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Thread: BF2142 Common Issues & Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues & More)

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    BF2142 Common Issues & Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues & More)

    Prior to doing anything, give your system a reboot. Also after doing any of the below, consider rebooting afterwards and THEN try 2142 again

    1] For any map, it loads about halfway and just gets "stuck", anyone else seen/have this prob?

    For Windows O/S

    Quote Originally Posted by Benandorf
    From my reading on EA's forums, I've found this:

    The file below you are asked to delete and/or rename may get whacked out every so often for whatever reason. Note: you may have to repeat this process as applicable/needed if the problem reoccurs

    Follow these steps:

    1. right click your 2142 icon and go to properties

    2. click on the "find target" button

    3. in the window that jsut came up go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View

    4. now, find the box that says "show hidden files and folders" click it so it is checked.
    Now scroll jsut a litte below that and find the box that says "Hide protected operating system files [recommended], uncheck that box and then hit ok.

    5. now find the folder named 'radial.cdb' and re-name it to oradial.cdb

    that will fix the problem where the map will stop a little past half-way.
    You can delete radial.cdb instead of renaming it if you're not worried about backing up the file.
    For MAC O/S

    Quote Originally Posted by FrauBlucher
    I was looking on the EA website for the mac area and finding that radial file is different of course. here are some things I've found

    see the last post in this thread:

    Hope this helps

    Also, although we're technically running the same game as the PC users and can therefore follow the tips in the thread I linked... OS X does not have a "show hidden and system files" option. In our case, go to your BF 2142 folder and right click on the actual application icon and select "show package contents."

    The fun doesn't end there though... NOW, go to Contents --> Resources --> Battlefield 2142, and right click on THAT application icon and show package contents. Now, you're inside the BF 2142 folder inside the BF 2142 folder inside the BF 2142 folder. That's like.... Battlefield cubed.

    Anyway, there's plenty of stuff in those folders for you to mess around with if you feel like wreaking havoc.

    Knock yourself out.... just don't blame me if you break something.
    Then again... if it's ALREADY broken..............
    1a] I get a memory.dll; sanity check block size xxx doesn't seem sane message when loading into a game and it boots me do I fix this?

    fix is in #1 above -- deleting or renaming that radial file
    2] Whenever a northern strike game loads up, I get booted from the server with a message about modified content not allowed or the do I fix this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mcstrange
    This is caused by the order that Northern Strike and the Patches were applied in.

    Following this installation order should correct this error:
    1. Install the base 2142 game, either off the CDs, or from the download center.
    2. Install 1.40
    3. Install Northern Strike.
    4. Reinstall 1.40
    5. Do Incremental 1.50 patch (1.40 --> 1.50 patch)

    Some people just need to reapply the latest patch, some have had to reinstall to clear this up.
    3] I am having problem logging into my soldier account in game but everyone else is able to. It just seems to hang contacting the EA Master Server. What's the deal?

    Sometimes this is related to Punkbuster and your firewall. Sometimes when punkbuster auto updates, your firewall re-asks you to allow access or to continue to block it. Other times, it might not ask, but you need to re-trigger it to ask you

    You can always check to see when PB releases new PB client and/or server patches here <a href=>PunkBuster 2142 site</a>

    Quote Originally Posted by Amador +JP2+
    Well ... I'll be dipped.

    I pulled the permission for BF2142 on my firewall, to force it to ask for permission. I fired up 21, up popped the "allow" message, clicked okay, and moments later I'm in!
    4] I am having varioius PunkBuster error messages that kick me out after getting into a game (losing key packets / handshaking failed / etc). Help?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mcstrange
    Constant PunkBuster problems connecting to the server including:
    • Being disconnected with the message about 'losing key packets'
    • Getting kicked off of servers and I see messages about INIT FAILURE or technical errors about pbcl.dll or pbag.dll, or messages about DISTRESS or Update timeout
    • Being kicked from the server with a Punkbuster Message shortly after getting connected.

