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Thread: Another level of performance - split your direct connects to the router

  1. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    I got 2 SI suggetions.

    Kill stealing: This should be removed, nobody wants another nooblet taking points and ruining your attack.
    Disagree, begin able to free a smoker is vital to winning a lot of games. Plus hunters/other SIs can kill someone who is already incapped more quickly than the smoker can.

    No one cares about infected points.

    Tank: The control metor should be removed. I mean, people want to plan ambushes but you cant because the goddamn Tank has a time-limit to attack the survivors. And tanks should be fire-proof or at least go down slower. What's the point of becoming the tank if you're gonna die in seconds.
    Again I disagree with these points. The control meter is there so the tank doesn't camp a certain area all say the NM3 sewer exit. Secondly setting a tank on fire can make or break a match. Third if you can't plan an ambush in the amount of time it takes for the tank to cycle through two players your waiting too long.

    If your dying in seconds you aren't playing the tank right. Work with your team mates. Avoid molotovs..or at least know where the nearest water hole is so you can put yourself out. Lay back and throw rocks if you have to.

    Any tank that rushes in on four survivors fully loaded with auto-shotguns and dies before he lands a hit on anyone only has himself to blame.

  2. Left 4 Dead
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    I think the control meter and the slower tanks in VS never made sense.

    Especially when playing against a good survivor team. If you don't get a lucky ambush right when the tank spawns the tank has a really ruff time. Its right about then the team will either do 2 things.

    Either move to a wide open area where SI can't spawn near them and force the tank to throw rocks. IF the survivors have a few spots to to take cover or dodge rock throws the tank becomes useless.

    Or the team moves into a big room with only a few doors making SI useless and the tank too slow to hit anyone inside.

    Top it off if you set the tank on fire he becomes even more useless.

    Now, why valve decided to slow the tank for VS and give him a rage meter will never make sense to me. The tank is now forced NOT to be a tank and play really defensive. It like putting your hand on a midgets forehead and arm lengths away and telling him to hit you, all the while knowing he CAN'T hit you.

    Which is why i think 2 things should be done to the tank.. One is make him faster when on fire. Second is make his rage meter fill every time he gets shot.

    Or just make him as fast as the campaign tanks... But i know that will never happen.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  3. Left 4 Dead
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    boy, just when i thought this thread died..

    Quote Originally Posted by Eylof View Post
    Disagree, begin able to free a smoker is vital to winning a lot of games. Plus hunters/other SIs can kill someone who is already incapped more quickly than the smoker can.
    i kinda agree, kinda disagree. most times when my smoker kill is swiped, the survivors have yet to notice or are too far away to save him which gives me time to go after another, but its only helpful in that situation. personally, there's always a better way to use a hunter/charger other than freeing a smoker. a good teammate will take a smoker's kill and let him escape if the survivors are headed for him. a smart teammate will distract and attack the survivors.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Tank: The control metor should be removed. I mean, people want to plan ambushes but you cant because the goddamn Tank has a time-limit to attack the survivors.
    tanks should be fire-proof or at least go down slower. What's the point of becoming the tank if you're gonna die in seconds.[/QUOTE]

    like what eylof said, if there was no control meter the tank would just squat and make his move once the survivors are in a really tight spot. would be fun at first but it can really get old. then there's griefers who would watch the grass grow and completely ignore the survivors. a tank thats AFK is just as bad. tank squatting on finales would completely break the round. bad for survivors because they can do nothing to progress foward. bad for the SI because most attacks would be futile since the survivors might be in an open area and because there are NO distractions, a smoker pull/jockey ride will never go unnoticed.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    tanks should be fire-proof or at least go down slower. What's the point of becoming the tank if you're gonna die in seconds.
    while i will almost always sympathise with anyone who is upset playing the tank due to mollies and such, i dont think that making him fireproof would be the answer. if that happened, i imagine more people will complain as opposed to altering the effects of a lit tank. i wouldnt mind the fire damage being reduced slightly, but the real problem is that the tank is even slower while he is burning up. if a tank is on fire, why not make him on par with survivor speed or hella fast depending on how much the fire damage does? still. eylofs points about rock throwing and being ever cautious are good ones

  4. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    I think the control meter and the slower tanks in VS never made sense.

    Especially when playing against a good survivor team. If you don't get a lucky ambush right when the tank spawns the tank has a really ruff time. Its right about then the team will either do 2 things.

    Either move to a wide open area where SI can't spawn near them and force the tank to throw rocks. IF the survivors have a few spots to to take cover or dodge rock throws the tank becomes useless.

    Or the team moves into a big room with only a few doors making SI useless and the tank too slow to hit anyone inside.

    Top it off if you set the tank on fire he becomes even more useless.

    Now, why valve decided to slow the tank for VS and give him a rage meter will never make sense to me. The tank is now forced NOT to be a tank and play really defensive. It like putting your hand on a midgets forehead and arm lengths away and telling him to hit you, all the while knowing he CAN'T hit you.

    Which is why i think 2 things should be done to the tank.. One is make him faster when on fire. Second is make his rage meter fill every time he gets shot.

    Or just make him as fast as the campaign tanks... But i know that will never happen.
    I agree with this whole heartedly. The tank on versus is just plain annoying to use - I don't like it. Then there's that whole clusterfuck of an issue where you're chasing someone down, practically headbutting them, swinging your arm for dear life, and NOTHING IS HAPPENING. Yet on campaign, he swings his arms at you from half way across the frickin room and you're a gonner.

    In some ways the tank is almost as broken as the boomer is.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  5. Banned
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    How is the boomer broken?

    As for the punching: It happens due to lag sometimes but a lot of times it comes down to bad aim. You know those survivors who always seem to jump at just the right moment to dodge you punch? Aim upwards and send them flying.

    Pro-tip: Turn off controller vibration to run a little faster when the tank is on fire. You will still run slower than you normally would, but you'll run faster than a player who has vibration on.

  6. Banned
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    I say the boomer is broken because I'm sure we've all had those instances where you puke your ring up, visibly connect with AT LEAST one survivor, and nothing happens. And yet at other times it seems like I can puke on someone who is halfway across the map from me - there seems to be little consistency, but I suspect it's due to lag, like most other things.

    I've had it as well from the survivor perspective, where I've watched a boomer puke right on me and others and nothing has happened, yet other times the puke connects instantly.

    The issue with the tank I am not talking about people jumping, I am talking about practically being on top of someone and still not being able to hit them.

    I'm beginning to wonder if all these issues I seem to have with L4D (lol) are to do with my connection as well as me being completely shi'ite.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  7. Banned
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    I completly agree with your Smoker additions. The tongue is now WAY too short.

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShotgunJustice View Post
    I completly agree with your Smoker additions. The tongue is now WAY too short.
    If the smokers tongue was any longer he would have to start doing porn.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  9. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    If the smokers tongue was any longer he would have to start doing porn.
    But seriously, I have to jump down from my roof to ensnare survivors, and that usually gets me killed.

  10. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShotgunJustice View Post
    But seriously, I have to jump down from my roof to ensnare survivors, and that usually gets me killed.
    Well,, you really should be waiting for the right moment and playing the enviroment to your advantage...

    The only time you should ever jump down in the open is if its a "MUST" to smoker someone at that moment.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

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