playing. You didn't.

    You said...

    Quote Originally Posted by [eBaD]|=TUS=|Gunster
    but since the number of American bf2 servers are dwindling
    ... but what doesn't seem to be dwindling is the number of arrogant pricks like yourself that come in spouting off their "Competition side of BF2", as if you're the only person that's ever competed. Do you actually think we give a rat's ass? Is that going to some how get you unbanned here? Or, is that supposed to intimidate us or give us the impression that you know what you're talking about, and we should listen? Our ban lists are full of little asshats like you.

    And while your topic header was meant for humor, you're exactly right... I am happy to ban guys like you. You're whats wrong with gaming, and like we've done countless times before with other arrogant pricks, we got rid of you.

    So... do I get to read a pompous retort in which you tell me how stupid, unreasonable and oppressive I am? Or will you surprise me, and write something that could be construed as an apology for writing that ridiculous excuse for an unban request?

    What will it be?

  4. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: A little ban happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunster
    u know i have no clue who this guy is so why should i answer him.
    Because it's a teamplayer server, for god fucking sake. Why the fuck WOULDN'T YOU ANSWER HIM? What....are you playing by yoruself here? In a public're playing a single player game?

    And you call us ban happy? You criticize our admins for taking a harsh stance on your kick and then ban you......when you honestly have no fucking clue what teamplay is?

    Ranger has this handled......but god damn I so sad I didn't get here first. Ranger might sound like he's coming down hard......but you are lucky it's him, and not some of us others. We are tired....shit sick and fucking tired.....of cocks like you thinking your "competetion experience" and ability to play the game makes you priveledged. I'd rather play with a 6 year old kid that has a mic and is willing to cooperate than some fuck face middle ager with an ego problem.

    And when i loaded back i asked... even nicely that it would be nice if i received a better warning for soloing.
    The kick WAS your warning. From me, it would have been a ban first, without your opportunity to so "nicely" contest the issue in-game, distracting the real teamplayers from enjoying their night.

    Now i don't expect you to believe me and i also expect you to side with your admin and his decisions
    A direct accusation that we are nepotists, and blind by power. That we don't care about rules and being right......and that we just care about bro's before ho's, and stomping on the little man.

    You.....have a fundamental absence of understanding in what TTP is, does, and continues to be. And that's your problem. Not ours.

    Note: The Topic Title is intended for humor not disrespect.[/size]
    Humor might have been your intention, but the perception is what matters. You titled your shit in such a manner....and all that's equivalent to walking into the courthouse with shit stains on your speeding ticket, and handing it to the judge.

    How about you take this humorously: get the fuck off our property.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: A little ban happy.

    Wow what a professional reply i received. Way to represent your gaming group.

    OK smartass time is over, now for professional time,

    I thought I was very nice in my post and didn't walk up in here like yo dude im leet i played cal main and went to championships so you should unban me. Thats why i said i wasn't gonna bring up my competition side because I already knew you didn't care. I was just clarifying that for the guy that was all screaming hax in the server because i TVed him in the dragon valley sky.

    Yea i understand its your server, you pay for it and you run it the way you fucking want and my playing there is a privilege for me. Just saying have some rules in the loading screen or some scrolly rules. That usually solves problems.

    But hey, I'm usually a team player and not the hero but when the choppers sitting on the carrier un-used its kinda hard to pass up. Fryguy was my gunner but he bailed out after missing like 5 tv's so yea.

    I mean I'm amazed that people still take games this seriously.. Yea i know you think I'm some macho kid with a big head and i say i own noobs all day. Yea I know the type and those days are long over with. I don't compete in any games these days and an't really looking too. Guess you can say I got a life and moved past the hard core gaming stage in my life.

    It just seems to me that you guys could have taken a better approach to a higher pub rank in this game besides kicking him. I would have gladly obliged without protest but no we got to kick him. Yea i understand that i should of kept my mouth shut but how would you feel if ur having a nice round and you get kicked. I think you would be pissed.

