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Thread: Unban plz

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Unban plz

    1)I got banned for retaliatory TK
    =MH= dudes were tking left and right for the little bird on Road Rage
    1st the guy blew me and lorentz187 up
    Then the guy shot me
    Lorentz 187 is my witness
    So, I put c4 under the helo,just like they did, and BOOM.......
    One =MH= guy was -8
    2)I was banned on Road Rage at approx 11:45 PST. I have no idea what admin banned me because I don't know who the admins are. SST? HRD?
    3)I should be unbanned because I was not even given a warning. I didn't like that map. I was gonna TK the TKers and take my KICK.
    Instead I was banned with no warning.
    4)I, Gen. Phil A. Bole, #18 in the world in spec ops, promise I will not retaliatory tk again on any Texas Team Player Server. So let it written, so let it be done..........................

    If you guys have Battle recorder....look at the tapes. =MH= guys (2 of them) were hogging/tking for the help from the beginning of round. All I was doing was minding my own business trying to get in the helo with Lorentz187.

    As far as me being a team player===>ask anyone who has ever been in my squad when I am leading. I am one of the best squad leaders out there. My squad always fills up in like 10 seconds. Ask around..............

    Thanks for your consideration,

  2. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Unban plz

    I am your banning admin.

    You need a link to your stats before we begin.


  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Unban plz
    4,099 Hours
    2 bans
    1 ban every 2054 hours ;)

    I'm not a tker in general
    I figured no admins were on since the =MH= guy was -8 after blowing up the helo

    I got banned from some christian server (Christian Gamers Online) because they didn't like my name, after playing about 6 months on their server
    And I was targeting one of the admins in a helo with my jet on Clean Sweep and would not let the helo get up. So they decided to ban me for a name violation.

    Other ban was at Robert Reed's House of Whatever, I rammed the Tunguska ho (an admin) who was like 20-0,with my jet. So they banned me with no warning. That was like 2+years ago.

    Most of the team kills and team damage are from my kamikaze FAV technique I have mastered to kill the tank ho's on Jallabad and Krackland.

    For what it's worth===>
    When I switch over to TTP, I usually bring at least 2 other Dead Meat homies with me
    Sometimes more, we all communicate in DM Team Speak

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Unban plz

    I totally support Philbole. I didnt read exactly what he did but he said hes only been banned one other time in like 4000 hours, and I have never been baned ever, except a few days ago on your server for something that was totally accidental, but looked bad. I rememeber playing with Philbole like 4 ? years ago on a vehicles server back then. Good player.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Arreo's Avatar
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    Unban plz Unban plz Unban plz Unban plz Unban plz
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    Gamertag: TheCynicalOne Steam ID: Arreo

    Re: Unban plz

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Frank_Sinatra
    I totally support Philbole. I didnt read exactly what he did but he said hes only been banned one other time in like 4000 hours, and I have never been baned ever, except a few days ago on your server for something that was totally accidental, but looked bad. I rememeber playing with Philbole like 4 ? years ago on a vehicles server back then. Good player.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    [color=red]If you are not an admin of the game in question, a banned player, or a relevant eyewitness for either party, you have no business in this forum and are prohibited from posting. [u]This rule is harshly enforced.

    Only warning.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Unban plz

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilBole
    1)I got banned for retaliatory TK
    =MH= dudes were tking left and right for the little bird on Road Rage
    1st the guy blew me and lorentz187 up
    Then the guy shot me
    Lorentz 187 is my witness
    So, I put c4 under the helo,just like they did, and BOOM.......
    Left and right? Let's see:

    From 4/23:
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [01:37:22] *** SWAPPING TEAMS ***

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [01:40:10] TKPUNISH: [SU]PhilBole punishes =MH= BlackCow237 for a teamkill ( [SU]PhilBole has 1 punishes and 0 forgives)

    50 lorentz187 1 Team [01:40:38] HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMphil u gonna let that guy tk us like that
    14 [SU]PhilBole 1 Global [01:40:42] no
    50 lorentz187 1 Team [01:40:58] HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMwho was it

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [01:41:08] TKPUNISH: [SU]PhilBole punishes =MH= gmakerpyro for a teamkill ( [SU]PhilBole has 2 punishes and 0 forgives)
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [01:41:11] TKPUNISH: lorentz187 punishes =MH= gmakerpyro for a teamkill ( lorentz187 has 1 punishes and 1 forgives)

    50 lorentz187 1 Team [01:41:44] HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMill wrench for u if we ever get up
    14 [SU]PhilBole 1 Global [01:42:00] ji'm gonna get kicked right here
    50 lorentz187 1 Team [01:42:11] HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMok
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [01:42:19] TKPUNISH: lorentz187 punishes =MH= gmakerpyro for a teamkill ( lorentz187 has 2 punishes and 1 forgives)
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [01:42:30] TKPUNISH: =MH= gmakerpyro punishes [SU]PhilBole for a teamkill (=MH= gmakerpyro has 1 punishes and 0 forgives)

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [01:42:33] TKPUNISH: =MH= BlackCow237 punishes [SU]PhilBole for a teamkill (=MH= BlackCow237 has 1 punishes and 1 forgives)
    14 [SU]PhilBole 1 Global [01:42:37] hahahaha
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [01:42:39] BANNING!!! [SU]PhilBole for Team Killing!
    The MH guys TKed twice, once each. After which you proceeded to teamkill in retaliation, in the full knowledge of your actions.

