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Thread: Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

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    Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

    Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

    My Appologies about starting another thread on this, but I want to keep this one active and maybe even sticked and this one is only for HRD members to post other posts not pertaining to those posts will be deleted in a day or two. Simply because I don't want this impossible to read.

    Salt's squad rules under normal circumstances.

    As to Kits
    1. If I tell you to come a certain kit spawn that kit even if its your worst kit.
    2. Only 1 sniper and preferably none there are more effective kits for the squad.
    3. One medic for certain in the squad preferable two. Medics keep everyone on their feet
    without wasting 15s as well as keeping me alive.
    4. AT is "extremely" useful I want 1 preferably 2 in my squad.
    5. Other kits are welcome but please choose appropriate to circumstances, I know some of
    you can do amazing things with classes I disregard if you can tell me.

    As to orders
    1. Follow orders
    2. Spawn green or the flag I say unless given permission otherwise, such as if you spot a
    lone guy about to take one of our flags and I say "alright".
    3. My orders are supreme, but don't hesitate to bring up something I might have missed.
    Just don't argue it.
    4. Initiative is encouraged so long as you tell me and I don't countermand you, say if you
    get seperated and come across an undefended flag take but let me know. I want
    commandos not mindless drones.
    5. I prefer a whole squad with me but on occasion I will accept jets or choppers in my
    squad so long as they do as ordered. If I say No jets or choppers either leave my squad
    or get out of them
    5. For Petes sake warn us if you're about to throw a flashbang, what good is a blind

  2. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.
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    Gamertag: JBMCW2010 Steam ID: JBMCW2010

    Re: Rules to be in my squad.

    Quote Originally Posted by JBMCW2010
    Awesome posts, will edit this once I am back in my room in say 5 minutes with my squad norms.


    All of my opinions have been stated already however these are MY squad rules so if you join up, follow em.

    1.) Communication:

    The most important thing to any one in any battle situation is intel. If I do not know where the enemy is how am I expected to kill the enemy. If you have a mic never let off of the 'b' button or what ever you have it set to. Keep everyone posted as to where you are and what you see. This will cut down on accidental TKs from distance and make squad mates aware of any threats.

    Feedback, more or less the same as above but if you disagree with me follow the order and while doing it explain how it could have been done differently so maybe next time it will be different.

    2.) Squad Formation:
    Spawn Green as a default, if I go down I will normally announce where I will respawn next and you can get the jump and spawn there. I may also choose to send you to the near by spawn point to get on the flank of the enemy we have just engaged.

    Never stray from the squad. If you are constantly more than 50-100 meters away you are not a participating member of my squad and will be reprimanded and if you do not come back to the squad you will be given the boot.

    3.) Kits
    I switch it up nearly every death. I tend to designate a squad medic and also an AT. Otherwise pick your best/use your digression on what kit to spawn. If you are not sure ask(bringing us back to the communication part).

    Snipers, please unless I ask you specifically to spawn sniper or you have asked and I grant permission do not use the sniper kit.

    4.) Armor and Air:
    I will order you to get into an vehicle we need to be in otherwise, stay out of them. If you some how got sperated or was told to go off to another location and a vehicle is available take it but not take an APC solo when a SL has spawned near by that is like driving past the little kids sitting at the bus stop in the rain.

    5.) Communication:

    Just to reiterate its importance see number one again.

    6.) Intelligence:
    Believe it or not I require you to be smart! Read the following quote and it should explain:
    Quote Originally Posted by (4)manno
    Don't shoot at anything you can't kill !!!!!!!!!! I hate transport heli gunners or jeep 50cal guys shooting at tanks or stupid crap. Tracers are visible in this game and the ping ping pong of bullets hitting a tank as I am trying to drive around it doesn't typically help the cause. All it does is aim a really big gun our way. Do as was mentioned it and leave it alone!
    Quote Originally Posted by (4)manno
    Don't shoot from your SL's concealed position! He has ran around shat to get you a close spawn point. If he is on a roof, crane or in a building right by the keep him concealed for yours, the squads and the teams benefit. Don't stick your head out the first window and blow your clip to advertise "HERE WE ARE!"...instead go out the back door and cap the flag. One more thing, SL is the most important player in the squad so don't lead enemies back to him...sacrifice yourself if you have to in order to lead enemies away from the SL. I love it when I am concealed, some Jack A$$ in the squad runs out in front of an APC then turns around and runs right back to where I am hidding bringing the APC with him !!!!!!
    Thank you again for your cooperation, by leading your squad I promise to do my best to gain victory all I ask is that you follow my rules and give it your best.

    edited--Added number 6, thanks Manno
    edited--added more wisdom of manno that I keep taking for granted.
    -updated to reflect proper additions.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.
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    Steam ID: CivilWars CivilWars's Originid: CivilWars

    Re: Rules to be in my squad.