    "Note To Ranger"
    Having a chopper gunner is not always a good thing. I think i read something about sucky gunners in the rant section. And i feel their pain. Thats usually why i dont like noob gunners. I just don't understand people that think a machine gun will kill a heli 4 miles away. But they can tv guide the tank. Doesn't make any sense.

    Also I'm not some asshat or prick like you have labeled me as. That would be some of my past clan mates who went to servers to get banned for fun. I guess that rubs off a little on me though.

    And lastly dudes lighten up, its just a game. Not real life. Have a beer or something and laugh about it. It doesn't effect your personal life one bit but on the internet we all have to be big tough guys and I'm expecting death threats next like i have received in the past over another game lol.

    So in all im sorry ok good enough? I love you. how about that? that wins right? :)

    I won't solo guide ever again and i'll go pick up some scrub who machine guns helicopters :)

  6. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: A little ban happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunster
    And lastly dudes lighten up, its just a game. Not real life.
    So I'm not really here....and you're not really here....and none of this happened?

    you didn't break the rules....there are no rules.....everything in the game isn't real because it's on the internet with mice and headsets instead of face to face?

    do you honestly believe that?

    "Dude, it's just a game" is what you say to kids when they cry about getting beaten at checkers.

    Look around......and wake the fuck up. TTP pulls in donations you couldn't dream of, traffic you'll never understand, user loyalty even families can't produce, and spits out the best teamplayers on the internet.'s a game....a game we all have to play together. And when one cock fuck gets on thinking he's got the ball and can do waht he wants.....that cock fuck just ruined the game.

    And in this house......the cock fucks don't run the server.

    Unrepentant, unapologetic, lack of personal responsibility, condescending, anti-authoritarian, and over ego-d.

    No vote. Ban sustained. Locked.

    "it's just a game"....right? So go play it somewhere else.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Retail bleemcast cracked.

    After many years it seems someone finally managed to crack the retail version of bleemcast.

    For anyone that doesn't follow the Dreamcast scene:

    Bleemcast is a playstation 1 emulator for the Dreamcast console that was released back in the Dreamcast's heyday.

    Originally, Bleem! was planning to have the disc able to run any PlayStation game on the Dreamcast, but due to technical difficulties, they made the idea of the "Bleempak", in which the software would boot only 100 specific games each. New Bleempaks would have to be purchased if one game was not available to boot in a Bleempak. Due to the Dreamcast controller's fewer buttons compared to the PlayStation, there were plans to release a Bleem! controller (somewhat similarly designed to the PlayStation controller) and a PS1-to-Dreamcast controller adapter (which would allow one to use a PlayStation controller on the Dreamcast). As technical difficulties grew further, all these ideas were scrapped, with no "Bleempak" and no hardware releases.

    However, they managed to release individual Bleemcast! bootdiscs for three popular games: Gran Turismo 2, Tekken 3, and Metal Gear Solid (Box Scan). As promised from the beginning, the games ran in a 640x480 resolution, as opposed to the PS1's 320x240 resolution, and featured anti-aliasing and bilinear filtering. This drastically improved the games' graphics (more so than the backwards-compatible PlayStation 2), but also brought out some graphical imperfections that were originally hidden in the lower resolution.
    Anyway a few years back someone leaked a beta version of the emulator to the internet which was eventually cracked to allow it to run on any Dreamcast. This beta version allowed you to load any PS1 game on the Dreamcast, although most of them did not work correctly because the beta version of the emulator was no where near complete. The beta version also did not allow you to make save files.

    The retail version of the emulator proved to be a much harder nut to crack though. Some people had even gone so far as to deem it "impossible" to crack. However it seems some smart Russians thought otherwise.

    So far only a cracked version of the Gran Turismo 2 disc has appeared on the internet, no doubt the other two are soon to follow though. This also means that it is probably possible to run other games through this emulator now.

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