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Thread: new ttp member needs some help from his new comrads

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    I did a search on this forum and found a couple of closed threads about specific races that one has bashed about and found nothing about the general subject about racism. First, the questions are self-explanatory, and second I want an opinion from all of you about racism in general today.

    My personal opinion on racism are that some people take it too seriously, especially with verbal racism and black people. A lot of black people jump to conclusions too quickly and use racism as an excuse these days... it's so pathetic. I have a black friend here at college and he doesn't mind that I call him a nigger because it is just a verbal word, did I physically hurt him? No, thats a different story.

    I extremely hate the muslim/arab extremists. Why? They're idiotic sand niggers who use religion against people... They're pussies who hide explosives in cars and dress like civilians to kill the Americans who are ready to approach them face to face. I can rant on and on but you get the point...

    How about you?

    (Note: The Kykes are not a race you ignorant fuckers.)

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    It's the person who cries "racist" who is the person at fault, not the one who makes the so-called "racist" statement. If it is my opinion that all Arab women have a bomb in their twat, then that is my opinion and I shall not apologize for it simply because somebody is offended by it. It is the person who takes offense to that statement who is at fault here, not the person making the statement. It is one thing to say something, but remember, it is you who in the end chooses to become offended by those statements.

  3. Witch
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    Hey no race is perfect.. Cept the asians... o wait they got that wierd puking fetish porn nvmd, yea all races are fucked up.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    Without a doubt.

    Well not racist in the way that I hate other races and want to kill them. But do I feel that immigration is wrong and I want the all immigrants going home to their own countries?


  5. Devious Tyrant
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    People of a different culture think that any insult thrown against them these days is considered as racist when it really isn't.

    Heres something for you to dig on; Why is calling someone a Paki from Pakistan considered and is in todays society, racist? I don't get it, are they or are they not Pakistani? So, how come we can't shorten the word and call them Paki's like people shorten British to Brits or Australians to Aussies etc etc. Are they ashamed of who they are and where they come from? Is that why they are so defensive about it?

    What i am against though is racist bullying and discrimination. I believe that no human should be bullied because of the colour their skin, where they come from and what religious beliefs they may have.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    i am only racist toward the fucks in the middle east who come and randomly kill the soldiers there, but here, i dont give a fuck what you look like, if you arent an asshole to me then were cool

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    First of all, they're lazy good for nothin tricksters, crack smokin swindlers, big butt havin wide nose breathin all the white mans air, they eat all the chicken, they think theyre the best dancers, and they stink!

    and chinese people, with their kung fu and all that silly ching chang chong talk. I cant understand youuuuuu, go back to your countryyyyy. white power.

    colin powell.......connelingus rice. cunnelingus rice sounds like a mexican dish, maybe we should put her on a plate and send her to mexico cuz the mexicans will eat her. white power.


    I think racism is still very prevalent these days, but there's a lot of reverse racism out there too.

    Im not racist. Im not homophobic. Im not a sexist. I just like to think that Im better than everyone else. I just like joking around, racism is funny sometimes - like if a black guy wins a race, I think its funny. I think it sucks that I cant sing some of my favorite songs though, because if I say "nigga" I have to look around and make sure only my friends are going to hear it.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    Tap, you magnificent bastard... you posted it before I could.

    We're all a bit racist. We're all going to judge someone on race, in some way. We can't get around it. What we have to do is weigh that with many other issues of how we judge people.

    Example: I was sitting in a car at a gas station in central Florida. There were a dozen or so latinos and latinas around me, most Puerto-Rican. I instantly judged this to be an area I needed to be watchful in, because of it being a gas station and the race of the people around me. Then I looked at the people themselves and realized most of them looked clean cut and upstanding, so I relaxed. The teenagers looked like thugs... but they TRY to look like thugs, so I dismissed that as well. By the eighty dollar sneaks they had on, they were just posers.


    I was driving my 1999 white Crown Victoria(the same car that most cops use) through a bad area of town. The buildings were run down, there was junk in yards, old cars with rust all over them and the area was predominantly black. I was aware that this wasn't a very safe area of town, for all those reasons, but wasn't going to pay it much mind... until I noticed that every single person in the area was staring at my car. I then decided that it was best to move along, before someone decided I looked too much like a cop.

    All in all, racism is part of being human. You just can't let that be the only criteria for judgement.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nusentinsaino
    I extremely hate the muslim/arab extremists. Why? They're idiotic sand niggers who use religion against people... They're pussies who hide explosives in cars and dress like civilians to kill the Americans who are ready to approach them face to face.
    I agree with that statement.

    What I do not understand is why black people can call eachother niggers, but when whites call them niggers they get all pissed over it.

    Also, what the hell is with black history month. If there is a black history month, then there should also be a white, hispanic, asian, etc history month. To be fair. But I dont give 2 shits about black history month, or any other history month.

    Also I must point out that I agree with Swede on the immigration issue.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Fritz
    Also, what the hell is with black history month.
    the way I look at it...because we get the 11 other months.

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