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Thread: what a surprise.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    what a surprise.

    i keep saying i don't cheat because no one seems to actually listen. i'm neither parnoid, or nervous. as to you saying i'm not a team player, anytime i play i'm always going for flags. never do i just sit around and camp or snipe or whatever...i'm always rushing the flags and helping my teammates out in any way that i can. i never got a chance to help out with the server because i started playing right in the middle of a pretty big life event in my mind. i've moved cities and i'm in between jobs...once i got situated, i certainly would have kicked some dollars your way for the server, because...i think it's a great server. most of the people on there are cool, and i obviously register very well.

    you guys kept telling me to provide details of my ban...even after i stated a few times that i was banned overnight...those are all the details i have. i don't know how you can expect me to have anything more to say than that. it doesn't make any sense.

    fact is, i don't talk much when i'm playing in the server (unless it's to tell someone ns, gj, nt, or where an enemy is). i hardly EVER talk shit while i'm playing. until shit gets thrown my way that is. not once did i talk shit until the shit got thrown my way, so don't accuse me of being one of those dime-a-dozen players when the shit talking came from the regulars on the server before it EVER came from me. i've been talking a lot of shit lately because i can't stand this whole "guilty until proven innocent" bullshit that's going on here.

    my play style is that of someone who knows what they're doing, i was never a dick until i was dicked around first, and i have plenty of respect for those who DESERVE it.

    P.S. - sig'ing yourself, i must regretfully inform you, is just as retarded.

  2. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    what a surprise. what a surprise. what a surprise.
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    Steam ID: bigdogttp

    what a surprise.

    Quote Originally Posted by monti
    fact is, i don't talk much when i'm playing in the server (unless it's to tell someone ns, gj, nt, or where an enemy is). i hardly EVER talk shit while i'm playing. until shit gets thrown my way that is. not once did i talk shit until the shit got thrown my way, so don't accuse me of being one of those dime-a-dozen players when the shit talking came from the regulars on the server before it EVER came from me. i've been talking a lot of shit lately because i can't stand this whole "guilty until proven innocent" bullshit that's going on here.
    fact is? eh?

    is that a fact?

    I don't know you. Don't have to know you. Don't care to know you. All I know is that, out of your less than 20 posts in this community, more than half of them have stated that you were banned for "who knows why" and probably only becuase you must be better than the admins.

    Now.....if you want to go look up will find it is a fact.

    you can't hide from what you've said, and my reply to you is spot on, calling you what you are. A stat flaunting, excuse making, whiney little hack. If you really were good, and if you really were a decent player, and if you really knew anything about bans and'd know that everything you have previously said, and continue to say, makes you look guiltier and guiltier. Everything from the "I don't cheat" to the "I pwned the admin".

    And think you've got some sort of footing to stand up for yourself. Like're going to start slapping around members of this community. Knock some sense into us, and our blind abuses of power......

    yeah. That's logical. Seems like you really sat and thoguht about that strategy for a long while.

    Let's break it down, real black and white. Here we go:

    Monti gets banned manually by an admin through systems he has no business knowing, or even being informed of.

    monti makes a request to be unbanned, including phrases like " ... i don't feel as if i'm the one who needs to do any explaining" and "the fact of the matter is this is just a case of the admins being out gunned".

    Monti then decides to spam other forums, such as the admin abuse thread, with nearly indentical posts of the same baseless claims and insults. As though he has the power to demand anything.

    Monti is then informed in how things are to be done, for which he half-ass complies, all teh while maintaing his snooty attitude that for some reason he must be the only talented player in TTP, and that's why he got banned.

    And now.....monti finds it necessary to challenge most likely the only person with enough lobbying power and sway to singlehandedly direct the outcome of a ban vote (which is ongoing now). Monti finds it not only necessary to challenge that person....but also insult him.

    Remember how being banned was a test? Guess who failed the test, monti? Guess....when all of this is locked down, and your access is removed, and no one bothers to even give a damn about you, your posts, your play, or your stats.....guess what they're all goign to read?

    Monti, a selfish, naive child, challenged TTP's authority to police the server by insulting the integrity and ability of the admin community.

    And monti's ban was thus SUSTAINED.

    2 more days on your vote, monti. Thanks for adding to the admin's perspective of you. It helps us sleep at night.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    what a surprise.

    Wow..... Monti, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer... All you had to do was follow the rules, make a coherent post and be mature about the whole thing but instead you insult the Bigdog....

    For anyone reading this who has been banned, this is a PERFECT example of what NOT to do....


  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    what a surprise.

    STOP! GOD! What is wrong with you guys. Stop it. Monti dude I was the first to try to recruit you. Yes you were fast and there was alot of players suspecting. Shit Even I was getting pissed. But through playing with guys like pearland masterblaster I've realized it can be done. You guys just have fighter pilot reflexes. Monti, bigdog is fare and square. He's helped me alot in the past and Will help you just drop the pride. Get unbanned and school the doubters. I've been censored in the past even left/kicked from a clan and spoke to by bigdog. I dropped the pride started a clan and worked my energy a different way. Don't sweat the small stuff! follow rules. Beside he owns the server web etc..... So before he loses his patience get it done.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    what a surprise.

    The DOD admins are currently voting on this matter, its not up to bigdog, but all the DOD adims.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    what a surprise.

    Good point geeseven...

    I didn't mean to make it sounds like Bigdog holds all the cards, people should read it as "you should never insult any admins"....

    So, I see your sig.... Is he a good lay? LMFAO

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    what a surprise.

    roger that!

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    what a surprise.


    The admins have voted. Your ban will remain in place.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    BBC: N Korean leader 'watches match'

    North Korea releases pictures it says show leader Kim Jong-il, who foreign officials believe is ill, watching a football match.


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