    These problems are all most all caused by PunkBuster failing to auto-update. There are a number of other problems described in the FAQ that can help for various system and software conflict specific problems.

    <a href=>The PunkBuster FAQ</a>
    <a href=>PunkBuster 2142 site</a>

    From PunkBuster:
    "NOTICE: PunkBuster is designed to auto-update itself during gameplay. PBSetup is the easiest method of manually updating PunkBuster for most users (players and admins)."

    Here are some direct links to pbsetup.exe to manually update:
    For Window users:
    For Linux users:
    For Mac OSX users:

    This is the download area;dl=0

    The PunkBuster Manual Update Utility lives in the Game Files Section:;dl=cat5
    5] The Game Loads, but mouse pointer is stuck in the middle of screen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vlade.the_medic
    So far what happens is I load the map just fine. I click Join Game and my mouse is frozen in the middle of the screen....I have uninstalled and resinstalled....and the problem still exists....I am at a loss any help here?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustafah
    2142 installs a profile folder I think in the "My Documents" folder. You'll have to delete this folder. All your info is stored on the EA master servers so you won't lose any ranks, unlocks, etc.

    Then when you start up 2142 again it will make a new folder in the same place. You might have to rebind your keys if you changed them from the default. And check your options before you jump on a server.

    I've had to do this twice now. Annoying but really no big deal. Hope this helps.
    6] For some reason, I noticed tonight, I can't hear anyone over voip nor can I talk to anyone. I go to my audio screen and where the voice is, it's all grayed out. It won't let me select to turn it on. Any idea's what is going on?

    Quote Originally Posted by WorstPE
    Fixed it actually it was nothing of the above because I tried all those.

    I googled the issue and found another forum discussing it. All I needed as a hotfix from Microsoft. I installed it and it works now.

    Here it is:
    7] Every so often I go through bouts of Crash to Desktops (CTDs). Aside from the other suggestions above, what's another thing to try and/or do every so often?

    Quote Originally Posted by WileECyte
    OK. To clear your texture cache in 2142, you can do the following:

    1) Go into My Documents\Battlefield 2142\mods\bf2142\cache
    2) Delete all files and folders in this folder.

    You'll notice the first time you delay loading into the server. I do this anytime I upgrade video drivers, apply a patch, or change my video settings. I'll also do this if I consistently CTD.
    8] My 2142 was so fubared I decided to uninstall and reinstall the whole thing. However, I am having issues now. It keeps telling me there is an update available but I have applied eveything?

    Quote Originally Posted by SpankyMcFly3 is the answer to the "Update Available" dilemma.

    2142 was not completely uninstalling. I had to delete every vestige of 2142 found on my system and then reboot and reinstall. Did the trick. I still have annoying CTD's but at least I can get in and play some.

    Here is what I did to clean the 2142 remnants.

    (Be warned it does intail working in your registry so back it up before you start)

    How do I manually uninstall Battlefield 2142?


    Use the supplied Uninstall shortcut from the Start menu that came with Battlefield 2142 or use the Add or Remove Programs to remove the software. If you encounter difficulty in removing the game, carefully do so manually as follows:

    To delete the configuration files and local copy of your account:

    Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
    Select My Documents.
    Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
    To delete the game files (in the default location):

    Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
    Select My Computer.
    Double-click the C:drive.
    Double-click the Program Files folder.
    Double-click the EA GAMES folder.
    Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
    Go to the following folder: C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information (If you cannot find this folder you may have to go to Tools > Folder Settings and click the setting to SHOW hidden folders.)
    Right-click the folder named {ED50ECE9-EC54-4C05-B5ED-EE4741A9F2EC} and select Delete.
    Close all open windows.
    Right-click the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.
    To edit the registry and remove Battlefield 2142:

    Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
    Select Run.
    Type regedit in the text field and click OK.
    Click File and select Export.
    Name the file Backup and make sure the Export Range is set to All.
    Click Save; you will now be returned to the Registry Editor window.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to Software.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
    Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
    Back under Software, click the plus (+) sign next to Electronic Arts.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
    Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
    Just above EA GAMES, you will see a folder named EA CORE. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA CORE.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to INSTALLED GAMES.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
    Right-click and select Delete on any Battlefield 2142 folders.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to Microsoft.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to Windows.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to CurrentVersion.
    Click the plus (+) sign next to Uninstall.
    Right-click the key named {ED50ECE9-EC54-4C05-B5ED-EE4741A9F2EC} and select Delete.
    A Confirm Key Delete window will appear, choose Yes.
    Close the WindowsRegistry Editor.

