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Thread: Scrim tonight

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Scrim tonight

    Quote Originally Posted by Syrringe
    K tony, maf, ill leave it to ya'll to start the match server up....i dont have the link saved to the server starter...i usually just went thru the link in the site mod forum....but we all know whats going on there.

    This is my last HOO-RAH! before i take my break from gaming, and im glad its a scrim with ya'll. I wouldnt want it any other way. See you guys @ 9:30 central!!!

    Our roster is power, me, agent, alpine, and senses...what about yall??
    Maf will handle it.

  2. Banned
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    Most funniest/annoying/crazy Death EVER!?.

    This is for both " Left 4 Dead " and " Left 4 Dead 2 ".

    What is the most " funniest/annoying/crazy " death you've seen or has happened to you?, as the Survivors or Special Infected?.

    Pick any of the 3 or all 3 if you like.

  3. Zombie Dog
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    Lol.... it was funny to me, but I just got done in a Single player run of The Parish on Advanced. In TP3, right out of the saferoom, a hunter and a spitter are running at me. The hunter pounces, the spitter almost spits, and I shoot 4 bullets. Immediately, the spitter dies with the hunter, at the same time. Double kill/skeet. XD

    Also, I love ragdoll physics. I was a jockey once, I got beaten to death by melee shoves, and my ragdoll showed the Jockey on his back with his legs spread apart. The Jockey - it dies with dignity.
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

  4. Zombie Cat
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    Uhm, I got deathcharged in Hard Rain by a pub ..(but I got them back on their turn too.)

    LOL, and the funniest thing about it was ..that same day ..I played another versus round at dead center ..and got charged out the window near the elevator in the first part.

    Wasn't a good day. hahaha.

    Oh the instakill that Crimson and I did the other night on No Mercy finale was pretty damn hilarious too. I don't think the victim had any idea what just happen ..and his split-screener friend was afraid to come up the ladder to the roof. xD

    R I P forum.

  5. Junior Senior Member
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    Dead Air 2
    I was in the apartment,and I spotted a smoker.
    He pulled me out the window and to my death.

  6. Chicago Ted
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    Sacrifice, the docks. I fall right through the ground getting my pump shotgun and ended up dying.

    I was rushing on the coaster, took my adrenaline, caught UP with the coaster, and upon touching the coaster I drop dead.

    Jockey jumped on my head, last second before the ferry arrived in SW, got me hanging off the dock and the ferry crushed me immediately when arriving.

    Also, skeeting Mandi on campaign. She jumped off the building and I was below, skeeted her, incapped her before she made impact and died.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  7. Been around a bit
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    The first time I got instakilled in the No Mercy Elevator by another survivor with a pipebomb/molotov.

    The first time I tried to jump on the boat in Swamp Fever 1 while it was still moving (And then get crushed) :rofl:

    The first time I tried to jump on the boat on Death Toll Finale while it was still moving.

    See a pattern? :waves:

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    Me and Mandi were playing versus at Dead Air and someone got incapped near at the crane before they started it. So I was the smoker and smoked the guy who was helping him up for the instakill. And then I did the same to the next guy.

    I was rushed to the saferoom on expert a while back and all my teammates were down with a huge hoard. So I get in and shut the door. I go ahead and heal and as I heal the a hunter comes out of the bathroom and gets me.
    I hate LEFT 4 DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!:insane01:

  9. Zombie Cat
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    On of the many times I've been running backwards from the infected only to run off the bridge/rooftop/etc.

  10. Banned
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    I've got some:

    One which didn't happen to me but I was spectating it, well it was myself, Jason, and Lou, on the Barns level any way, there was a Witch and Jason was the Charger he was next to the Witch, the human players were smart and they headshot the Witch with stumbled her ( spiked ) and then Jason punched the Witch, and then the Witch went after Jason!!!!! who was the Charger she liked swiped at him 3 times and the Charger was no more, that was sooooooo funny, I'm glad I died and got to spectate the whole thing.

    Another one was on ' Left 4 Dead ' 1, and it was Death Toll, I needed to finsh it on Expert so we went through all of that and when the boat arrived us 4 was all still alive, I was so happy, I was jumping to get on the boat and then the boat attacked me!, it hit me in the air for no reason then when I got down I just died when I hit the floor, my teamates went on the boat, we had to do it all again from the beginning the next day.

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