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Thread: BF2142 Billboard contest

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    The FMP forces Threw a few flash bangs into the corridor, and began their assault. Things quickly went from bad to worse. The enemy troops where now wearing more advanced body armor, and where suddenly using better tatics. One FMP squad where now pinned in the middle of the corridor. Two FEAR soldiers where unfortunate enough to step in the crossfire, and got quickly shredded.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    More Stevenc2 forces are being sent to the compound, upon hearing of the increasing numbers of allied deaths

    President Irving has authorized the deployment of another 5,000 troops for support. After hearing of the improved armor of the enemy, we have upgraded our weapons to be able to penetrate their body armor, they are made of a un-named alloy that was developed by Stevenc2 scientist, and are guaranteed to penetrated whatever they have to offer.

    The forces should arrive in roughly 5 hours, at which time 1,000 troops will storm the compound every 30 minutes until all the forces are in the bulding.

    We shall stop these terrorists, at my troops are willing to do so at all costs

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    OOC: It's useless steven. The weapon will fire in 20 minutes (nationstates time).

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    The Delta Team Commander looked back at the Cenobite Commander in the midst of the firefight.

    Delta: Well, this is fun, isn't it?
    Cenobite: Dunno, I could really go for a beer and a blowjob right about now. We need to break their defense.
    Delta: We need to get Alpha Team to fall on their flank. Problem is, we can't get through to them.
    FMP Commander: I can send one of my guys. See that one over there. Ran the 100 meter in 10 flat.
    Delta: Do it. The sooner, the better.
    FMP: Private Kenyan, disengage and try to locate the other FEAR Team. Lead them back here and have them flank their position.
    Kenyan: Wilco, sir!

    [align='center']* * *[/align]
    Alpha Team

    Alpha Team has just breached the large set of doors that were impeding its advance.

    Alpha Commander: Sweet mother...
    Soldier 1: The hell is that?
    Soldier 4: I think that's what we're looking for.
    Alpha Commander: Alright, set the charges.

    A soldier starts placing explosives around the massive weapons system in the centre of the room. As he nears completion, the sound of footsteps can be heard. The soldiers signal each other to get ready.

    Alpha Commander: Thunder! Thunder or we will fire on you!
    Private Kenyan: Flash, mind if I come in?
    Alpha Commander: Clear.
    Kenyan: Sir, the rest of the force is all bottled up in a corridor not far from here. They need you to hit the enemy from the flank so that they can proceed.
    Alpha Commander: Jenkins, you about finished?
    Soldier 4: Ready when you are, sir.
    Alpha Commander: Alright then. Team, let's move out. Okay Private, you're on point.

    [align='center']* * *[/align]
    Back at the Corridor

    Delta Commander: You want some of this? Here's some!
    Cenobite Commander: 1st Squad, displace!
    Soldier 2: This is bullshit! 'Cause we don't have a fucking chance, and that's not fair!
    Soldier 8: Die mother fuckers!

    As the firefight continues, the sound of yelling is heard across the corridor. The gunfire increases violently for a brief period, then dies out seconds later. A voice is heard from across the now-quite corridor.

    Alpha Commander: How you doin'?
    Delta Commander: Just dandy. Care to join us?
    Alpha Commander: Sure. Let's finish this.
    Cenobite Commander: Alright, all of you, get on my ass and follow me!

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    An emergency broadcast is heard on the Cenobite, Tyrannicus Devious, and FMP radio channels:

    H.M.S. Nelson: All elements, be advised that time is running short. You need to destroy that facility now!

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    OOC: I'm waiting for evil here.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    With the enemy resistance eliminated, the remaining Cenobite, FEAR, and FMP forces unite and head down the corridor as quickly as possible. Time is running out but the force is soon in sight of their target.

    However, something didn't feel right to the Cenobite commander. Before he could say anything, an eager Cenobite soldier ran past him. An explosion was heard as the Cenobite soldier disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

    Cenobite Commander: Shit, what was that?

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    "That," Said the FMP commander, "Is the main weapon pressure valve."

    The Soldiers entered a huge cavern, lined with pipes and valves. All of the pipes fed into a massive main pipe, which served as the power supply for the weapon's launch mechanism.

    "This is it, everyone." Said the FMP commander. "We need to blow up all the shit in this room."

    "Also, at the first sign of damage to this room, the entire force of this base will descend on us like Rosie O' Donnell on an all you can eat buffet."

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    Alpha Team Commander: Alright you bastards! Delta, start setting up charges on those pipes up on the left. FMP, you guys set charges on the pipes to the right. Pvt. Riggs, take everything you have and slap it onto that big centre pipe. The Cenobites and Alpha team will provide cover.

    Let's finish this!

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    OOC: Waiting for Evil...

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