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Thread: BF2142 Billboard contest

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    The Democratic States of Stevenc2 will send in a troop also, they will assist the Tyrannicus Devious forces after Monkey Poo and Cenobites have penetrated the wall

    my forces should arrive in roughly 10 hours

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    We agree to the Cenobite proposal.

    Tyrannicus Devious aerial units will bombard the area with precision-guided weaponry just prior to our assault. A cluster bomb will be dropped on the main surface complex (if any) to dispel any ground forces on the surface. Naval gunfire from the H.M.S. Nelson battlegroup will be at our disposal at all times.

    We will attack in 24 hours. This will give adaquate time for Stevenc2 forces to deploy, and to make final preparations.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    OOC: Now for the good part. Once again, I stress that you all play along with this. That makes it more interesting.


    An Emergency Telegram is sent to all nations. The telegram is poorly printed, with many grammar and spelling mistakes, as if it where typed in a very big hurry:

    Emergency International Telegram #23

    From: Flying Monkey Poo

    Subject: SHIT

    Our Inside source from the complex has very bad news that puts the entire world in jeopardy. Our forces in the area have been detected by the base, and The "Super Evil Deathray" is being charged up as this message is sent. The Weapon takes 1 hour to charge, 3 minutes to fire, and another 15 minutes for the pulse from the deathray to hit any target on the globe. Since the deathray can hit multiple targets worldwide simultaneously, this means Every Government has about 1 hour and 15 minutes to evacuate it's capital. The Aircraft carrying the capsule has been scrambled into the air and is en route to the target now. (OOC: The Ceboinite forces are inside the capsule with the Monkey Poo forces.) It will arrive in 45 minutes. We can offer no words of comfort at this time.

    -end message

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    Dominion bombers are being scrambled. F.E.A.R. units have been instructed to deploy from H.M.S. Nelson. Ground forces should converge on the target within the next 40 minutes. Our bombers should be over the area in 20 minutes.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    Due to the new urgency of the situation, Cenobite and Monkey Poo forces will push forward instead of halting for Tyrannicus Devious and Stevenc2 troops to join them. Strong resistance or other problems may slow us down and allow those troops to catch up.

    If our forces are unable to reach and disable the weapon before it is fully charged, Tyrannicus Devious may have to launch missiles through the hole as a last attempt to destroy it. Cenobite forces are aware that they may have to sacrifice themselves for the good of the region. We leave the final call in the hands of Tyrannicus Devious. We encourage the other nations of the joint assault force to do the same.

    All essential government personnel are being evacuated from our capital to undisclosed locations as we speak. Since we do not have the ability to evacuate the millions of people living and working in our capital city and we do not want to create widespread panic, we will not be attempting to remove our civilian population. We better not fail.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    the Stevenc2 government officials have been evacuated, and a evacuation warning has been issued to the city

    my forces have arrived, and will follow the commands of the Tyrannicus generals, they area willing to fight and risk their lives for the good of their nation, and other nations around the globe

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    We may have to use the nuclear option if our assault fails. The hole should be able to provide a direct route into the facility, and we are confident that the warhead would destroy the facility. Even if the first shot fails, we have two other warheads on hot standby.

    Irregardless, our ground forces must succeed.

    [align='center']* * *[/align]
    First Encounter Assault Recon -- Alpha Team
    Outside Target Facility

    Alpha Team Leader: Nelson, Alpha Team reporting. We are in position. Delta Team is right behind us.
    H.M.S. Nelson: Confirmed, Alpha Team. Stealth bombers in-bound.

    Three stealth bombers begin their attack run. The leading two bombers drop their payloads: four 1000kg laser-guided bombs. All eight impact the surface buildings, leveling them completely. The third bomber drops a single two-ton cluster bomb, which peppers the area with explosives and shrapnel, killing any enemy personnel on the surface who weren't already dead.

    Alpha Team Leader: Nelson, direct hit. Surface facility destroyed. Cenobite and Flying Monkey Poo forces are clear to commence their assault.
    H.M.S. Nelson: Roger that, relaying that information to Cenobite and Flying Monkey Poo military command.

    [align='center']* * *[/align]
    Emergency Telegram to Cenobite and FMP commanders:
    From: Commander, H.M.S. Nelson

    "Commence your attack. We will be right behind you.

    "May fortune favor the brave."

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    At 3 Miles from the Target, the Lone Supersonic bomber carrying the capsule came under heavy fire. The aircraft shook from the impacts near it. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the aircraft.

    "What's the Damage?!" Yelled the Pilot.

    "We seem to be ok," called back the co-pilot. "Though we have a slight problem with the left rudder, it shouldn't be too bad."

    "Alright, lets keep pushing"

    The bomber was getting ever so closer to the small target window.

    "5000 feet!" yelled the Navigator. "4500! 4250! 4000! 3750! 3500!..."

    "Switch on the alarms!"

    "...500! 400! 300! 250! 200! 150! 100!"

    "Prepare to drop!"

    "50! 40! 30! 20! 10!"


    Nothing happened.

    "What's going on?" Yelled the Pilot.

    "The Capsule didn't detach! The Hit from earlier has rendered the detach mechanism inoperable!"

    "Send a message back to the fleet!" said the pilot.

    "NO! We might still be able to do something!"

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    The forces in the Capsule begin to realize that something is wrong. One of the Cenobites contacts the pilots.

    Cenobite: "What's going on? We're passing the drop spot!"

    Pilot: "The Capsule won't detach!"

    Cenobite: "Can you fly the plane into the target?"

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    "I'm afraid that will kill the airplane crew."

    A few moments pass. Then the Co-Pilot speaks:

    "We've gone over it with the rest of the crew: we'll do it."


    "Yes. We know what will happen to us. You guys in the capsule are who's important here. Now, we have a Job to do. Cutting off radio now."

    The Bomber is slowly turned around and lined up with the target.

    "500. 400. 300. 200. 100. IMPA-"

    A great Crashing noise is heard, that lasts for well over 20 seconds. The Capsule has made it inside the complex unharmed.

    The bomber, however, is now a smoldering piece of wreckage.

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