    Battlefield 2142 should now be completely removed from your system.

    This was provided by EA support.*i&p_li=
    9] Are there any other tweaks etc that can be done to make my 2142 gaming experience better?

    Quote Originally Posted by RhysJD3
    Here's a good site for more settings and stuff
    10] Is there a way to cut down on the amount of system chat spam that flies by in game so that I can see player/admin chat better?

    Simply edit your profile's general.con file (The file will be in your My Documents area / battlefield 2142 / profiles / then under whichever dir is your char....i have 0001 / 0002 with 0001 being frau)

    I recommend making a copy of the original file, just in case, prior to making any changes.

    Edit the following lines:

    GeneralSettings.setKillMessagesFilter 1
    GeneralSettings.setRadioMessagesFilter 1


    GeneralSettings.setKillMessagesFilter #
    1 shows all kill messages
    2 shows only kill messages from your squad
    3 hides them all.

    GeneralSettings.setRadioMessagesFilter #
    1 shows all radio messages
    3 shows no radio messages

    So for instance, my lines list as follows:

    GeneralSettings.setKillMessagesFilter 2
    GeneralSettings.setRadioMessagesFilter 3
    11] I'm running vista. Start up BF2142 and it just crashes:

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: BF2142.exe

    Quote Originally Posted by ClickSlash
    well i got it figured.. and this is so stupid.. in vista, for this game to run you must have at least one user account.. i had been using the admin account sincei got this computer 4 months ago.. a few days ago i deleted the extra user accounts.. ...Well I re-added a regular user account and now i can run bf in either account... stupid.. but it is what it is.
    12] When I go inside a Titan, all the textures and lighting seems to disappear leaving me with basically a black screen. However, I can still see things like Crates, Consoles, Power Core but I only see them when I have 'line of sight'. HELP!

    Quote Originally Posted by PASHA
    Quote Originally Posted by RottnJP
    There's a bug that does that (the dark titan) sometimes with certain video settings set to low or medium. I don't remember the details off-hand, but you can try tweaking your settings, or google something along the lines of "black/dark titan video glitch" and you should be able get some more info regarding the specific settings that are most likely responsible.
    Dynamic Light settings in the video menu. Turn it off if that happens and it should fix it. Never tried turning it to High, that might fix it too.
    Quote Originally Posted by belial8256
    i think the dark titan refers to the 'mood' lighting that can sometimes occur...

    Even if the prescribed answers in the thread don't match up with your problem, i highly recommend doing the following:

    1. delete the radial file.
    2. delete your shader cache.
    3. manually update punkbuster.
    4. restart.(this last part is imminently important)

    Actually a regular on this Server, Methuselah, experienced the inability to see anything on the titan...after a restart he played fine.

    If the problem isn't fixed/ doesn't go away...

    well, we'll burn that bridge if we come to it.

    Welcome to TTP btw.
    13] I reformatted my machine, and since then my Mic has become noticeably softer and near impossible to understand for other players. This has also affected my Ventrilo volume, even though my settings on both applications are the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by KromMonkey
    Enable the microphone gain/ boost for the OS portion. This should increase the receving volume and keep it set.

    You can find this by cdoubling clicking the speaker in the taskbar and then clicking "advanced" under the microphone portion.
    Quote Originally Posted by joker23
    Check your OS settings for sound. Check your OS settings for volume ... and, at least in xp, you have to switch to recording devices in the volume manager. Check that ALL programs using mic (xfire, skype, whatever) are not controlling the volume. Make sure that you have the latest sound drivers and check the sound managers interface to make sure that it is working correctly.
    Quote Originally Posted by nsRaven
    Run sndvol32 to open the Master Volume control panel.

