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Thread: ttp pr server

  1. Zombie Rat
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    Just a note to those who don't want to risk this enough to be willing to turn off all sprays, you can set cl_playerspraydisable 1 (Put it in autoexec.cfg if you just want it every time) and then not have to deal with any of them. At least, I think it works, I haven't tested.

    I'd note that people also like to do things like spray boomers on walls and other irritating cheap-shots, so personally I just have them disabled because I have yet to have had my gameplay improved by someone's spray.

  2. Just getting started
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    While I am not offended by pornographic images, I don't see how they are necessary in this setting. I have always seen spray images as a way of identifying a group, personal signature or even a fun way to taunt the opposition so I must admit I am more perplexed than anything by the seemingly massive upswing in smut-sprays. My biggest complaint is that they detract from the atmosphere of the game when used outside the safe houses. Valve obviously crafted a world that can be down right terrifying at times and, while some of the porn images are terrifying in their own right, I don't feel that my experienced has been enhanced. They certainly don't offend me anywhere near as much as the rampant racism that some use in their sprays (or gamer tags).

    I have noticed that many posters in this thread have seemed to equate nudity to pornography and some, pornography to violence. One's attitude, positive or negative, to these things will no doubt colour(yeah, I'm Canadian) one's approach and enjoyment of this or any game. While understanding one's own attitudes in this regard cannot change how others manifest their feelings, it can better enable one to block out the 'screaming child' looking for a reaction.

    Failing that, if the porn sprays truly offend you that much, make a spray featuring a bunny giving the finger that reads: keep your smut outta my gore.

  3. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabotage View Post
    if you cant handle the mature rating and the hint that it might change when online play is there, go play single player then. then you have no reason to cry.

    otherwise, go find a nice little christian server, despite those being a crock of shit and very ironic
    Wow. Good job linking the fact that I don't like seeing porn sprays when playing a zombie game to Christianity. What the hell kind of difference does it make if I'm Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever? If I don't want to see idiots posting porn in games, does this mean I need to sign up to a major religion? I may have missed the memo on that one. :-/

    As for your argument that I should go play single player and have no reason to 'cry', I'd quite like you to point out the bit where I was 'crying' rather than making some kind of rational debate out of this.

    I reiterate (because it appears that you missed it in your rush to be cool and argue on the internet... dontcha know it's all the rage these days?) that PORN DOES NOT OFFEND ME PARTICULARLY. I just don't want to see it in-game, and shouldn't have to, just because some idiots feel the need to spread images that *may* offend some in an unrelated game.

  4. Junior Member
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    Porn sprays are stupid. You don't even need spraypaint images in the game, but it's something fun in there to make multiplayer a little funnier.

    To block out spraypaint images, go to Multiplayer Options, Custom Server Content=none. That's how you block spraypaint images.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    psst Tiny Cy, check if TP's yelling at his PC, if he is tell him Yelling at your PC isn't going to change anything.

  6. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Wow. Good job linking the fact that I don't like seeing porn sprays when playing a zombie game to Christianity. What the hell kind of difference does it make if I'm Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever? If I don't want to see idiots posting porn games

    As for your argument that I should go play single player and have no reason to 'cry', I'd quite like you to point out the bit where I was 'crying' rather than making some kind of rational debate out of this.

    I reiterate (because it appears that you missed it in your rush to be cool and argue on the internet... dontcha know it's all the rage these days?) that PORN DOES NOT OFFEND ME PARTICULARLY. I just don't want to see it in-game, and shouldn't have to, just because some idiots feel the need to spread images that *may* offend some in an unrelated game.
    if you dont like it, just ignore it and move on. the game says the rating changes dependent upon the online world and if you cant handle it, stop playing or go play in a christian server or a childrens server where they dont allow it.

  7. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabotage View Post
    if you dont like it, just ignore it and move on. the game says the rating changes dependent upon the online world and if you cant handle it, stop playing or go play in a christian server or a childrens server where they dont allow it.
    While the rating can change, that doesn't mean it's reasonable to go online in L4D and be subjected to porn from people who are too immature to keep their private fantasies local.

    Edit: Real life is unrated, but I hardly expect to walk down the street and see people having sex on the sidewalks. This is similar.

  8. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    That's exactly what I do, however the point was raised in this thread, so I'm stating my opinion on the matter. If it happens in-game, I do just ignore it and get on with the game, I'm not dumb enough to start whining and whinging at everyone on the server about it, because A) it would make me look like a retarded prude who feels everyone should share his value set (hey, and we're back to christianity again... ^_^) and B) whoever sprayed it has probably been waiting all day for a reaction like that.

  9. shoot em in the head!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazyCat View Post
    psst Tiny Cy, check if TP's yelling at his PC, if he is tell him Yelling at your PC isn't going to change anything.
    :rofl: too late he's smashed his and mine up already.TAAAANK!

  10. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bianary View Post
    While the rating can change, that doesn't mean it's reasonable to go online in L4D and be subjected to porn from people who are too immature to keep their private fantasies local.

    Edit: Real life is unrated, but I hardly expect to walk down the street and see people having sex on the sidewalks. This is similar.
    what if they were two hawwwt lesbs. could happen you know

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny CY View Post
    :rofl: too late he's smashed his and mine up already.TAAAANK!
    Oh noes! told you it was a bad idea to give him steriods........

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