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Thread: Officially done with BF4

  1. Administrator jakt's Avatar
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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddog View Post
    After experiencing same bullshit different game with bf4 tonight, I am officially done playing it. Its uninstalled and wont be reinstalled again. I am sure most of you will say I am just whinning and am a baby or some such.

    My complaints with this game are big. How can a game be fun when you fire a rocket into someones face and they survive, only to turn around and one shot you? Or how about shotgun blasts from more than 100 yards away for the one shot kill on a moving target?
    And of course one of my personal favorites: shoot a guy 8 times with a machine gun and he survives and one shots you with a weaker gun.

    I cant say if I am horrible at the game or not. If I got kills for all the hits I have made, I am sure I would be right up there with some of the best. Sadly, the inconsistencies of the franchise since bf2142 are so great that it is impossible for me to enjoy the game. I am sure I am not the only one having these experiences, nor will I be the last. But I wont be touching another BF game until they address those issues. And it does not seem they will be doing that since the last two games are near identical in that respect. So happy hunting, and adios!

    Not sure where you are, but I'm guessing it has to do with LAG. Depending on the route and hubs you take to get to the server, could affect your game play. Compound that issue with the net code issues (that will never fully be resolved) and you have the that situation you talk about.

    I've had many issues of running up to someone (who's not looking at me), shooting them in the back with a shotgun (bad karma maybe), just to have them turn around and mow me down. The worst part is that it sounded like they shot at me twice with a pistol, even though they killed me with a PDW (clearly not 2 bullet kill). Fuck LAG. Do a trace route to the server you're playing on, it may answer some questions. Not all games are laggy.

    I have a dumb rule I follow when joining servers. If you don't see your emblem, find another server.
    Dumb, because I'm not sure if it works, but I've had consistently better game play on servers that show my emblem.
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  2. Registered TeamPlayer Kill8ox's Avatar
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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    Lol....Try to play this game from where i am and then you will rage quit.

    My ping is always somewhere between 150~220 ,and with the netcode of Battlefield 4 i am in a huge disadvantage playing on TPG servers only.
    But i do agree with you ,the game is still in unplayable state for many players due to the worst netcode in a gaming history among few points to make.
    My tactics ..always stay in cover and take the long paths to a flag avoiding enemy players and trying to flank them. it does not work on all the maps but on a few i am doing fine.
    I don't care for the ranks and unlocks and k/d ratio,as i am just pushing the objective.
    But the game is what it is ..a twitch shooter,run and gun style with some flags placed in between.
    Nothing tactical as BF2 or 2142 was.
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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    Something that may help (but will not fix everything) is turn your Net Smoothing down. It is in your options and at default is 50%. At 50% with 20-50 ping I would get a lot of shots not being detected. Especially with the shotguns. I turned it down to 20% and it seems to detect my shots a lot better. I have friends that had to go to 0% (their systems aren't quite as good).

    Game is still frustrating and crashes at random times but at least it helped me get the hits I knew I should be getting.

    I play on an i7-3770k with a GTX 670 and 16GB of ram.
    I never miss. I simply fire warning shots.

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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill8ox View Post
    due to the worst netcode in a gaming history
    Sorry but BF4 doesn't win this award. I believe the first Doom comes close. IT staff would install it and play it at work. It would literally bring down the entire network it was so poorly written. Completely saturate the network. And it was a local network not over the internet...

  5. Registered TeamPlayer PvtPrivate's Avatar
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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    All battlefields had/have shit netcode. Do you guys even remember bf2?
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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    Quote Originally Posted by PvtPrivate View Post
    All battlefields had/have shit netcode. Do you guys even remember bf2?
    2142 had some terrible netcode issues at the start as well. I keep tellin people they have their nostalgia goggles on lol. Those games weren't the perfect examples of polish people always hold them up to be to me at least. Still some damn fun games though and if they (BF2 and 2142) were still THE BF games to play I would probably still be playing them. I just enjoy BF4 more at the moment and yes it's probably because it is new and shiny but BF4 is still just as much fun to me as the others were.

  7. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    Quote Originally Posted by RhysJD3 View Post
    Sorry but BF4 doesn't win this award. I believe the first Doom comes close. IT staff would install it and play it at work. It would literally bring down the entire network it was so poorly written. Completely saturate the network. And it was a local network not over the internet...
    I remember playing duke nukem 3d on a makeshift lan and we had one machine that was burning CDs... and the burns kept failing. Turns out it was the damn duke 3d game causing it. When we stopped playing the burns finished just fine. Start playing again and poof. Burns fail. It took us all night to realize that and we had no gas in our tanks left to bother with it by 8am the next morning though.

