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Thread: Unban request

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Unban request

    Hi, im sorry for tking for a jet.

    I wont do it again.

    it happend on dragon valley.

    AyiR_AmericA was my tag at the time.


  2. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Unban request

    I am your banning admin.

    You need to provide a link to your stats before we can begin.

    You may also want to consider spending more than 5 seconds making your request.


  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Unban request

    Sorry man, was in a rush at the time of my first post because i have college classes in the mornings and it was late at night.

    My original tag is Dont_Run1989 , it is a 2 star general account.

    My new account is AyiR_AmericA. Just started it like 2 months ago.

    If youve been in this game for over 4 years then you will remember seeing me around alot on my first account, But after a while people would TK me and leave the server. So i changed my account name and this stopped happening.

    im sorry for this even happening, i promise you this will be the only time i post here, because i always follow your rules on your server.

    Thank you

  4. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Unban request

    We'll deal with the incident in question first, then move on to your other statements.

    The pertinent logs:

    -1	Admin	None	ServerMessage	[23:26:27]	*** SWAPPING TEAMS ***
    -1	Admin	None	ServerMessage	[23:27:32]	TKPUNISH: Swim Ellsswhere punishes AyiR.AmericA for a teamkill (Swim Ellsswhere has 1 punishes and 0 forgives)
    47	Swim Ellsswhere	1	Global	[23:27:45]	*§1DEAD§0*ayir.america just c4ed me in the jet
    47	Swim Ellsswhere	1	Global	[23:27:52]	please kick him
    42	 AyiR.AmericA	1	Global	[23:28:07]	lies you FTked
    47	Swim Ellsswhere	1	Global	[23:28:45]	jnow he trying it again
    42	 AyiR.AmericA	1	Global	[23:29:00]	KICK SWIM ELLSWHERE FOR TKING FOR JET
    -1	Admin	None	ServerMessage	[23:30:51]	BANNING!!! AyiR.AmericA for Team Killing!
    The punish message clearly says that you teamkilled Swim, yet you claimed it was the other way around. Additionally, you claimed that Swim had FTK'd, when in fact the 1.5 patch changed the teamkilling rules with regards to jets. It is not possible to punish an FTK. Since he did so, and since you were observed to be a spec-ops both before and after the incident, Swim's story is the most reasonable.

    That fact, along with your admission in this thread that you did in fact teamkill for a jet:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dont_Run420
    Hi, im sorry for tking for a jet.
    That makes you a liar.

    To your other statements.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dont_Run420
    My new account is AyiR_AmericA. Just started it like 2 months ago.
    Your enrollment date on that account says 5/31/2009, almost a year ago.

    im sorry for this even happening, i promise you this will be the only time i post here, because i always follow your rules on your server.
    But this is not the only time you have posted here. In fact, the only other posts you have at TTP are in the banned forums, to resolve your first ban.

    That ban was also for C4'ing teammates in jets.

    In that request you promised:

    Team killing will not happen from me again on your server.

    yes i agree, it will not happen again
    Yet here you are again, in trouble for exactly the same thing.

    Finally, a quick Googling of your name turned up this video:

    That's undeniably you, undeniably C4'ing a teammate for a jet. That video was uploaded 03/07/2010, a little over a month ago. We know the NUNYA guys, they are a legitimate, upstanding community.


    We seem to be establishing a pattern here. You C4'ing teammates for jets, lying through your teeth to try to avoid punishment, and then coming to the forums and swearing up and down that it's the first time and it'll never happen again. And yet it does, over and over and over again.

    If we can't trust you to tell the truth and do what's right and best for the team, what confidence do I, or indeed any of my fellow admins have that unbanning you is the right action to take? Because what you're showing us here is a deceitful, self-centered non-teamplayer.

    Why should you be given a third opportunity on the server? Answer that.


  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Unban request

    Draco are you currently working on a Law Degree? you would make a good lawyer lol :9

    These incidents were spaced out over a period of 2 years. The last time i was banned from your server was a very long time ago , and i have not broken a single rule on your server since then up until now. I do admit i was in the wrong for tking him and then saying it was the opposite, and i give you my word it wont happen again.

    There is no excuse to justify my actions on your server last night, i can only hope for your forgivness and be able to enjoy your server again as i have been for the last 4 years.

    As for the nunya server footage, it does not show the guy i c4ed , c4ing me for the whole round before that either. I was retaliating, because more times rather than not an admin wont do anything on the nunya servers unless they are affected by what ever rule breaking is going on.

    Thank you Draco for replying quickly.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Unban request

    Very well.

    I will put a vote to the BF2 admins, which will last no more than 3 days. Check this thread for the results.


  7. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Unban request


    By a unanimous vote of the BF2 admins, your ban is sustained. You are eligible to appeal this decision in no less than 30 days.


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