    3)I should be unbanned because I was not even given a warning.

    According to Gametracker, you have almost 254 hours on our server. And yet, this message:

    -1	Admin	None	ServerMessage	[01:59:28]	WARNING ! ! ! Intentional Tk's will Earn you a BAN.....
    Runs on the marquee every couple of minutes, and has since TTP has had a BF2 server. And you expect me to believe that in all this time, you have never once read this message?

    The admins do not have to give you any warning, and sometimes do not do so deliberately so that you will show your true colors, as you have done so here.

    I didn't like that map. I was gonna TK the TKers and take my KICK.
    So, instead of just toughing out an unpopular map, instead of simply disconnecting, you decided you were going to manipulate the response of the admin in order to see yourself off the server? Or do you mean that you were going to TK the MH guys until you were kicked for 5 punished TKs? One makes you a deceitful, manipulative prick, the other makes you a true-blue remorseless teamkiller.

    So which is it?

    4)I, Gen. Phil A. Bole, #18 in the world in spec ops, promise I will not retaliatory tk again on any Texas Team Player Server. So let it written, so let it be done..........................

    As far as me being a team player===>ask anyone who has ever been in my squad when I am leading. I am one of the best squad leaders out there. My squad always fills up in like 10 seconds. Ask around..............
    I'm glad you find enough humor in this situation to be flippant. My colleagues however, may not see it in the same light.

    I am also singularly unimpressed with any aspect of your stats. You think it matters one iota how good you are, or whether you're popular? You are a teamkiller, the self-centered, egotistical, non-teamplayer effluence of online gaming. You could be the Pope for all that matters, you would still be banned just the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilBole
    4,099 Hours
    2 bans
    1 ban every 2054 hours ;)
    As if to prove my point, you linked me to your global leaderboard rankings, not your stats. How is it up there in your ivory tower, surveying all of us lesser players who balk at your mastery of the game and supplicate ourselves at your feet that we might be graced with your teamkilling and jet whorage once more?

    That's sarcasm, by the way. And your math is wrong, to boot.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilBole
    I'm not a tker in general
    I figured no admins were on since the =MH= guy was -8 after blowing up the helo
    How do you reconcile this statement with:

    I was gonna TK the TKers and take my KICK.

    14 [SU]PhilBole 1 Global [01:42:00] ji'm gonna get kicked right here
    If there weren't any admins on, why did you think you were going to be kicked for retaliating?

    No, you knew full well there were admins on, you just didn't think one that could ban you was on.

    Remember what I said about being a deceitful, manipulative prick? This is it right here.

    I got banned from some christian server (Christian Gamers Online) because they didn't like my name, after playing about 6 months on their server
    And I was targeting one of the admins in a helo with my jet on Clean Sweep and would not let the helo get up. So they decided to ban me for a name violation.

    Other ban was at Robert Reed's House of Whatever, I rammed the Tunguska ho (an admin) who was like 20-0,with my jet. So they banned me with no warning. That was like 2+years ago.
    So what you're saying here is that you've had a pattern of run-ins with admins in the past who banned you for bullshit reasons. And, by ever-so-subtle implication, are suggesting that this time is no different, that this too is a bullshit reason and the ban and procedure thereof is silly and laughable.

    Be careful, your delusions of superiority are showing...

    For what it's worth===>
    When I switch over to TTP, I usually bring at least 2 other Dead Meat homies with me
    Sometimes more, we all communicate in DM Team Speak
    TTP neither supports nor condones the use of third-party VOIP, because it separates and segregates the player population. In point of fact, using third-party VOIP over the built-in feature encourages very bros-before-hoes, non-teamplayer kind of activity.

    Also, neither I nor any of the other admins care one whit how many of your "homies" you bring to the server. If you think that TTP will suffer at all from your departure, you are sorely mistaken. Unbanning you is a privilege, a courtesy we grant, a second chance given to prove lessons learned.

    And you are sorely failing on all counts. Do you have anything to add before I put this to a vote?


  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Unban plz

    Call me what you want:prick, egotistical, deceitful.....
    You obviously don't like me
    Put it to the vote of others

    I retaliatory tk'd guys that were blowing up the helo
    End of story.
    Twist it how ever you want
    You call me a non team player...yet, everyone joins my squad while I lead my team to victory???? ;)

    BTW...It's Delusions of GRANDEUR

  8. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Unban plz

    You got it. I will put a vote to the BF2 admins, which will last no more than 3 days. Check this thread for the results.


  9. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Unban plz


    By a unanimous vote of the BF2 admins, your ban is sustained. You are eligible to appeal this decision in no less than 30 days.


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