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Thread: The Facility (This was for fun)

  1. Registered TeamPlayer i8pptuakamonstercam's Avatar
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    The Facility (This was for fun)

    The Facility (This was for fun)

    The Facility

    Why they quarantined them off no one knows, but all we do know is that they are outsiders. Outcasts that were set apart from the rest of the group. They put them in grey jumpsuits with a white three digit id code on their back. These codes hold the information of the certain individual who wore them. It was strange, even in a time of peace the government had found some reason to think that these people were a threat, maybe not of physical intent but one of secrecy. Standing in Newman Square I saw a line of new detainees getting ready to be bused off to the quarantine Facility. Many of them were neighbors and co-workers, or just someone I had seen walking down the street while taking a jog. As I walked next to the line while going to work I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye. After I took a second glance I noticed that it was a girl that I had worked with, who I also had a genuine affection for. She was 5’9” and had the most alluring brown eyes. She also had brunette hair with a few blonde highlights. Thinking to myself about what she could have possibly done to deserve this, I acted. I dashed into the line, grabbed her hand and ran into a nearby ally. Now whether I was doing this out of passion for her or out of fear of what might happen was out of the question now. The security observed me taking the women out of the line and they ensued in pursuit. Running for fear of our lives I took a wrong turn into a dead end. All that was in this corridor was piles of trash and a door that led into an abandoned building. I could hear the footsteps of security and sentinels flying overhead. Knowing that there was no place else to go I let go of her hand and proceeded to bash the door in with my shoulder. On the first try the door did not move, me noticing that the door was much sturdier than I anticipated I continued to knock the door down. On the second try I managed to make the door buckle under the force of my shoulder. Hearing the footsteps of security coming closer I realized that what I was doing was not working so I decided to kick the door. With my entire valor I knocked the door in with a thunderous force. Realizing that I had let go of her hand I reached for her. Pulling her inside the abandoned building I looked around. Something about this place seemed familiar…and then it hit me like a brick. This was the elementary school I attended as a young child.

    An innumerable amount of schools had been closed due to government’s feeling that what the children were learning was “Nothing of Importance” they squandered tax payers’ money on beefing up the Security and Camera Defense Plan so that they could have more control over citizens to make sure that nothing could go wrong. Yet, here we are running from something that was supposed to help protect us.

    While feverishly moving desks and chairs piled up against the door, we could hear them on the roof of the building planning their next move. Once we removed the items that were disabling our path we ran into the schools main hallway where everything was coated in a layer of dust. Looking up we could see a skylight which, on a cloudy day like today, did not let in much light. Not saying a word to her this entire time I turned to her and said “Hello”. Blushing, she looked at me and thanked me with a kiss. When our lips met a swat team crashed through the skyline on fast ropes while some security guards closed in on us. We were surrounded.

    (I changed a few things for the better of course)
    to be continued?

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Keiron's Avatar
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    The Facility (This was for fun) The Facility (This was for fun) The Facility (This was for fun) The Facility (This was for fun)
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    PSN ID: Keiron03 Steam ID: Keiron03

    Re: The Facility (This was for fun)

    Looks like a long read so I'll have to read it later as I'm about to head off for dinner since it is my sister's birthday.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer i8pptuakamonstercam's Avatar
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    The Facility (This was for fun)

    Re: The Facility (This was for fun)

    hey it's my mom's birthday as well.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer i8pptuakamonstercam's Avatar
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    The Facility (This was for fun)

    Re: The Facility (This was for fun)

    Is This Real?

    Okay, I must start this off by stating that I have just had the most magnificent dream I have ever had. It was everything I ever wanted. Sure the world was in turmoil and coming to an end, but I could not have been happier.

    You see, in this dream there is a war between two factions: Russia and Germany. It takes place sometime in the not to distant future. These two forces have gained control over most of the world. Through all this fighting and war, they somehow made a truths. This was the “sharing” or separation of the land they had conquered (Each nation knowing that all of this conquered land would be too much for just the one of them to handle).

    One of the many strange things about this “out of body” experience is how the two factions choose new recruits. Each one would have their own office set up right next to each other (in various locations) and whoever wanted to join a side could go to the officer and sign up (either you sign up or die). It was almost as if the two sides were playing a game with each other, “Who Could Destroy The World The Fastest”.

    In the first part of the dream I decided to join the Russian Front. I was immediately accepted into what seemed like a non-ending war.

    War, War Never Changes.

    Now let us skip to the battlefield, I am past all the training, and all the grueling work done in the innards of a Boot Camp. Now I am in the field, and at this very moment, I am fighting along my comrades and holding our ground against the enemy. It is an intense battle in the woods (Location N/A), the Germans have set up a fortified bunker using the natural lay of the land, and some cut down trees.

    My comrades move in for the kill, get into position, and fire.

    It is now midway through the battle and several have died (On both sides). I am now dug into a German made trench waiting for the enemy. A German infantryman (holding an smg) comes running along the trench line right to my direction. He sees me and has begun to engage. I fire two shots off with my rifle, one bullet hits a tree which was blocking the soldier as he ran, the other whizzed by his legs and struck the ground. Before I knew it he was standing a few feet away from me on the forest floor while I am still in the muddy pit underlying it all. He fires a burst from his weapon… I hit? I do not feel any pain, all I feel is the rush and the determination to finish my mission, ”Destroy the Enemy”. I regained my thoughts and, in what seemed like an eternity, I raised my rifle up next to my face, looked down the sights of the gun and fire one shot into his chest.

    He Falls Down.

    Right after this stretched out sequence two German soldiers set up an mg position and start to fire, and I run.

    Now this next part gets a little hazy for me, but in all fairness it is a transition to the unknown.

    I am now at another recruitment office, this one of German pride. I am sitting down and it appears that I have awakened from a nap, or a “Bad Dream”. The office is full of people, few of which went to my high school. One was a girl, a girl that recently I had had a crush on.


    Something to Remember?

    Waking up in a war torn unknown city I hear the crack of gun fire and yells for forward movement. Everything is hazy; I take a deep breath….and exhale. I see were the screams are coming from, I look down the street and see a squad of soldiers running down the street. The man in front yells “Enemy, one hundred meters North!! Fire at will!” I stand in the middle of the road in disbelief and look in the opposite direction, time slows down, I don’t have time to think, move, breathe. Before I knew it they start firing at each other, I turn away as tracers light up the area like fireworks. I shield myself from the opposition, as soon as I do this the shooting stops.

    Have I been shot?

    I check myself; I feel nothing, no pain, no life. Do I even exist in this world? Why am I here?

    The unnamed soldiers go on about their conflict as I watch, then I see her….I see her, again? Why is she always here? Does this mean anything or is it just my mind playing tricks on me. I want her next to me, or do I want that feeling. That feeling that I am happy and ready to die at a moments notice and not have to worry, because I am ready.

    She is a soldier, fighting with her comrades for what she believes in. Yet I stand here and do nothing. I want her companionship, her love, her touch, but I am not ready. Not now, not now, not now, not ever?

    I am falling, a rush, a tingle, a sense of belonging that I grasp for.

    I appear in a dark basement, no sound, no movement, then suddenly, music, people, life. I wonder again what this all means. I find the stairs and go to the surface, I am now outside the area of the city I was just in. The air is cool, rain clouds dance overheard as the sun tries to break free, it struggles. I am on a hill overlooking the area of where the sea meets the grass, such beautiful grass. So green and full of life while the world around it tears itself down.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer HBPyro's Avatar
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    Re: The Facility (This was for fun)

    You have quite a talent for writing.

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