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Thread: Some things I think might help.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer SourceSkills's Avatar
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    Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help.
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    Gamertag: phoenix12341 Steam ID: phoenix12341 SourceSkills's Originid: SourceSkills

    Some things I think might help.

    Ok so since the game has been out for some time now and we have all got how it works down I figured what I would do is post up a few things that we should all be doing to keep our server at its best.

    1. If your squad leader isn't giving orders and directing the squad or not following the commander tell the admins. We all need to pitch in not just the admins because they cant do it alone.

    2. If a squad mate is not doing what he is told once again tell the admins. Not pushing the objectives doesn't help anyone and we all need to make sure our teams are on the uptake.

    3. VOIP! Try and try and try again to get your squad mates to use it guys. I think we can all agree the experience is night and day when you have a whole squad using VOIP vs not using it.

    4. Commander. Lets get the standards for commander sorted out we need commanders on the ball and using VOIP. If they aren't our squad leaders need to boot him and get someone into the position that can get it done correctly. We also need people to volunteer more. A lot of the time I find we are without a commander and we could always use that support.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer maximusboomus's Avatar
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    Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help.
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    Steam ID: MaximusBoomus

    Re: Some things I think might help.

    People need to start adapting the old school tactics of bf2 again. holding spawn, spawning green spawn point squad leaders and less combat horny engineers, medics and recons are very rare. Seems bf4 players kept the bf3 mentality of shoot n run. Holding a flag is just as important as capping a new one.

    Also commanders need to focus. I have seen a few rounds where a commander walked us from one side of the map to the other and back. Our squad leader followed orders to the T and we spent most our game engaging enemies out in the open.

    Revive me. Paddles are charge related the longer you hold the more health you give to teammates. Stop reviving people in combat they are quick rezzed with 20% health and 1 stray enemy fart will drop them.

    I noticed more emphasis on kills than bf3 to be honest and that's a good plan but back it up with concentrated strategy.

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  3. Registered TeamPlayer Allane's Avatar
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    Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help.
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    Steam ID: Allane176

    Re: Some things I think might help.

    I know I can't know this for certain, but I get the feeling if we started kicking people for not settings orders and not following orders, we'll be left with a handful of blue heads on each team and 5 or 6 regs. Of course, once we gain a reputation for being a fine Teamplaying environment once again, we'll be attracting the people we don't have to kick.

    Basically, we've gotten the release phase out of the way. People know about our server, people like the Classic settings, it's time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Our server population will hurt for a few weeks, but it might be worth it in the end.
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  4. Registered TeamPlayer Tenrou's Avatar
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    Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help.

    Re: Some things I think might help.

    Quote Originally Posted by maximusboomus View Post
    Revive me. Paddles are charge related the longer you hold the more health you give to teammates. Stop reviving people in combat they are quick rezzed with 20% health and 1 stray enemy fart will drop them.
    I've been revived maybe 20 times in course of 60+ hrs of gameplay. I'd be ecstatic just to get revived at all. Regs are just as bad I can only think of one person that actually pays attention to his squadmates health (eddie). That could be because I harassed him so much about it. Simply put I seem be the only assault who pays attention to people health because I want the squad to be combat ready at all times. That means I'm always looking at the bar above your head to see if you need health. I'm doing my job wrong if you have to ask me for health. I usually have to tell people to stop and take health. It catches most people off guard that an assault wants to do more than shoot people. When your assault you have be able to multitask like no other. Be near your squad to have chance to revive, heal teammates, kill people, keep your ass alive, and finally spot like everyone else. If you can't handle the task go play recon I hear they need a few more roof top warriors.

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    Re: Some things I think might help.

    I have been using my medkits and defib pads like mad. But I still have the 2142 mentality.
    I actually had a great squad last night with me too for a change. They followed orders to a T and were using VOIP. No matter the moronic order I or the commander gave them, they threw themselves at the objective in as smart a way as possible. It was nice having that kind of teamwork again. If it weren't for speed boats and gunships mowing us down left and right with impunity, we might have been top squad that game.

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    Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help.

    Re: Some things I think might help.

