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Thread: lil joke for ya

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    I could care less about stupid people- it is griefers I hate. Last night, a guy came in and called a vote to change the difficulty to normal. Fair enough, I thought. We changed it, an low and behold he shoots me in the face. As he is killing all of us with an auto-shotgun, I call a vote to change it back to easy. the vote is passed, but my next vote, to kick the betraying player, went unnoticed.

    Later on, I was down, and the greifer came over to revive me. I was about to say, "Thanks" when I noticed that he was constantly jamming the revive key, so it LOOKED like he was reviving me, but my health was still draining. I asked the other players if any of them were seeing this, and they absent mindendly said, "WUT"

    Eventually, we got me up and the player was booted, but dang it was he annoying.

    We also encountered a guy on blood harvest that flung a molotov into the closet we were all hiding in for the finale

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    Quote Originally Posted by War-Lord View Post
    Believe it or not I think the community on here is top notch. Have you ever played COD4? Though anyway iunno I usually dont like playing with people who play seriously. I just play for fun with my friends. I will say I do run ahead and usually I play around as in when my friends are incapacitated I throw Molotovs at them. This is just how we play I mean whatever works for you go for it. I have found more serious players on L4D then fun ones.
    I'm completely with you man. I'm not a serious player at all. I never play on expert, I play on advanced about 1/3 of the time and the other 2/3 is normal. I only play this game for fun. But fun is not possible when my team isnt even making it halfway through the campaign because they have no idea what they are doing, usually making us restart 2 or 3 times, at which point I'm done dealing with it and I leave.

  3. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebeard 20X6 View Post
    It may just be me, but does anyone else feel like 90% of all the people you meet playing L4D online are complete idiots?
    That's been my complaint for ages now, and IF I can manage to stick out an entire campaign with these morons (I usually quit when the stupidity level becomes unbearable) I will always have the best stats by far (and I don't even consider myself "exceptional"). At least one of the things you described happens to me every single game.

    I have stated on here that it's an issue of low IQs and not just a matter of unskilled players. I am sticking to that.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    Sadly, you can't fix stupid. But like mattman said just wait. The idiots tend to jump onto the latest thing. So when the next big FPS title with multiplayer comes, the population will drop.

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    I think stupid and dumb people just make the game better.
    They make it more realistic. because in real life (if there was a Zombie Apocalypse) there would be stupid/insane people.
    and sometimes they make it more fun and exciting.
    for example: stupid guy causes finale to happen when you're team isn't ready. that's exciting.
    anyone agree?

  6. Been around a bit
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    ^ yes because stupid people are my prey when i play infected. I love spawning as a tank and just rock throw the dumb people that run around. I love it when a slow guy is on the team as well so i smoke them (if possible with the hit detection tounge problem) or pounce.

    But like jump said, in a zombie apocalypse, stupid people are all around trying to save themselfs selfishly. "My girlfriend was bitten so ill baracade myself in a room with her because she wont turn, this isnt a movie".

  7. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by jUMPYm4X View Post
    for example: stupid guy causes finale to happen when you're team isn't ready. that's exciting.
    anyone agree?
    It's not exciting when you were at full health and it has just taken 40 seconds to be shredded completely to death by 500 infected while stupid guy, who started the horde early, watches the entire time from a safe spot doing nothing, and then when it's safe goes over to your corpse and takes your health pack! No, it's not exciting at all then.

  8. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebeard 20X6 View Post
    I'm completely with you man. I'm not a serious player at all. I never play on expert, I play on advanced about 1/3 of the time and the other 2/3 is normal. I only play this game for fun. But fun is not possible when my team isnt even making it halfway through the campaign because they have no idea what they are doing, usually making us restart 2 or 3 times, at which point I'm done dealing with it and I leave.
    Yea I know what you are saying now. Usually I have atleast one friend on my friends list playing with me. We either try and boot the other two or just leave them behind and whatever happens happens. The thing I hate in this game is people with no mics that makes me more mad then when they dont know what they are doing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThanatosNET View Post
    It's not exciting when you were at full health and it has just taken 40 seconds to be shredded completely to death by 500 infected while stupid guy, who started the horde early, watches the entire time from a safe spot doing nothing, and then when it's safe goes over to your corpse and takes your health pack! No, it's not exciting at all then.
    (0.o) still, most of the time it doesn't bother me when stupid people play.
    well....i DO have a problem with the type of people your explaining: assholes.
    they do the stuff on purpose. but stupid people that just play bad can't help it.
    so they really don't bother me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Considering the two players I ran across today in versus on NM4 that used hunting rifles, yes...yes it does feel like a great deal of players are idiots.
    Better not be dissing that Hunting's the only worthwhile gun in Expert or Advanced games. Versus though is debatable unless you've been using the Hunting Rifle most of your L4D playing time, but even then the Hunting rifle isn't that great in Normal or Easy cause everything is a one shot kill with the shotgun.

    But yea, Hunting Rifle, best weapon for Expert.

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