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Thread: New Blood

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    My statements are thus:

    The citizens of the United States are not turning liberal. They are not becoming socialist. They are not supporting the ideals of the Democrat party.

    The facts backing me up? The ballot initiatives.

    This info is from

    Arizona(99% reporting at the time of this data)
    English as the official state language: 74% yea.
    Ban Same-Sex marriage: 51% nay

    Colorado(98% reporting):
    Same Sex couples get all the rights of married couples: 53% nay
    Ban Same Sex marriage: 56% yea
    Legalize Marijuana: 60% nay

    Idaho(98% reporting):
    Ban same sex marriage: 63% yea

    Michigan(100% reporting):
    Restrict Affirmative Action: 58% yea

    Allow Stem Cell Research: 51% yea

    Legalize Marijuana: 56% nay

    South Carolina(100%):
    Ban Same Sex Marriage: 78% yea

    South Dakota(100%):
    Ban Same Sex Marriage: 52% yea
    Allow Medical Marijuana: 52% nay

    Ban same sex marriage: 81% yea

    Ban same sex marriage: 57% yea

    Ban same sex marriage: 59% yea

    Now... to me, that does not look like the population of America is becoming more liberal or more Democrat. It sounds to me like they're becoming less Republican. I do happen to believe that if it were possible... if this were a true democracy like we are told it is... that we would have seen a national ballot initiative to remove the President by a vote of No Confidence(no... Star Wars did NOT think up that term).

    The election went bad for the Republicans because all they really had was 'Support the President! Stay the course! Democrats will raise taxes! Support the troops!' and the Democrats put froth some good people that said things that the people liked.

    To me, I don't think most Americans give a shit what party you're in. If you say something we like... then we'll support you on it. If you say enough of them and have a track record of DOING such things, we'll vote for you. You shovel us shit and call it caviar, we'll kick you in the balls and either not come out to vote, or vote for someone else.

    This wasn't a nationwide surge of support for the Democrats... turnout was lower in almost all the states except for Virginia, where it skyrocketed(and gave us another potential Florida in 2000). It was a 'fuck you' to the Republicans and the President.

    And.... discuss.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    When I said 'discuss', I meant....


  3. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    Yeah, I'd say that it's pretty obvious that many people voted for Democrats because they don't like Bush and his policies.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaZero
    To me, I don't think most Americans give a shit what party you're in. If you say something we like... then we'll support you on it. If you say enough of them and have a track record of DOING such things, we'll vote for you. You shovel us shit and call it caviar, we'll kick you in the balls and either not come out to vote, or vote for someone else.
    With the exception of not voting, I think that's a good thing. People should be judged on their policies and actions, not the just party to which they belong. In regards to being more liberal, it is possible to be economically liberal ie. high taxes, whilst socially conservative ie. ban same sex marriage, so that could explain the votes. That said, I do actually agree with you in the sense that it seems more likely to be a case of being fed up with Republicans than wholeheartedly embracing Democrat polices.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    Well, I would say that at least Americans are voting based upon their own principles. Voting for the Democrats simply because you are a Democrat defeats the entire system, where-by you decide how thing should be run, not which party should decide how to run the country.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    I think part of the reason why people dont go out to vote is because no one is really discussing issues is all lets throw mud all over the place and not give out any ideas on how to fix the problem...

    I swear I am gonna run for state senate here soon so I can start my political career and smoke these other losers....

    I can dish out BS as much as they can with some actual ideas that they cant figure out on their own.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    Quote Originally Posted by Sakurra Isis
    I think part of the reason why people dont go out to vote is because no one is really discussing issues is all lets throw mud all over the place and not give out any ideas on how to fix the problem...

    I swear I am gonna run for state senate here soon so I can start my political career and smoke these other losers....

    I can dish out BS as much as they can with some actual ideas that they cant figure out on their own.
    And then you will be told to either play the game the 'proper way', or your career has dead ended. It's happened before.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    I dont give a flying f*%@ about what people say. Ask anyone who really knwos me...I speak my mind, I have nothing to hide and if they dont like it then they dont have to give me campaign money...

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    Unfortunately, rarely does anyone not associated with a party win an election.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    US Citizens Not Liberal

    basically becasue of money....and the ones that have had money in the past like Perot and Nader...are idiotic fools....which doesnt help their cause.

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