Quote Originally Posted by Captain Coors
Hmm, well there are two configs, a fnfconfig and then a fnf config specific to the map type, so maybe the first one wasn't run? The fnfconfig.cfg sets the maxplayers I believe
I ran them both. Fnfconfig sets max players to 24 (looking at it right now). Although, looking at Addrake's "highlandermedic.cfg" I think that is where the problem is, it also sets sv_visiblemaxplayers to 24, whereas the normal highlander cfg sets it to 18. It should technically be 20 for double medic, or 22 if you want to let the extras go second scout. But 24 just invites too many people. Although, the sv_visiblemaxplayers cmd doesn't actually limit maxplayers I think, and with a console connect you can still get in and end up with 24/20 or 24/22 or whatever the case may be. But I think most people won't try for the console connect, they'll just believe the info when it says it's full and won't let them click-join.