    I'd like to think I think about my teams health also since I usually play medic (eng if appropriate). Actually as Medic, I over revive. Bringing people up in dangerous areas... Which brings up my recommendations:

    1. As a medic, you're primary task is keeping your squad and team healthy. You should do this by paying attention to requests for medic packs. This shows up on the minimap as a Plus sign in a white box over teammates icons.
    2. 70% of the time when I spawn in on my squad (unless I absolutely know they aren't in danger), I'm going to immediately throw down a medic pack. If they aren't hurt, doesn't really cost much. If they are hurt, it may help. That 10% off the bigger packs per second can make the difference between your squad living or the enemy squad living.
    3. The shock paddle has already been brought up. If you hold it down, it will charge and deliver more health up to 100%. Two things to be aware of. You're fighting a timer before you can't revive and it's a short timer. It's better to revive at 50%-80% than not at all so don't wait too long (you'll learn the timings the more you do it). You'll move to slow walk when you start up the paddle. You can't run (at least from what I've seen).
    4. If your squad doesn't have a medic with BOTH shock paddles and medic pack, you'll suffer for it. If you have 2 or more medics, you can probably have one with a more aggressive load out.
    5. If your medic goes down, you can take his kit and try to revive him. You don't have much time so run towards the body immediately holding down the kit switch key. I hate picking up someones kit to revive them only to find out they don't have paddles. That M320 isn't going to get you back up...
    6. Try not to revive if you know they will be immediately killed. However, whomever was killed needs to use some common sense on whether or not to accept the revive. I'm personally tired of being bitched at about reviving and not clearing the area first. Ummm, with the revive timer, there's no way to make sure every corner is clear. Sure, I may have killed the guy that got you but I can't check everything before you're non-revivable.
    7. If your squad is moving but injured, if you take a position in the front of the group, you can throw medic packs in front of the group which will heal them on the way.
    8. Try not to put medic packs in the middle of a dangerous spot. Having to stand in the open next to a pack may get whomever's using it killed. Put it near some cover if possible.

    1. It's a five man squad. Ask you're SL what class he'd like you to bring if you're versatile. If you're not versatile, you should unlock the basics and practice with the various kits so you can switch if needed. If you can only play one or two classes let the SL know what you're coming in as. Having a squad with a proper build makes a difference. 4 eng's and 1 support means you're not getting revived. 3 medics and 2 eng's means you're going to run low on ammo...
    2. Pay attention to squad leader orders and do your best to know where your squad is and is going. Situational awareness will help keep you alive and capture objectives.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Allane's Avatar
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    Steam ID: Allane176

    Re: Some things I think might help.

    I am quite tired of spamming the "Need a Medic" command all the time too. I can stand right in front of a medic, as my health thing is flashing, dance in front of them, they stare at me, then just run away. All the while I'm spamming the "Need a Medic" command while between about 3 other medics.

    The resupply time on your medkits and ammo bags is trivial. It really is, so just throw them down wherever. If someone needs meds or ammo, they will find it. If you're coming up to a good piece of cover, throw down some ammo/meds. Stopping at a friendly base? Set em' down, that point will probably need them soon enough.

    We've got general map tactics down, backcapping flags and what not. Some of the strategies from BF2 and 2142 just don't work anymore because it's a different game with different mechanics. The Fat Dragon doesn't work quite as well as it used to, while squad bombing does.

    But while we're on the topic of squad bombing, spawning in solely on your squad leader isn't always the best thing. If you see a flag in your backfield going down slowly, it's probably just one person. If you spawn there against your squad leader's orders, you can hold that flag until other blueheads on your team notice and back you up. Saving that one point could mean preventing being backraged. This is why I always play loose with my squads: if you need to do something at another flag, by all means take care of business, but once you're done get your ass over to my objective. The battlefield tends to be more fluid due to the high availabilty of fast moving vehicles and small map sizes, so rigidity in command and squad leading can actually be a detriment.

    Also a note to commanders: You never need two squads to be at any one flag unless they are frontline flags. Frontline flags are like C and D on Zavod 311. They are areas that an entire team needs to go through to get to your backflags, so you want a heavy presence at those positions. Just make sure you let a squad or two know that you're using them as backflag protectors, and that they should be ready to backtrack when they see those flags flashing.

    I can say more, but I'm out of ideas for now.
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    Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help.

    Re: Some things I think might help.

    I was not aware of the paddle charge time / amount of health revived with think. Nice.

    Keep in mind that some people playing assault want to play THAT... ASSAULT. Sometimes I want to be a medic. Sometimes I want to have a more aggressive assault loadout. I wasn't even aware you could have defib AND medic bag. But MOST of the time I'm going to have one or the other and my HE/FB nade laucher and not be loaded out for full blown medic.

    Whatever medic item they bring, they should be prepared to use as best they can, but if they want to loadout assault for assault... so be it.

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  9. Registered TeamPlayer maximusboomus's Avatar
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    Steam ID: MaximusBoomus

    Re: Some things I think might help.

    Top tip as displayed here: ask your squad leader what he or she wants for your class. Also while we are on the subject of classes: if no specific class is required work on unlocking all basics (mines mavs etc)

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    Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help. Some things I think might help.

    Re: Some things I think might help.

    A good squad leader will be aware of his squad makeup and will make adjustments as needed whether it's defending or attacking, so as sl make the call don't wait to be asked.

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