    I know most of us feel the same about how a squad should be run, but I have just a few simple rules.

    1. Always spawn green unless you are specifically told otherwise. Usually the only time I will say this is if I get stranded in the middle of nowhere.

    2. I know flags are important, but the biggest key to me in any game is kills and deaths. You cannot cap a flag if you are dead. Spawn with the kit you can kill the most with and/or die the least with. I don't usually say what to spawn as because when i say we need AT I get 5 AT, and that i not a good squad.

    3. If you are going to play in the attack helo the whole round please find another squad. The pilot and gunner need constant communication to be effective. If you are talking, the commander is talking, and the SMs are talking I can't think straight, or give/receive orders.

    4. Work as a squad. I hate seeing 1 guy die, respawn, and head out to the objective alone, then 5 seconds later another, then another. If we all died 5-10 seconds apart wait for everyone to respawn, so we can all work together.

    As a SL I am pretty easy to please. On a side note if you want lots of easy points spawn medic and keep reviving me. I prefer to LEAD my squad, which usually means I am the first to find the nme and die.


  4. Registered TeamPlayer WolverineBrother's Avatar
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    Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

    Re: Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

    The rules of my squad by WolverineBrother

    1. Spawn green. There is a reason it's the first one I mention. And at most you wait 15 seconds for that green dot to appear. It is an absolute requirement in my squad.

    2. Stay with the squad. Don't race a head in the fast mover and get killed at the flag. I need my squad to hit the objective at full strength. And that means with every member of the squad in the same spot.

    3. Get on the flag. We can't cap the flag from across the yard (except on Wake). I'm not Jeep, I can't rush in and kill everyone myself and cap the flag. So I stay back a little and try to stay alive while my squad caps the flag. This is much easier to accomplish with my squad on the flag, than with three guys next to me taking potshots at the enemy.

    4. On certain maps, in certain situations, I can appreciate a good jet pilot in my squad (by that I mean that he is in a jet). But most of the time, I want and demand 5 groundpounders. There is strength in numbers, and that one guy can be the difference.

    5. Follow my orders first. Then argue them later. Unless we are on a long drive and have time to discuss it en route. I will not have anyone disobey my orders because they think they know better (I'm not saying I'm always right). Tell me my mistake after and I will learn.

    6. There will be times when I give orders contradicting the first 3. Such is war.

    I guess that's it. All though I may be wrong.

    But I have a couple of promises (no, victory is not among them) to my squadmembers.

    1. I will tell you what I expect and when I expect it.
    2. If we're hitting a target and I die, I won't leave you stranded there. I'm allready on my way back...
    3. We will go for the win. Every round. No exceptions.

    In advance, I apologize for the intensity and possible rudeness. I just want to win. That's all.
    For when the One Great Scorer comes, to write against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the Game

  5. Registered TeamPlayer TheJeep1's Avatar
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    Re: Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.


    I almost always go with 3 medics, 2 AT, 1 Support now. The 2nd AT is also my floater kit.


    1 Medic, Lots of Spec Ops, Engineers, Snipers.


    Listen to me. Don't argue with me. Yes I may be wrong, but do it my way then blame me later. There is no time for second thoughts, thinking stuff out, arguing, and bickering.

    If you insist on being right, make your own squad, perhaps I will join and see if I can pick up a few tips.


    MEDICS!!!!!!! ALWAYS go in the rear of the line. The medic rifles are very accurate and are great for medics to go prone and take short range sniper like shots. Then me, the 2nd AT, and the Support Kit move in and attack. If we die then you can either decide one of three things.

    1- Take our kits and kill whatever killed us.

    2- Revive us only if it is safe.

    3- Get out of there alive to prevent further ticket loss and meet up with us when we respawn.


    Medics go hide somewhere and come heal us after ARTY and Plane bombings.

    Everyone else stays around the flag so a loaded APC, Vodnik, Chopper, ect don't drive up and get the flag grey in 3 seconds. Remember when we are defence we have two spawn points, ME and the FLAG.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.
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    Steam ID: Walkerxes

    Re: Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

    This may be a bit presumptuous posting this after only having just been accepted as {HRD}, but here goes.

