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Thread: Hellllloooo

  1. Exiled
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    Hey I'm new to the server and enjoyed playing on it, how ever with the lack of rules on the motd I unknowingly sprayed an inappropriate spray for which I was warned not to spray again. A REQUEST I COMPLIED WITH. I then asked if there was somewhere to see the rules list so as not to break them. The next round starts, no response from admin. I die then while I am DEAD I am told that I wasn't supposed to spray it and goodbye. Here's the thing, I DIDN'T SPRAY IT A SECOND TIME. MAYBE YOUR NOT AWARE BUT A SPRAY GENERALLY STAYS ON A WALL FOR AT LEAST 2 ROUNDS BEFORE IT DISAPPEARS WHEN YOU DON'T RESPRAY IT. Granted I did spray it in the ct spawn and you would of seen it right at the start of the new round. Also the admin was talking to me through HLSW and I have no way of identifying him/her. ANOTHER PLAYER NAMED FLY WAS CAMPAIGNING TO HAVE ME BANNED CAUSE HE WAS GETTING BUTT HURT ABOUT LOSING. SO IF THE ADMIN WAS TAKING HIS INFO FROM FLY I HOPE YOU REALIZE THE BIAS. I DID NOT RESPRAY MY SPRAY.I WOULD LIKE TO ADD THE ONLY RULE ANY OF THE OTHER PLAYERS MADE ME AWARE OF WAS NO BHOPPING. SO INSTEAD OF RALLYING FOR A BAN AGAINST A PLAYER WHO YOU HAVEN'T TOLD THE RULES OR WHERE TO EVEN FIND THE RULES YOU HELP HIM WITH THE SAID INFORMATION. Unless of course your butt hurt and want me banned cause you suck at the game and I make it harder for you. All that said I wouldn't fight a ban on a server I DIDN'T like. Just like I would fallow the rules on a server I DID like. So maybe instead of banning people for their ignorance of rules that are nowhere to be found in the server, you update the motd and educate your players of the rules they are supposed to fallow. P.S. Fly can suck my balls, and any of you other whiny poor sports on ct who are on his bandwagon. To everyone else, hope I am back playing with you soon!
    Last edited by AwptimusPrime; 01-05-11 at 08:55 PM.

  2. Exiled
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    Re: Hellllloooo

    Should also add this was the CS:S server.

  3. Exiled
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    Re: Hellllloooo

    There's my id. Awptimus Prime STEAM_0:0:2185327

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Mr_Blonde_OPS's Avatar
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    Hellllloooo Hellllloooo Hellllloooo Hellllloooo Hellllloooo Hellllloooo
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    PSN ID: Mr_Blonde_OPS Steam ID: 76561197997819398 Mr_Blonde_OPS's Originid: Mr_Blonde_OPS

    Re: Hellllloooo

    Firstly, please post in the correct format. There is a sticky with guidelines...but obviously you have a hard time following rules.

    Secondly, I would suggest you to rethink your attitude before we even get into this conversation, because it is already not looking good for you. Your unban request will be voted on by all our CSS admins and we do not look highly on poor attitude. You've already dug yourself a pretty big hole...

  5. Exiled
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    Re: Hellllloooo

    Well Firstly, I guess when you First join a forum you navigate it like a master right? Your like the master forum surfer or something? Pretty sure almost all the information was there in my first post and what I forgot to include was added after I read your sticky(before your post I might add). Oh and fuck you for you "have a hard time following rules" comment, I mean hey it's a really helpful "attitude" . BTW TARD there were no rules to read on the server. Secondly, if you act like fucking Gandhi when someone treats you unfairly then my hat's off to you then. Really it is. This post should end up being a testament of your character. The fact is I'm a nice guy, just ask the people who were playing on MY team. Now if you guys don't take to kindly to poor attitudes then maybe check your hlsw logs and see wtf warranted my ban. You will see that my first post is accurate about what took place. I don't use a mic so all communication from me will be in your logs. As for the hole I have apparently dug, what makes you think it's for me? I mean sure it could very well be however, if you fallowed your little attitude server philosophy you would see I was treated unfairly. Whether I'm unbanned or not the bottom Line is: There was no rules posted on the server MOTD for which to fallow, so fix that and you can save yourselves future situations similar to mine. If you didn't want to do that then maybe teach your admins to tell every single new player in the server the rules(knowing how the game works helps too, example would be how long a spray remains visible for.). If you have no posted rules what is to be expected, I mean really. You guys trying to make problems for yourselves? I'm sure nobody really wants to be here on this topic so........ That said, make the RIGHT decision. Not the DICK decision. Oh and here's a couple smiley faces so you know my attitude is good. :Pr:c:( :)
    Last edited by AwptimusPrime; 01-06-11 at 02:28 AM.

