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Thread: PR ban

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    PR ban

    Good day to all parties,

    I am not here to request an unban, but rather to find to explain why I was banned so other people don't get banned from your server. Today I (scopeseye) had just joined your 64 man Project Reality server. The map was Karbala. My wife was loading into the map as well and we were going to form a base defense sqaud to keep the bomb cars and technicals from coming close to the main base. My first thought was to get some sort of an light AT but I know that I needed at least 3 players in the squad to request such a kit. So I joined a squad with 2 other people in it to get the kit then i was going to form my own BASE DEF squad and have my wife join it. Before I could get to the crates my squad leader left the squad which made me SL. realizing that i couldn't get the LAT, i instintively grabbed the sniper kit and went to one of the towers. another player, i believe his name was pwned or something like that asked me what i was doing. I then realized that there was already a squad named sniper. By this time another player had joined my squad and said hello. He must have been an admin, because he was the one who kicked me. I didn't have the chance to say anything back, because i was typing to the player in the sniper squad that he could have his kit back. Now with 3 people in my squad I was able to pick up the LAT and left the sniper kit on the ground for the player in the sniper squad. I was then kicked for "lack of teamwork."

    I immediately joined the server again, since my wife was now loaded into the game. This time I immediately created a squad named BASE DEF. I did not lock the squad. Since I didn't have enough people in my squad to request any kits yet and my wife was on the insurgent side, i immediately went to work setting up the base defenses. The first thing i did was take one of the 2 un-used log trucks and place supply crates in from of the main entrances to the US base so it would be harder to drive a car bomb into the base and blow up or choppers. I did not block off the entrances completely, because I know that our team needed in and out. I only was placing the crates to make it harder for bomb cars to enter. While I was setting the crates I was banned for lack of team play and wasting assets.

    Like I said earlier, I am not requesting to be unbanned. I guess I just don't understand the ban. Maybe the person that banned me did not understand what I was doing with the supply crates. It seems common in most servers to have a BASE DEF squad on the Karbala map and use the supply trucks to from a barrier to keep the car bombs out. The intent was not to waste assets, as I gave the sniper kit back to the sniper squad as soon as i realized there was one and second I was replacing the crates in the supply truck by moving the trucks back to the repair and resupply station when I was done with them. No assets were wasted, and no tickets were lost on my part. As for teamwork, I joined a squad and spawned at the only available spawn on the map, and then went to work trying to secure the main base.

    With that said, thank you for running a great PR server. I have played on it many times before with no problems. I guess today I just ran into someone having a bad day and who did not understand what I was doing with the supply crates. Please be aware that this tactic is used by many people, please at least let them eplain what they are doing before you ban them if at all possible. I know admining can be hard.

    Thank you for your time, Scopeseye

  2. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Re: PR ban

    If you cared to be unbanned, I doubt it would have been very hard for the admins to understand your situation. Unfortunately, you don't seem the least bit concerned with attempting to go through the process which is designed to give you a voice to be heard and to help the admins know how to vote either for or against you.

    Did you attempt to explain yourself in chat? Did you attempt to let your team know what your intentions were? After all, we both know how important logistic trucks and the ability to get in and out of the base area is important for the teams ability to transport troops. I highly doubt your sniper kit usage would ever be a problem since this server does not enforce a rule that says 'squads labeled XXX' get the usage of certain kits/assets. To you, because you know what you are doing, it doesn't seem like a problem. To an admin, who has to police the server from idiots who like to waste teams assets or destroy caches it's almost impossible to determine what you are attempting to do.

    Too bad you don't seem interested in being unbanned. In this situation I'm sure the admins would have been willing to listen to your side of the story. {maybe if you went ahead and put in an official unban request they might just listen} As it stands you will never know because you don't care to try. Thanks for the vote of confidence in the admins ability to be fair. :3 :5
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  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: PR ban

    Scopes, I was your banning admin.

    Prior to you, I observed a number of people on that team driving endlessly around the main, firing weapons indiscriminately, and crashing vehicles.  It took some time to remedy the server of these selfish non-team players because I wanted to be sure they were merely wasting time and assets and not actually attempting to engage the purpose of the battle (some folks that are new to PR may take a moment to get their bearings).  The last thing TTP expects of me is to merely ban people arbitrarily or to ban them because of I may have been experiencing a “bad day."  I removed each offender from the server once it was clear they had no intention of being a team player and no intention of playing the game properly.

    As I was observing all of this (and after the supply trucks respawned), I noticed you dropping multiple crates in front of one of the exits (the main only has two exits).  I have to admit, now that you spell it out, it is an interesting strategy.  However, as you know, crates are intended to be used for supply and FOBs ... of which (FOBs) we did not have any when you were dropping the crates.

    What I saw was someone wasting an asset and blocking the exits from our main (exits that already have obstacles in place to assist in preventing car bombers and the like from having easy entry into the main).  This we do not consider being a team player.

    I was not in your squad and did not join your squad.  I did not see or notice the name of your squad.  Just because someone names their squad XXX does not make them sole proprietors of XXX on our servers.

    I did issue the kick for non-team play after observing you spam the exit with supply crates.

    I saw you rejoin the server after the kick and to my surprise you grabbed another supply truck, drove it to the other exit and began the process of spamming/dropping crates in front of that exit ... as if the kick never happened.  This is when I banned you for non-team play and wasting assets.  I thought the kick for this behavior would have been enough to send the message.  As for the sniper kit ... this was not what precipitated the kick or the ban.

    In my opinion you have been polite and honest in your assessment of what transpired.  If at some time you wish to return to the TTP servers, you will need to submit an unban request in the proper format.  Until such time as you decide that this ban matters to you, it does not matter to us.  Your ban remains in place on both our TTP PR server and our TTP BF2 server.

