These events also encourage account sharing and unhealthful gameplay, since the XP multiplier does not lower to 1x after 10 hours. Summoning gets a bonus to real XP gain OSRS Accounts, even though most of Summoning's training is spent collecting charms. I don't like the way these events are planned to increase revenues on days when most people wouldn't cancel their school membership. However, I don't know how you will spend your extra XP. I'm likely to be runningecrafting to fulfill the Karamja diary requirement.

Another thing. Are there still any fans of the Hati wolf events? Since it provided a predetermined amount of potential XP, with a time limit and a way to redeem the XP that was available over time, I liked that event more than BXP weekend. It also didn't harm the economy as much, or reward no-lifers/acc sharing players in the same way. I would prefer having events like that (but for all skills and not only combat) much better than BXP weekends.

This has been brought to your attention by many over the past month. Freeplay, simply, simply sucks. This is because of the large number of bots, and the suck-running muck that makes actually playing nearly impossible. I played freeplaying two years ago and I spent almost 2 years playing that, and it was nothing like what goes on today. It pretty much comes down to one major change: free trade.

In all truth, does freeplay need the free trade option? Jagex might argue that it does not, but it is a way for players to play the entire game. It is possible to argue with me, however free players are always lower on the hierarchy of totems Cheap RS 2007 Fire Cape. Consider the advantages of denying the free trade option to free players.