  6. Exiled
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    Re: Hellllloooo

    Oh and I did mention that I ASKED THE ADMIN WHERE TO FIND THE RULES AND HE IGNORED AND BANNED ME AFTER I COMPLIED WITH HIS REQUEST? I didn't know what rules I might have been breaking and to avoid conflict I asked where to find them. I have to be clear I wasn't protesting his enforcement of the rules. I was trying to prevent future problems. EDIT: CS Rules and Policies here's the link to the rules btw. At the very least put THAT in your motd. Nice to finally see it after getting banned and then provided with a website(TeamPlayer Gaming - The Front Page) that I had to navigate to find. You guys sure make it hard for new players to follow your rules. :X
    Last edited by AwptimusPrime; 01-06-11 at 02:43 AM.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer DuDDy's Avatar
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    Re: Hellllloooo

    Ok normally I dont step into say anything in other admins bans, but I have to in this one. I was playing with you earlier tonight and kind of got the feeling you were a douche. I just looked over your chat log and yeah I am right. With that out of the way here's a couple of things for you to soak in while your banning admin comes here.

    First look at this thread, CS Rules and Policies You will find that our rules are very simple and easy to follow. And if you clicked on the motd you would have been brought to this page in game and could see any of the rules which you were violating. Oh and notice there is a section pertaining directly to bunny hopping, which I noticed you were complaining about being punished for. We do not allow bunny hopping on our servers at all, no excuses. After all, our server our rules. Dont like them then leave and dont come back.

    Now we dont allow players to question the admin's authority in game, or condone players arguing with the admin in game. If you have a problem you bring it here. Its easier for us and everyone else to handle it this way so that the obvious troublemakers, like you, get handled with swiftly and accordingly and it helps keep our servers enjoyable for everyone. And you coming in here telling us to unban you for something you felt was "wrong" just isnt gonna fly. You need to recognize this is not your server, its not CAL, Cevo, esea, what have you. This is Team Player Gaming and we run things our way.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Mr_Blonde_OPS's Avatar
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    PSN ID: Mr_Blonde_OPS Steam ID: 76561197997819398 Mr_Blonde_OPS's Originid: Mr_Blonde_OPS

    Re: Hellllloooo

    If you are not going to cooperate that is fine, but it pretty much has already sealed your fate.

    The reason you were banned was like you said, but you forgot some information. I first saw your spray in the entrance to Long A, entering from T-spawn. I had to look at it closely to notice that is was inappropriate for our servers. I immediately warned you saying, "Awptimus do not spray your image again." The round ended and I re-spawned to find your image directly in T-spawn. I don't know of any magical spray technology that allows you to spray your image in multiple locations, so I took this as you sprayed your image again after I warned you...that is the only explanation. So you were banned.

    Now maybe there was a legitimate misunderstanding by my part, and multiple images can be sprayed or maybe there was another logical explanation of why this happened, but you have lost all chances at that happening. Even if I ended up being wrong for banning you, the admin community would still probably not unban you because of the way you have acted so far. Being calm and simply asking for an explanation was all you needed to do. This was such a simple issue and could have been worked out very fast. Your piss poor attitude and lack of respect for our server and community is unacceptable. Do you have anything else to say before we get your vote started?

  9. Registered TeamPlayer BigHub's Avatar
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    Gamertag: JHubb05 Steam ID: BigHub BigHub's Originid: Hubalicious

    Re: Hellllloooo

    I'm not going to even waste my time or others with this ass-clown. Unban vote denied.

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