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Thread: Banned ... come on now

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Banned ... come on now

    Was playing ~10mins ago

    CS:S map italy

    score ~15:2

    the cts smoked long hall ... i got 2 hs through smoke 1 happened to be an admin. Im not trying to start anything , but if u know how to play the game , when someone shoots at u through smoke u see the gun flash so u shoot back its not hard

    big-dd or digital banned me

    and they also banned peanut|hpd for backing me up cause he used to be my roomie and neither of us cheat

    i live in houston . so if u want to come spec me or peanut own everyone ill give u my address, i dont cheat .. why was i banned and espically why was peanut banned when he didnt do anything

    bravo knows me , and other ppl can vouch ..

    let me know i like playing on this server cause i know alot of ppl but if its going to be .. you own an admin u get banned then thats fine

    if you want to meet up at a lan and watch me do it .. i dont cheat maybe some people are better than average ??
    aim : mekrew

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Banned ... come on now

    Me (peanut|hpd) and my friend mekrew|hpd play in the texas teamplayers server alot. We are from houston, and know alot of the guys that play there in REAL life.

    An Admin, i dont know who, banned greg (mekrew) for cheating. Then when i vouched for him as knowing him in real life, i was banned.

    I can understand if some proof was presented against us, but ive known greg for about 10 years, and neiter of us cheat. Theres alot of guys that we know from Dallas, Corpus, etc that ride street bikes with us and play video games. I can ASSURE you we do not cheat.

    I used to be an admin on a Dod Server at, and i banned about 3 guys i tohught were cheating. Little did i know 2 years later i was playing on LAN with them, winning the CAL-invite season. Had i stopped for a second and realized that sometimes people really are that good, i wouldnt have looked like an ass.

    Now u can take my post, and not unban us. Do whatever you want. Im just trying to clear things up because i like this server, its got alot of people i know in real life, all in the texas area. I respect the owners and operators, i dont talk any shit in the servers. If you guys need more proof id be glad to let an admin in houston come watch me and greg play.

    Anyways, Ive said my 2 cents, and i hope something will be done. If not, hey its not my server. All im saying is sometimes its really lame that an admin bans just because someone is good. I could understand if it was a no name person, but we are well known by alot of guys on here.

    Hopefully well be back on the server, and if not, see everyone around later.

    - peanut

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Banned ... come on now

    It wasnt Digital nor Bigg D that banned you. Assuming what admin banned you isnt a good idea. At the time you were so "wrongly" banned, there were 4 admins on. All the admins were in total agreement. Mek, you were playing out of your mind. There are good rounds, and then there is cheating. At one point you were 16-1 making headshot after headshot know where everyone was. There were no regs begging for you to be banned. Peanut, if you are wearing a clan tag of someone who was just banned, and you start questioning things, you go also. If you associate yourself with cheaters, then you are a cheater as well.

    This will now go to a vote with all of the admins. We will get back with you in a few days.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Banned ... come on now

    Also showing back up on the server, with a diffrent steam id, wasnt too bright.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Banned ... come on now

    there are some major inconsistancies with your psycostats in the last few days.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer digital's Avatar
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    Banned ... come on now Banned ... come on now Banned ... come on now Banned ... come on now

    RE: Banned ... come on now

    Mekrew, I have played with you constantly enough to be able to gauge your level of playing skill and when you from barely average skilled player to pwntastic. I am sorry I dont think it was Lucky SOB Syndrome tonight and Peanut for you. Think of the movie Band of Brothers. Guilt by association like Odawgg said.
    "And the hits just keep on coming." - Tom Cruise, A Few Good Men

  7. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Banned ... come on now Banned ... come on now Banned ... come on now
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    Steam ID: bigdogttp

    RE: Banned ... come on now

    no play lineraly for weeks....and now your skill level is basically a 45 degree angle.....a 500 point spread?

    You know what makes me the sickest about pricks such as yourself?

    You come into our house, our site, our server, our forums.....and you babble on about how "you owned an admin" or that "we can come to your house and spec you owning".

    what the fuck kind of grown man talks like that? Come to your house? Who the fuck are you, other than just another punk coming in here thinking that something of TTP's size, popularity, and organization is run by your avrerage 8-year old gamer?

    Does something like what we've got here develop from the efforts of ban-happy children?

    Do server's like ours, where teamplay is strictly enforced, where everyone is expected to communicate in their mics and follow the plan......does shit like this happen everywhere in the community?

    You got banned becuase you were caught doing suspicious things. Running your mouth about how "you shot at a muzzle flash".......and then having your friend add "well, I was an admin at dinkitydink's server".....all that does is solidify the suspicion, since statements like that are taken out of Hacker 101 class. They ALWAYS say that shit......and you know this.

    You want to know what the difference is between a well run server/community and 99.9% of the trash that's out there?


    And what makes me the absolute sickest drop a name like bravo. Bravo is nothing but cool with us. A nice, talented, fair person. He thinks about who he's talking to, and what he wants to say.

    And for you guys to bring him down like embarassing.

    Your vote has started in teh admin forums....for both of you. Your statements started off decent enough...with explanations of who....what....and where.

    But then, you just HAD to say just HAD to say "I shot an admin, he cried, and banned me. I own." then follow up with ambiguous guesses as to who the admins the hell do you know you shot an admin that banned you....if you don't know WHO banned you? Did you say that just to be a dick (the answer is yes)

    Unlike captain former-admin.....we do NOT go around flaunting our identities. This topic is an excellent reason as to why.

    Check with bravo.....and get your act together. We unban folks all the time, even more so than we should. But if you'd care to browse the banned will immedialtey notice that a majority of topics that have the words "I pwn'd an admin" NEVER get unbanned just for the sake of them being childish fucking 8-year olds.

    That's right....the same 8-year olds you think are running this place., what a waste of my time. When your vote concludes, you will know the result in this topic. Till order to protect yourselves from your own mouths, this topic is locked.'d just blabber on even more......and nearly guarantee your ban would never be removed. I'm actually doing you a favor......though I bet your blind ass attitude agianst server admins and authority doens't let you see that.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  8. Just getting started
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    Once again

    FPSBANANA > Tutorials > L4D > Other/Misc > Setting up hammer for L4D

    If you follw the steps in this properly, the models will be in there. I got all my models to work.

    And in reply to the red ERROR things, that means you've put in a nonL4D model, like TF2, HL2 etc.

    Hope this helps :zombie21:

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