    I don't SL a lot on Vanilla, but I do a fair amount in PR, so most if this will be pertaining to that mod:

    Vanilla: Kits I prefer sound a lot like what Jeep, Wolverine, Salt and others ask for. Medics, prefferably 2, I'll likely be one of them--better chance of me being revived that way; AT, also at least 2; support, engineer and/or sniper (if defending on certain maps) to fill the rest of the slots.

    SF: Gimme a medic and an AT, the rest I could care less about... SF seems to be my kinda "mess around" place, much like others in {HRD}.

    PR: A medic, and engineer and the rest will be fluid and changing depending on what's needed.

    2142: HAHAHAHAHA

    I'll probably not cuss people out, and I tend to be a bit more lax in my SL style, but I agree with WolverineBrother on one point (well, quite a few, actually), you better not drive off in a transport vehicle and not take your fill of squad-mates with you. Nothing bugs me more than seeing a fast mover with only the driver in it speeding off away from the squad.

    Spawn green! and hold the spawn if I ask you to when a map starts, unless I specifically ask you to spawn elsewhere.

    I do things a touch different sometimes: I may very well split the squad between cap points (3 and 3). To my mind 3 people can take a flag (I usually don't ask this unless the commander tells me a flag is clear) quickly enough to warrant not using all 6 members. It sounds strange, but I've used it a few times and it has worked enough for me to like it when the situation warrants it. If I ask this of you, please don't all go for the one objective and leave me going solo for the other; we're adults and can make these decisions without me having to spell it all out. Which brings me to the next point:

    Sound off. If you have a mic, use it. Communicate with me and with the others in the squad. This way when I split the squad, you can sound off and tell me who's gonna go on the side objective, and who's following me to the main objective.

    I don't know it all, and I'm human and don't always make the best tactical choices. Go ahead and tell me (especially you more experienced players) if you think there's a better choice, provided there's time enough to do so before we're wading in the shit.

    That's it for vanilla.

    If I want tank drivers, I'll ask for them--same for pilots. If there's not a transport-designated squad, I may want a guy to fly a blackhawk. If I do ask for a transport pilot, be on call when I need it, but when I don't please don't fly around aimlessly; see if another squad needs transport. Be useful to the team.

    Spawn on the RP, unless we KNOW it's been compromised and I ask you not to. If we're trekking a long distance, move tactically, but be on call so I can "leapfrog" RPs until we reach our objective.

    Let me know what kits you excel at, and if they warrant the situation, by all means I'll tell you to use em. This even includes sniper/marksmen; I like a little overwatch from time to time.

    I'm still learning the maps, and learning the role as SL; not to mention the pacing of PR is slow enough that there's more time for discussion. If I make a bad call, tell me (but don't be a bitch about it). If you're more familiar with a map and feel a direction or movement point might be questionable, please let me know your suggestion. I'll likely take it under advisement (and probably even do it).

    When I have a ground-pound squad, I will likely leave one (sometimes 2 if necessary) person behind to rearguard a cap point we've just taken. Please don't leave your "post" if I ask this of you. It may not be overly exciting, and you may not end up 1st place that game, but I'd rather leave a little resistance behind so we don't immediately lose the CP the second we move on. One or 2 guys with the element of surprise can defend a CP pretty well sometimes. When you die, or I give a different order, by all means, join up with the squad. It'll probably be the guy with C4 I have stay behind, to forewarn you

    Medics, do your job: Heal first, shoot second. Unless directly threatened; a dead medic can't heal anyone. You're not the point-man, don't lead the "charge". ...this is something I need to learn myself still, sometimes, so I'll be patient with you

    Sound off! Yes, this repeats what I said in the "Vanilla" portion, but I personally feel that mics and communication are 3 times as important in PR. So please, please, please communicate; call out coordinates of enemies; if you've taken fire, say it so our medic knows to heal you; let us know if your low on ammo; if you can confirm a kill on an enemy, let us know so we're not wasting ammo trying to shoot a corpse; let us know if you're critical/dead so we know our squad strength, etc. Communication keeps us alive as long as is possible, even more so than our squad medic does.

    I can't promise you a badass squad every time, but I can promise I'll to my best to carry my end of it. I'll give you as close to 600% as I am able, and all I ask is as close to 100% as you are able in return from each member of my squad. If we carry our end--be it PR, vanilla or SF--we can be proud even in defeat.

    Translate the above to fit 2142 as well as I tend to SL there more. Although I welcome sniper kits there moreso than I do in BF2.

