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Thread: Banned from Cod 4

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Banned from Cod 4

    #1. Why do you think you got banned?

    I am not sure why I was banned, I was playing and there was no reason that I can think of. Please let me know.

    #2. What server were you on? What admin do you believe banned you? What admins were there playing?

    Arrero was in game, but it could have been someone else.

    #3. Why should you be unbanned?

    To my knowledge thus far, I do not know why I would be banned.

    #4. A written statement that you will refrain from doing anything that will get you banned again.

    I do not intentionally break the rules and try to communicate with my team and play as a team player. If I have done something wrong I always try to right it as soon as I am aware of the problem.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Arreo's Avatar
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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    knigtstemplar, I was indeed your banning admin and you were banned for suspicion of hacking.

    Let me ask you a number of questions and I would appreciate answers to them all:

    How do you always know which way to turn when coming in or out of a building?
    How do you always know exactly when it is safe to sprint around a corner and when to use your iron sights and move slowly?
    How do you often seem to point your gun directly at an enemy who is not visible?
    How do you always seem to know which way the majority of the enemy team is going on S&D?
    How do you always seem to know where an enemy is hiding when you enter a room, even if they are in an odd location?

    Basically, explain to me your play style. Explain what makes you decide to sprint or move slowly, explain to me how you sweep a room. Explain how you make the decisions that you do in game.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Arreo's Avatar
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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    And for the record, lets bring in some evidence...

    Quote Originally Posted by Slayer

    Hey Knigstemplar am I really that predictable? Every time thats the cap point and my team gets it, you always fly around the wall guns blazing right where I'm at. You did that a good 4, 5 times during the map a little while ago. Every time it happened I asked someone on your team if you had UAV active, they said you guys didn't have it.
    Quote Originally Posted by knigtstemplar

    I'll reply to this because when I did it the 3rd time I laughed out loud, sorry not being rude. You were that predictable because that was at least the 4th time you laid under the stairs in the exact same spot in that round of HQ. I may not be the smartest animal on the planet but by the 2nd time I had caught on and just assumed you were there....guess what you were. To answer your question, yes you were that predictable sitting in the same spot multiple times.

    There are only so many spots you can be in a map and when myself or someone else plays the same maps every day, hour after hour, you tend to catch on to most of them. Same reason when there is an HQ at the Blue house people fire through the wall and kill anyone trying to cap the HQ. They just know that someone has to lay there to cap it and shoot accordingly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Slayer
    Granted knight, but you had my exact location trained as you were running around the corner, spraying in the general vicinity would of been a "yeah ok thats obviously a predicted shot" however you came around and sprayed right where I was laying, I can only wonder what it would of been like had I hugged the right wall and not been right in that exact spot. That was also the 2nd time our team had gotten that HQ so you had only seen me there once before, and even then you still pulled a similiar act. Further, the kill before me by the window. You had him trained before you even saw him, that was a random spot that that person was standing at(He would of likely moved within seconds), you shot him the moment he came into view, and started moving your gun before he was in view so that you could shoot him.

    Yes, there are spots that you typically just spray and pray at knowing theres probably someone there, I myself will fire at the balcony, blown out building, 3 story, whatnot etc etc if I have my SAW or another gun with deep impact. However spraying like that, is just spray and pray. What you did was precise, you knew my exact location (and the guy before me) and sprayed accordingly.
    Quote Originally Posted by knigtstemplar
    The part you dont see is the peripheral things that go on that I see from my first person perspective. The first thing I have is sound. You can't hear what I hear. I can hear the clicks of claymores getting tripped by my teammates in front of me. The second big one is sight. I'll use your situation for an example. I saw your bullets hitting the wall the first time you laid there. I believe you shot my teammate before I came in and I realized where you were. Kill cam is a great tool to watch people and see what is going on, but there is a lot left that you cannot put with the picture. I also know kill cam has sound and sight, but it leaves out the human thought process behind why people do what they do.

    Also, like I said before it doesn't take long before I assume people will repeat themselves. If you watch people play as long as I have you will find that people tend to repeat trends. You sat in that spot at least 4 times and I cannot recall how long it took me to figure it out. I would say don't sit in the same spot repeatedly and you will have better luck.

