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Thread: Good coupla of rounds

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    My original intention for this thread post was in reaction to the atrocious playing habits of players that join any Realism game that I'm involved in. In all the Realism games I've played, I've only completed one finale. And that's not for lack of trying.

    But I get the feeling that most of the shitty players that I run into do these things on purpose. I find it hard to believe that these people are ignorant of the effect of their actions as the consequences are always the same.

    For example, in three games this morning I went to Crash Course Realism to see if my "600 CI and some 20 SI" was just a fluke...

    First is a rusher doubling as a key-bind scream/laugh spammer. It gets hold of a magnum and a grenade launcher. Off it goes. You can guess the rest.

    Second is a guy that goes out alone with a grenade launcher and does the baseball melee thing. Things turn red for it pretty fast. The setup is, it still has a health-kit, the only one left, and has relied on the bots to heal it. I'm 40 green with a defib unit, as I've had to heal a bot that was required, by programming and this thing's connivance, to give it's health-kit away. The classic health-hog routine as all the bot's have had to heal this thing. I find a kit and heal myself - I'm forty green - pick up the defib and move on. Course, I should have left before this happened.

    Now this thing texts me...

    "wtf, you should have healed me"

    I type back...

    "you have a kit"

    Then it starts to grenade me. Course I'm pretty quick with the magnum and it has to drop out of the game. But now everyone is in red with one health-kit.

    On the third I actually make it to the first safe-room. 672 CI and 27 SI. Team total, all bots, is around an astounding 1100 CI and 70 S I am having a ball. But... you guessed it. The very first human player makes it's presence known by standing behind me and reducing my very comfortable 80 green into the red. At first I thought this guy was there to intentionally kill the team and leave. In fact it was shooting through me to get to a CI with an auto-shotty.

    These are typical situations. And as almost all of my twenty some friends have moved on to something else. These pubs are pretty much what is left for the game.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    I usually don't leave the lobby public when doing expert alone but, I have run into many of these people.

    There are the groups of 2 that join the game, vote to return to lobby or restart the campaign, then leave.
    The guy who joins and kills you endlessly, you cant kick him and he refuses to leave. Even if I kill him, we are down a man and when we lose, the process is repeated.

    - pIst0lB34sT1337 has joined the game-
    So he decides to run up to the witch, shoot the Magnum pistol at her. After he dies he rages that the game sucks and leaves.
    Because we all know that CoD tactics work in every game.
    Ok, well, let's hope I can make it now.

    The only good games of pubs that I can remember required me to wait in the lobby, which usually took a good 15 minutes or so. And it was on The Sacrifice (no noobies going for the achievement).

    The lobbies wouldn't take to long if the people would stay. One person joins and immediately leaves. 5 seconds later another person joins, then leaves. About 30 seconds later another joins. If they had just waited about five minutes they could have almost been guaranteed a game.

  3. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickingbird View Post
    My original intention for this thread post was in reaction to the atrocious playing habits of players that join any Realism game that I'm involved in. In all the Realism games I've played, I've only completed one finale. And that's not for lack of trying.

    And as almost all of my twenty some friends have moved on to something else. These pubs are pretty much what is left for the game.

    Since most of my friends don`t enjoy realism as much as i do i usually play alone and play like i do in this thread.

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    Good coupla of rounds Good coupla of rounds Good coupla of rounds Good coupla of rounds Good coupla of rounds Good coupla of rounds
    Quote Originally Posted by kickingbird View Post
    These are typical situations. And as almost all of my twenty some friends have moved on to something else. These pubs are pretty much what is left for the game.
    So get one an active list... The servers we have listed here have games every night. We rarely do campaign, but that don't mean people wouldn't join up and play it with you. I'd say there's about 30-40 active players in my friends list currently and the steam group regularly sends out game invites.

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
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  5. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanati View Post
    So get one an active list... The servers we have listed here have games every night. We rarely do campaign, but that don't mean people wouldn't join up and play it with you. I'd say there's about 30-40 active players in my friends list currently and the steam group regularly sends out game invites.
    I Don't want to belong to any club that would accept people like me as a member - Groucho Marx

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsiman3000 View Post
    Because we all know that CoD tactics work in every game. Ok, well, let's hope I can make it now.
    Well it certainly seems like they're playing like it's a CoD game.

    I remembered your comment as I watched a number of players charge out from the safe-room after single-handedly wrecking some pretty good starts.

    In one game I was even able to find, and defib, the bot that someone had done a suicide with and continue. But a lone-wolf showed up when we were on top of the bus and, you guessed it... he charged off to defend the 50-calibre position. Why? Who the f**k knows. The smoker gets him, the hunter gets a bot that went to get him. And next thing you know I'm back at the safe-room watching him charge out... CoD style.

    I don't think these people understand that the challenge is to make it to the finale without being killed.

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    How do you vocal spam on the 360 to let people know where items are?

  7. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spitter Acid View Post
    How do you vocal spam on the 360 to let people know where items are?
    Hit the left stick.

    The stick that you use to move (considering you don't use Southpaw) can be used to vocalize. Click it down and your character will talk. If you are in front of an item they will say it. i.e. facing a pipe bomb, "pipe bomb here".

  8. Been around a bit
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    Danggg this is a hard game mode on Expert. Today I was doing pretty good on expert realism on dead center with bots and two idiots joined my game and changed the campaign to No Mercy!

    Now I'm really annoyed >_< what's with people and that campaign?

    Anyways, i'll try reading this guide over and hopefully get lucky with randoms ._.

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    Don't kill your team-mates because you want them to come back at full health. Be happy with the fact that all, or most, made it to the safe-room whatever their shape. Don't spoil it all with a subject execution. I personally am offended when someone wants to kill a player that I have so thoroughly enjoyed saving.
    I think killing teamates is a nessercary evil. And also killing a teamate on low health then defibing them is also quite nessercary

  10. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkpixelblade View Post
    I think killing teamates is a nessercary evil. And also killing a teamate on low health then defibing them is also quite nessercary
    I personally don't like the concept of killing teammates outside of the end safe room either. Just get in and heal.

    There are only two scenarios where I think killing teammates is a useful tactic. When someone is low on health about to die like you stated, and if your team gets severely damaged right outside of the safe room. You get everyone downed and restart the chapter.

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