    You can be assured that if we find people wasting assets and not being a team player, they will be removed from our servers.
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  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: PR ban

    Thank you for your timely and polite responses to my post. I would like to express that I do have intentions of filing for an un-ban and I will fill out the proper forms. My purpose of the OP was to put into writing, the best I could remember, what transpired before the ban so I could 1) make sure the facts were correct before I forgot them and 2) make sure there wasn't a larger issue that I may have missed for the banning. Amador +JP2+, please forgive me if I came across as though you banned me because of a "bad day". I know good admins and bad admins, your server certainly does not have bad admins. Hence the reason my wife and I were trying to play there. My intentions of the first post were not to say that I don't care about the ban, because I do. Sorry if the post gave you and Bravo that impression.
    Again, I will be filling out the correct form to address the ban. Thank you again for the prompt responses.


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    Re: PR ban

    Here is the information for the unban request.

    1) I was banned from the PR server because I did not clearly state my intentions to the team while I was trying to set up defenses for the Karbala Main base. I soon as i joined the server, I noticed that Big Red had just taken out our Apache in the main. There was also remains of a bomb car next to one of the heli pads. In order to preserve our tickets I wanted to set up better defenses inside the main in order to keep the bomb cars form destroying any more of the assests. I used the supply truck to place about 8 supply crates in front of the main gates (not blocking it completely because I know the US has to be able to get in and out. I purposely put the supply trucks back into the re-arming station so that would be reloaded with crates when the next person wanted to use one. Because I did not tell the team what I was doing, it appeared as if I was wasting assets and just plain being a smacktard by spamming the entrances with supply crates.

    2) I was playing on the Texas Team Player's 64 man Project reality server. My is Scopeseye (player id 61127710) and my banning admin was Amador +JP2+.

    3) I believe I should be unbanned because my intentions were not to harm the team in any way. On insurgency mode the key is to destroy the caches befor losing all of your tickets. The easiest way to loose tickets is to allow the insurgent team to drive the bomb cars into the main and destroy helicoptors and other unguarded assets. I know the main base in Karbala has soon defenses already build in, but when I see Big red and another bomb car inside the main with 2 destroyed choppers (at least 25 tickets gone) i felt I needed to make it harder for the insurgent to get in the main. I did not destroy any friendly vehicles, loose any US tickets, or cause any team deaths. My intentions were not to cause any trouble, only to help the team.

    4) Now realizing that by placing the supply crates inside the main is frowned upon in the server, I will not do it again. I will follow the server rules and do my best to provide a better playing environment for the players around me.

    Thank you for your time. I hope that this information will clear up any misconceptions about what happened. Please, if you are unsure about anything or have any questions...please ask me. I will be more then happy to clear up any loose ends. Again, thank you. Scopeseye

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    Re: PR ban

    Thank you for posting in the proper format scopeseye.

    Even though I do not have any additional comments or questions, others may wish to respond to this request. You have been complete, honest, and respectful in your posts.

    I have submitted this request to the other admins for a vote. As soon as it is definitive, I will let you know the results ASAP. We should have your results within three days.
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  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: PR ban

    Thank you, I look forward to your response...I hope.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: PR ban

    The results are in. Per the vote of the admins, your ban will be lifted ASAP.

    There were a handful of comments that I thought I would share. After doing some research, it was noted that you may have served our country in the armed forces. If true, the admins wanted to extend their gratitude to you for your service and sacrifice. We have a number of people here at TTP that have served or are currently serving in our armed forces. They are a tremendous addition to the TTP community. Thank you.

    It was also noted that your request was one of the most respectful and honest we have seen posted (in the ban forums). I concur and appreciate both your demeanor and recognition that spamming the crates in front of the exits could lead someone to think this was the actions of a "smacktard." In short, as long as you are being a team player and obeying the rules of the server you will not be kicked or banned. Given what I have seen in your unban request I have little doubt you will ever visit the ban forums again as a supplicant.

    Personally, I hope to see you more often on the TTP servers and the TTP forums. Your attitude is exemplary.

    I do not believe anyone at TTP would ever discourage you or anyone else from approaching a particular task or challenge with some degree of creativity. Please, continue doing this. There is also absolutely nothing wrong with establishing a squad to defend the main. However, some have noted that the placement of those crates does little if nothing to deter car bombs/big red. In reality, they slow down your own team more than they inhibit car bomb attacks.

    Now as to Karbala itself, the best defense of the main on Karbala is a combination of an active offense, destroying caches, building FOBs, and using weapons to destroy oncoming threats. The Karbala main entrances already have obstacles and a serpentine intended to slow oncoming enemy vehicles and make them easier targets. In addition, the only way to hit assets with big red and car bombs is if they are not being used. The crates and the supply trucks are best used for their intended purpose of building FOBs and providing supplies.

    Prior to you joining the server, I watched big red take out the apache. In fact, the apache had people in it. Before big red arrived, the apache had lifted off and then run into one of our own vehicles ... after this they landed off to the side of the pad, positioning the chopper closest to the main exit, and remained on the ground. The failure to be in the air ... to be watching for oncoming threats ... causing team damage ... is what resulted in the loss of that asset. While the main had been hit, the most damage to our tickets came from those that misused assets, did not join the search for the cache, and those that were crashing and destroying our vehicles (before big red we lost two vehicles at that exit as a result of a stupid game of chicken).

    This conversation is best continued in our TTP PR forums:

    A healthy debate on the strategies for Karbala would be an interesting topic and I invite you to visit those forums and join the conversation.

    I look forward to seeing you on the server and in the forums.

    This issue is resovled.
    My goal is to succeed in any mission - and live to succeed again.
    God grant that I may not be found wanting, that I will not fail this sacred trust.

    "bite my shiny metal ...!"

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