    Another big thing that makes it easy to get kills and also not have to be exact is Hardcore. Hardcore mode makes spray and pray the style of choice. Why aim at the head or chest when I can jump around a corner and surprise you with a shot in the leg or arm. With the object of surprise on your jumping around a corner, the first person to shoot wins.

    I know none of this will quell your thoughts on my game play, but I am trying to help you see it from a different perspective.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Arreo's Avatar
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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    Additionally, you aren't exactly a model teamplayer, you have been banned twice before and started three separate admin abuse claims.

    BF2 Ban - Overturned

    CoD4 Ban - Sustained
    30 Day appeal - Overturned

    BF2 Admin abuse
    CoD4 Admin Abuse
    More Cod4 Admin Abuse

    Your frequent visits to both the admin abuse and banned forums have marked you as both a problem player and someone to watch very closely.

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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    I am telling you my background because I feel it is relevant to your questions.

    I have been playing FPS games since Rainbow Six. I started playing seriously in Ghost Recon with a clan. I then started playing in leagues and ladders with COD. I was in the number 1 ranked rifle only COD:UO , COD 2 , and currently play with a very talented COD 4 clan. I am not a casual FPS gamer that many are. I have the experience to be a pretty good player.

    In the leagues and ladders, specifically TWL they have a very extensive research group that investigates hackers. They also now have a very well made anti-cheat that goes along with PB. It is called X-Ray and it takes constant screenshots of your game so that it can always see what the player sees. I have never been called into question of my gameplay by a very, very strict gaming league.

    When you play this game, especially the same series for as long as I have and as much as I have things get repetitive. Many of the maps are similar, the chinatown map is an exact replica of carentan...with minor cosmetic and a couple of added changes.

    To answer one of your questions extensively.
    " How do I always know where people are?"

    I don't and if you watch me play you can very clearly see that I do not have any idea where the opposing team is. It may appear that I have an idea where the enemy is at, but the main thing you should look at is when I do get killed. When you see me getting killed by a player sitting in a corner, a claymore, a guy I just don't see sneak up behind me. These are multiple times that show you I obviously don't have any advantages, because if I did I would not let summon frequently sneak up on me and knife me, or trip over the very well planted claymore.

    I would say the item that helps me most is what was recently posted on the forums. Having a really good sound card, earphone setup is extremely helpful. I usually know where the enemy is just by hearing them run, jump, or fall. Even with silent step on the footsteps are very audible if you listen for them. If you know where your team mates are then you also know that any sound you hear otherwise is the enemy, hence be ready for them.

    If you play the maps 1000 times over and over again you will also know where the spawn points are, where the HQ's are, etc. You will also learn the places that everyone hides. There are only so many spots on the map for people to hide and again when you play the same map 1000 times you will know the spots.

    I honestly don't know what I can tell, show, or otherwise do to answer your questions.

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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    To not being a model player.

    That is the past and what you are saying here honestly doesn't relate.

    I have done everything that was asked to alleviate those problems and play like a TTP player at all times.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Arreo
    And for the record, lets bring in some evidence...

    Quote Originally Posted by Slayer

    Hey Knigstemplar am I really that predictable? Every time thats the cap point and my team gets it, you always fly around the wall guns blazing right where I'm at. You did that a good 4, 5 times during the map a little while ago. Every time it happened I asked someone on your team if you had UAV active, they said you guys didn't have it.
    Quote Originally Posted by knigtstemplar

    I'll reply to this because when I did it the 3rd time I laughed out loud, sorry not being rude.  You were that predictable because that was at least the 4th time you laid under the stairs in the exact same spot in that round of HQ.  I may not be the smartest animal on the planet but by the 2nd time I had caught on and just assumed you were there....guess what you were.  To answer your question, yes you were that predictable sitting in the same spot multiple times.