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
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  8. Registered TeamPlayer Tenrou's Avatar
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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    I have no personal stake in Mud coming back to Battlefield 4 (though I think he's a great guy). I do however take great issue with how he's looking at this whole situation. He's not the only player who feels this way about Battlefield or a slew of other FPS games. The feeling of being cheated out of kills. The feeling of being instantly killed after mag dumping the enemy. It's certainly nothing new nor will it probably ever stop happening.

    Since he posted I'm going use his stats. He's played roughly 4ish hours. In that time he hasn't killed with any specific weapon over 50 kills. His highest accuracy weapon that isn't a bolt action is 14%. His lowest accuracy is 7% for automatic weapons. That means at his worst he's hitting an enemy with TWO bullets out of thirty one. He stated he fights at range primarily which means those two hits equal thirty six points of damage. So unless the guy is severely damaged your not killing anyone. At his best accuracy he's doing seventy two damage again meaning he's not killing someone unless they are already hurt.

    Who's to blame for all this? The net code, player, or Jesus Christ? Yes the net code will sometimes screw you over. The issue I have is when people blame it entirely for their short comings. "This games broken and that's why I can't wtf pwn everyone I quit!" Again going back to Mud I highly doubt in 4 hr of game time all his death were because of the net code. I'd be willing to be fifty bucks that most his death were his own doing. We are all playing with the same net code. That means your enemy has to deal with it as well. Lag is a totally different animal and has do with your ping to the server. Since Mud lives in the USA I doubt it's complete garbage.

    As a player you can make excuses or you can get better. You won't learn a damn thing if you always think you were cheated. Each death is a learning experience. If you want keep smashing your face against a wall and expect different results that's your problem. In Muds case you need learn the gun mechanics net code alone doesn't equal accuracy that terrible. If I can get accuracy between 19-28% with automatic weapons why can't you? We are playing the same game on the same server with only a ping difference I'm sure. If the game was as broken you seem to think it is we should all be struggling to hit a barn door.

    At the end of the day quitting isn't going to change anything. You'll go into your next game and I guarantee you will struggle as well. I was great at 2142 but sucked at Bad Company 2 and BF3 when I first started out. I hated getting my ass kicked so I watched good players on Youtube and read up info on symthic. I went from at best 1:1 ratio and bottom of the leader board player to top 10. If I can do it anyone can. The question is are you willing to see your faults and change them.

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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    I feel this is aimed towards me. I was having a decent internet/hit detection night as it was like 12am-3am and the traffic is low at that time in my area. I was like 68 and 26 or something like that on Zovad. It was a decent round for me and had a ton of fun defending F against 2-3 squads. We lost, but was a blast. Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 4

    The rocket to the face and one shotted is close but not totally accurate. The rocket hit the wall behind me and I hit him twice from 15 feet away coming up stairs with an 870 loaded with darts. The rocket took me down to 2 health but I was sitting on 3 medic bags and 2 throwables.

    If we want to talk about shitty internet and netcode, look no further than my connection. I am willing to bet that I have some of the worst internet in the country. My max d/l speed is 768 kb/s. It took me over 30 hours to d/l BF4. It takes 19 hops to get to the server from North Florida. There is a hop in ATL that I have a 120-180 ping too even though I have a ping of 70-85 to the server. With that type of connection and out of sync UDP packets, packets get dropped. Which related to shitty VoIP comms and shitty hit detection. Any given night I have a 7-35% packet loss per PingPlotter. I know anyone that has been in a squad I have been in has heard me say something about it. I know most think I am just being a bitch about it. Truth is, I am. I am frustrated at my connection more than anything. They have no desire to fix it and don't really care too. They have the monopoly here. Hopefully the new house will have better luck.

  10. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Re: Officially done with BF4

    Speaking along those same lines... The next time I hear someone complain about getting in a shootout and both people dying I'm going to switch teams and stab them in the face... Why is that a problem? Both guns are firing bullets. It's entirely possible that both people may die. When I die at the same time as the person I just shot dead I consider that a win. Take me out? Fine. You're going with me.
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    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
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