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Thread: banned

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Horse_Man
    Ok if that is true then that puts me kind of in the right... if someone was questioning my team play because it can be taken in many different ways. For you to ban me on a rule that is not even addressed in the server and then ban me is kind of like a dictatorship if you don't question me about it and just listen to the other guy. Get what I mean you say you listen to your regulars but you took his claim of me not being a team player when I have played here longer then I think most 2 years. So if you say regulars make the rules and this community then why am i singled out on the soloing thing when I have seen lots of people do it in TTP since I have played here. I'm not trying to argue you but, understand what you are saying.
    Is this a debate you really want to get into?

    Quote Originally Posted by elkhartadam
    As for the statement that I've put into bold, it may not have been an admin that made this request. Nor does it matter if it was an admin or not. The admins are not what make this community so great. It's our regulars and reservists who take ownership in the games we host. With that ownership, they realize and react to actions of non-teamplay. Then they make our admins aware of potential problems. Finally, as admins we can go into spectator mode to validate the claim and take appropriate actions.
    Let me put it this way, the steps that are followed:

    1. A regular/reservist/teamplayer may make an admin aware of a potential problem
    2. The admin stops their in-game action, to address the potential problem. This is done to make a better server for everyone
    3. The admin will go into free camera (spectator mode) to validate whether this claim needs to be addressed. This is done because it's the admins character that will be questioned if said claim is not valid
    4. The admin will then warn, kick, or ban based off of their observation.
    5. The admin can make their way back onto the battlefield

    I can't think of a situation where I see someone soloing in a bomber or chopper and get away with it. As a matter a fact, I recall a round on Wake Island where you were soloing in a chopper. I joined your squad and asked you to pick me up. You said something to the effect that you opearte better in the helo alone. I let you know that's not how things are done here at Texas Teamplayers. You then immediately picked me up. That's why no action was taken on you for that particular incident. Maybe you don't remember this particular round, I do. As a legitimate admin you need to take proper mental and paper notes of all things occurring on the battlefield. That way if someone questions my actions, I always have a little backup in my corner.

    That's fantastic that you've been here for 2 years! That's why I find it so damn hard to believe that you truly think that soloing in a helo is acceptable. It blows my mind that you think this way.

    To address your previous post:
    Quote Originally Posted by Horse_Man
    ban me is kind of like a dictatorship if you don't question me about it and just listen to the other guy
    Do you truly believe that? You must since you wrote it. Look at the steps that I've now put into 2 posts. Remember, it's not the player making the claim who's ass is on the line if I make a mistake. I'm the one that will face the consequences if my action was not warranted.

    What do you mean by question you? Do I have to join your squad and demand that you pick someone up? Hell no! That's what admin console commands are for. You were warned by an admin to pick up a gunner. You were then asked by squadmate to pick someone up. You ignored both requests. You were banned.

    Quote Originally Posted by Horse_Man
    Ok if that is true then that puts me kind of in the right
    Don't fool yourself. If you were right and I was wrong. You would be back on the server right now. This thread would be locked and marked "Resolved." I would no longer be an admin, and I would also be site banned for 7-days for posting in the Banned Forums.

    Do you really think you know what TTP is all about? Do you really think you know all of the rules and regulations? If so, then why is this your third fucking time in the banned forums and you still haven't posted a link to your stats (per our rules)?

    Damn it Horesman I wanted this to go smoothly but I feel like you're trying to pick a fight. If you still feel like you need to justify yourself, please do so. I will continue to address your questions and concerns. All admins are reading this and voting on this thread right now.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: banned

    wow you admen's get mad easily I said I was not arguing and that I just wanted to understand what you were saying and I do want to resolve this but you guys keep blowing what I say out of proportion I do not remember that one incident I asked a simple question and that was it. as far as the other banning I have been accused of the first one yes I was wrong the second time I was right and the this one I said I was wrong and that I didn't know it was a rule I didn't lie in my last banning and you admen's proved that by saying I was not hacking soo...... why would I lie now. I swear to god if I knew it was a rule I wouldn't be here. I have asked people if they knew it was a rule and they said no they didn't. Lol damnit guys I'm not trying to argue here PLEASE.... I was just talking frankly with yall..... I mean I said I would not do this again what do yall think I"m trying to do.

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    Re: banned

    The first time I was banned yes I messed up and I didn't argue with it. The second time I did because I was not cheating you guys unbanned me and said no you were not it is possible to seat switch that fast and you guys didn't even tell me that it was not even aloud in the TTP server to solo. I mean come on I was not doing anything wrong then from what they said and now I'm saying I was wrong but I wish this did not happen but it did a series of unfortunate events honestly guys. Lol I will keep my mouth shut about any thing now because all it seems to do is make yall mad. I'm not trying to do that I just.... aaaahhhh never mind please can we just skip all of this and look back a couple of post before this got out of hand.

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    Re: banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Horse_Man
    Ok how long has this rule been in play because here is a link for when I was banned because I solo the chopper so well that Ranger thought I was hacking. Re: Banned from the Bf2 TTP regular server and if you scan threw it you will see not once did he tell me that I can't solo the chopper. If it was a rule then it should of been settled there. I have spoken to two other long time members of TTP and they too say that they did not know it was a rule that you can't solo. I'm not arguing with you Commander on what I said is right... I have already told you I did not know it was a rule and this is proof that at least one of your admen's did not call me on not being a team player for soloing. What I posted to Elk is about me trying to understand what he is saying when the regulars are the eyes for the admen's and tell the admen when someone is not being a team player.
    You were banned for Not being a TeamPlayer in your actions. We have voted for your return twice now and my mistake for not remembering all of your bans. You were told what you were doing is Not being a TeamPlayer, however you seem to still want to argue that fact..... You have been banned for Hacking, which is not being a Teamplayer and voted to overturn. You have been banned for TeamKilling and voted to overturn.

    If you saw eye to eye with us, you would agree that one player soloing the attack chopper is a selfious nonTeamPlaying act, yet it is ok in your eyes.

    For someone that has played on our server for 2 years and only has 39 post says quite a bit. Not being able to stay out of the banned forums also shows that you DO NOT know the Rules and Regulations and one of the Most important Rules is to be a TEAMPLAYER.

    Because you continued with your defiance of your actions, you informed us that this is your 3rd ban, which takes us to another rule. 3 strikes and your out. No vote, Request for your Unban Denied. If you had respected the Admins that responded to you, you could have probably slipped through the cracks. Sadly, you just had to push it.


  5. shcdi4Ggong

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