If you guys don't know, EQ2 came out with a new expansion on Tuesday which included a level cap increase. Since I raid in EQ2, I'm in the mad dash to get to max level (Which I've done) and hit max AA (I need 42 more out of the added 50) so I'm investing all of my free time there. Once my guild gets on a "normal" schedule y'all will be seeing me again late nights and on the weekends. If you want to track my progress, check my toon here: http://eq2players.station.sony.com/T...azaar/Karthes/ although it looks like nothing has been updated on SOE's site since the xpac came out.

And no, that isn't a picture of my character. It's a default one cuz I'm to lazy to upload pictures of my toon. Although I did take some screenshots and uploaded them