Quote Originally Posted by Shad
Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
Quote Originally Posted by Shad
Respect goes both ways.
No, it fucking doesn't.

say that shit next time a police officer asks you to "step out of the car" and see how long it takes him to tase your stupid ass.

You are not the boss here. You are not the authority. You are not even a person of influence. And the great thing about TTP is....even if you WERE, it wouldn't matter.

When the admin intervenes, you accept it, and move on. If you want to raise an issue, you can do so AFTER THE FACT in the forums, with screenshots, calmly, and collected.

You DON'T start calling out the admin as a bitch, IN-GAME, fucking up everyone else's good time.

Respect goes both ways when you assume we are equals. And we are not. You are a punk average new connection gamer who thinks he owns the servers he plays on.......and we are the actual owners, with admin powers, and rules.

fuck yourself.
Up until the 'fuck yourself' part, you were making somewhat of an alright point there. About the police part, if a police officer starts beating you down for an unmerited reason, his ass is on the line. Similar situation here - you're basically saying that the fact that you as admins have the right to abuse your power and get away with it makes TTP a great place?

It really does go both ways on a server worth playing on;I didn't do anything wrong, got burned for it. I reacted within reason - "calm and collected", and was banned by a powertripping little kid apparently, or someone lacking the slightest amount of interpersonal skills (Panic).

So go ahead, and ban/burn players who put hours of time into your servers, help bring the skill level up (probably why i got banned, people dont like losing). I didn't call out the admin, you people start telling me there must be more to it, that your admins are never wrong and I must be right, and then start telling me I'm talking shit. I don't know where you get off doing that, seems like you need to be the boss of someone and this is your channel for that. I used reason, didn't work, I came to discuss with hopefully more reasonable people at higher levels of administration - they don't exist.

Well, enjoy..


Big's analogy of a police officer asking you to step out of the car is spot on. Police brutality my ass.

When an admin sees what he believes to be someone doing something wrong, he bans them to bring it here to discuss it.

You don't plead your case to the cop, you plead it to the court.

Pleading your case to "the cop" is ultimately what got you banned, and often gets people into more trouble with actual cops. We don't tolerate players arguing with our admins in-game as it disrupts play on the server.

Do cops make mistakes? Yes.
Did this cop make one? No.
Did you? Absolutely.

Your ban is sustained. Go "raise the skill level" and lower the teamwork level elsewhere, chump.