    There are only so many spots you can be in a map and when myself or someone else plays the same maps every day, hour after hour, you tend to catch on to most of them.  Same reason when there is an HQ at the Blue house people fire through the wall and kill anyone trying to cap the HQ.  They just know that someone has to lay there to cap it and shoot accordingly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Slayer
    Granted knight, but you had my exact location trained as you were running around the corner, spraying in the general vicinity would of been a "yeah ok thats obviously a predicted shot" however you came around and sprayed right where I was laying, I can only wonder what it would of been like had I hugged the right wall and not been right in that exact spot. That was also the 2nd time our team had gotten that HQ so you had only seen me there once before, and even then you still pulled a similiar act. Further, the kill before me by the window. You had him trained before you even saw him, that was a random spot that that person was standing at(He would of likely moved within seconds), you shot him the moment he came into view, and started moving your gun before he was in view so that you could shoot him.

    Yes, there are spots that you typically just spray and pray at knowing theres probably someone there, I myself will fire at the balcony, blown out building, 3 story, whatnot etc etc if I have my SAW or another gun with deep impact. However spraying like that, is just spray and pray. What you did was precise, you knew my exact location (and the guy before me) and sprayed accordingly.
    Quote Originally Posted by knigtstemplar
    The part you dont see is the peripheral things that go on that I see from my first person perspective.  The first thing I have is sound.  You can't hear what I hear.  I can hear the clicks of claymores getting tripped by my teammates in front of me.  The second big one is sight.  I'll use your situation for an example.  I saw your bullets hitting the wall the first time you laid there.  I believe you shot my teammate before I came in and I realized where you were.  Kill cam is a great tool to watch people and see what is going on, but there is a lot left that you cannot put with the picture.  I also know kill cam has sound and sight, but it leaves out the human thought process behind why people do what they do.

    Also, like I said before it doesn't take long before I assume people will repeat themselves.  If you watch people play as long as I have you will find that people tend to repeat trends.  You sat in that spot at least 4 times and I cannot recall how long it took me to figure it out.  I would say don't sit in the same spot repeatedly and you will have better luck.

    Another big thing that makes it easy to get kills and also not have to be exact is Hardcore.  Hardcore mode makes spray and pray the style of choice.  Why aim at the head or chest when I can jump around a corner and surprise you with a shot in the leg or arm.  With the object of surprise on your jumping around a corner, the first person to shoot wins.

    I know none of this will quell your thoughts on my game play, but I am trying to help you see it from a different perspective. 
    Honestly, this is nothing short of an accusation that one person had.  I don't see how a video of me jumping a corner is evidence of anything.

    short version

    I killed him because he camped in the same spot repeatedly.  He should learn to find new spots to setup camp.  He had a short video of me jumping around the corner to kill him.  That has happened to me by many of the regulars on the server. 

    I forgot to mention you can look at my ultrastats and see that my kill death ratio is not anywhere near unusual. It is around 1.8 kill/death. My playing style is to dive right in and not sit around. I typically run in and try to get straight to the point get the objective. So, I get some kills usually by surprising the enemy that doesn't expect to see someone so quikcly. The downside to that playing style is I die a lot too, which you can see from my ratio.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Arreo's Avatar
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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    Quote Originally Posted by knigtstemplar
    To not being a model player.

    That is the past and what you are saying here honestly doesn't relate.

    I have done everything that was asked to alleviate those problems.
    It does relate because it shows your character.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Arreo's Avatar
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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    Never the less, you have answered the questions to the best of your ability, I will put up a vote for you. You will be notified of the results in about 3 days.

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    Re: Banned from Cod 4

    I would like to also point out that I have tried to be a part of the community.  I post on the forums regularly and play on the server daily.  Why would someone who hacks and wants to just get kills play on a server with extreme team playing like we have on TTP?  Why would I even try to get unbanned if I am hacking and am bound to be questioned.  It would be easier to just move on, not post, not play on the same server, and use my mic and communicate with a team.  If I was hacking why waste time abiding by all of the rules when I could easily go to 20,000 other servers. 

    I enjoy playing here, enjoy the people, and the team play.  That is why I have put forth an effort to not be a problem player after having had issues at first. I made an effort to post to be unbanned in a correct manner.  I have put forth effort to be a part of the community and part of the forums. 

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