    Also.. in regards to TK punish: It has become a huge pet peeve of mine to see a squadmate punish another squadmate for an accidental tk. I stress accidental. I don't care if it was a careless grenade throw or bad driving or what; if I see a member of my squad punish another member of my squad for an accidental TK, it will result in immediate removal from my squad for the punishing party (unless you can quickly and thoroughly convince me that you honestly meant to forgive but mistyped and hit PageDown instead). I try to state this upfront to my squads when I think of it, as I'm sure not everyone on TTP reads this thread, but I don't always, so bear it in mind if you read this.

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    Re: Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

    ** reserved slot for future directions.... NOT ENOUGH TIME AS SQUAD LEADER TO HAVE ANY REAL STRATEGIES **

  8. Registered TeamPlayer HooDaMUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Rules to be in my squad.

    Mostly Quoted from Civil, slight changes made for me:

    1. Always spawn green unless you are specifically told otherwise. Usually the only time I will say this is if I get stranded in the middle of nowhere.

    2. I know flags are important, but the biggest key to me in any game is kills and deaths. You cannot cap a flag if you are dead. Spawn with the kit you can kill the most with and/or die the least with. I'll let you know if I need a specific kit and tell the specific person that I would like to switch out. If you feel you would do better with that kit then speak up.

    3. If you are going to play in the attack helo the whole round please find another squad. The pilot and gunner need constant communication to be effective. If you are talking, the commander is talking, and the SMs are talking I can't think straight, or give/receive orders.

    4. Work as a squad. I hate seeing 1 guy die, respawn, and head out to the objective alone, then 5 seconds later another, then another. If we all died 5-10 seconds apart wait for everyone to respawn, so we can all work together.

    As a SL I am pretty easy to please. On a side note if you want lots of easy points spawn medic and keep reviving Civil lol and me. I prefer to LEAD my squad, which usually means I am the first to find the enemy and die. There are times that sitting in the background as a spawnpoint are crucial and at that time I will do so.

    I've edited it slightly but the post from Civil is the nearest to how I SL.

    The post from Jeep is the best description on how I'd like to see the game go and the way the squad should Defend and Attack.

    Thanks for the info though. I'm glad to read through some of this and get further thoughts and advice.
    Heheh... They Didn't Even See Me... Woof!

  9. Registered TeamPlayer SpiritOfF1re's Avatar
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    Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.
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    PSN ID: Splintrr Steam ID: SpiritOfF1re SpiritOfF1re's Originid: Runehearte

    Re: Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

    Battlefield 2

    -Air specifics. I don't mind if I have *1*(or 2, as long as they are both in the same chopper)person in a Air asset, but anymore then that and I the squad will be down almost 50% the efficiency, and I'll ask you to leave or ditch the air ASAP(like when you die next)

    -Kit Info.
    Basically what I would want in my squad(including myself, normally Medic or AT)
    2 Medics minimum
    1-2 AT(Anti-Tank) minimum
    Anything else I would want a maximum of 1 UNLESS I'm currently set to Defend a Flag/Area, which I would then probably want more Engys/Snipers.

    ALWAYS spawn Green! Unless I say otherwise never spawn anywhere but Green, and never separate from me/the rest of the Squad. You really don't need to ask me what the orders are if you are sticking with the rest of the Squad.

    I normally say "Hold your spawn" at the beginning of every game, here's a few reasons why:
    1. I want to know if another squad is spawning to grab an asset(chopper, FAV, etc)
    2. I want to know if any other squads are spawning to attack from that route, or defend that flag.
    3. I want to gab a jet/chopper and don't want people left behind in the dirt, and me force them to suicide.

    If you continually don't follow orders, or don't stick with the Squad, I can guarantee a kick from the squad.

    Normally I don't hide around the back(Hey, I like points too) unless I remember(lol).
    If I make a bad call, tell me (but don't be a bitch about it). If you're more familiar with a map and feel a direction or movement point might be questionable, please let me know your suggestion. I'll likely take it under advisement (and probably even do it). [Quoted from Walker]

    Just a quick basic outline of my Squad-leading and what I require of my Squad members.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Warprosper's Avatar
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    Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads. Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.
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    PSN ID: Warprosper Steam ID: Nukewarprosper Warprosper's Originid: Warprosper

    Re: Rules to be in individual HRD member's squads.

    Rules for joining squad de Warprosper

    Im not the kind of guy who always tells you what kit to use. However I am the guy who expects you to use your judgement when selecting.

    The rules are as follows:

    1. Snipers have their benefits, but if you spawn sniper you better be talking and spotting.
    (I have no problem with snipers, Often times a well placed claymore can cause great delay to losing a flag)
    2. When possible, spawn on me.

    The most important rule:

    Do whats right for the Squad/Team and stay close together.

    Thats all i got for now.

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