Hello all,

I'm hoping to start a thread to debrief and learn from the recent ISI match. Essentially, this thread is a follow up to the ISI Match planning thread (http://www.teamplayergaming.com/bf2-...isi-match.html ).

There was a nice write-up by ARKOUDAKI here: http://www.teamplayergaming.com/batt...ml#post1528499

Alas, I was on the side-lines ... hearing a little via the TS chat, but unable to see what was actually happening ... having an observer role would be nice (I faintly recall some other FPS having that feature) ... but realistically, also a blatant opportunity for unfair play (ex: intel to the team via out-of-band channels such as TS).

* Strengths + Weaknesses of Strategy and in-game play:
+ it seems like team strategy adapted mid-game, with medic-route attempts failing initially followed by other successful approaches. Similarly, on Sharki the TV flag was re-captured after an early loss.
+ we found another community (ISI) that can play as a team and has common interest in this quality.

* Strengths + Weaknesses of the event:
+ There appears to have been good dialog with the ISI community, with their delegate having brief friendly chats via TS in between rounds
- some TPG players (high ranking/good quality players at that) were found to be banned from ISI. Fortunately this was not an issue, but something we should take into consideration when reviewing other servers/communities to play with -- !@%#$ happens sometimes, and folk are not necessarily a$$-hats.

I see our end goal via this exercise in being to grow the TPG community (and of course, to have fun in the process). Realistically, we are not trying to "steal" players from other servers, but to show the world/bf2 community that the TPG server is a worthwhile place for good quality (teamplaying) BF2 play. I sometimes play on other servers, and am sure others (ISI in this case) welcome knowing that TPG is a nice place to game on.

see you in my sights,