    Go to Options and make sure Advanced Controls is checked, then select Properties.

    Check the Recording radio and make sure you have the Microphone check boxed then click OK.

    Now you have the Recording Control panel. Set the volume, click on Advanced and make sure the Mic Boost is on. Hopefully that helps.

    14] I installed updated video drivers and my graphics are all fubared now and maps take forever to load. Which ones did you rollback too? I am having the same problem on my rebuilt machine...I installed the latest drivers for my 8800GT and I have the exact same artifacts...

    Quote Originally Posted by KingArthor

    I'm glad you asked. This is a common issue that has come up for alot of Nvidia users when they update their drivers. I assume you have diagnosed your problem to be specifically the Nvidia driver update.

    I will forward you the link when I walk you through what I did to fix this.

    As you said, you already updated your drivers for the video card. I assume they are the most recent then. If so, DO NOT REMOVE YOUR NEW DRIVERS. Instead, go into the video settings for bf2142 and :

    • ramp up (or keep) all the settings except Anti-Alias and Texture Filtering
    • AA should be OFF
    • Texture Filter set to LOW
    • I believe the resolution was set to the default 1024x768 when the drivers were updated by I may be wrong. *If you don't need to adjust the resolution higher then ignore my future note about adjusting the resolution.
    • close the game in order for the new settings to place.
    • open the Nvidia control panel
    • go to 3D settings/Manage 3D settings/Program settings tab
    • find bf2142 to customize the prog.
    • AA - Gamma correction to ON
    • AA - transparency to OFF
    • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization to OFF
    • " - Neg. LOD bias to ALLOW
    • " - Quality to QUALITY
    • and leave everything else to the Nvidia default. APPLY SETTINGS and close.

    Again, these settings are what have worked for me and I have not tried to adjust anything else that may decrease or enhance performance.
    Restart your computer

    *now my resolution was off since I reformatted and did a new 2142 install so I needed to fix my resolution. It used to be at the highest 1200xXXXX and my game crashes to desktop if I even click to change it to that setting. It has to be an EA or DICE video issue. So, I set it to the resolution between default and the 1200 - I think it's 1124xXXXX. After I restart, and load a map to play, I go back into the resolution and auto changes to "Label" I don't know why, but I don't care as long as it works and looks better than the crappy default res.
    *I confirmed with my recent uninstall/reinstall this paragraph above is now irrellevant. I'm currently using the highest possible in-game resolution setting. works fine!

    I have been in talks with EA support for over a month now about this and I suggested they update their support site to contain this info. This info. particular for Nvidia users that has very similar video issues. I haven't noticed it from any other manufacturers.

    Here is the latest correspondence to EA support:
    Response (Jonathan C.)
    11/18/2008 10:50 AM

    Hello Erik,

    Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts. I appreciate the feedback, I will forward it to the necessary parties on your behalf. Happy Gaming!


    Jonathan C.
    Player Relations
    Electronic Arts
    Customer (erik Stewart)
    11/13/2008 11:20 AM

    To further update- The game is now working fine.

    (since last post):
    default in-game video settings were working fine. For having the video card I have, I knew there was a way to "better" the video gaming experience. I raised the bars to max on ALL settings and experienced a white screen and pixellation and after a google search for these symptoms I learned to set Anti-Aliasing and Texture Filtering to lowest in-game setting and leave the resolution set to 1024x768. Having the most recent Nvidia driver installed; I'm able to go into Nvidia control panel and raise the setting for AntiAliasing and Texture Filters to the max under the specified game bf2142. See the 4th post from the top at this link -
    I would highly recommend adding this support info. to the EA support site particular for Nvidia. There isn't any current help from EA support on how to fix this issue.
    Finally, the game is now working fine after the video settings were changed specifically how I detailed above although the resolution was then set to 1100xXXX and it appears to be better, but not as good as the highest resolution I once was able to get.

    One last note, when I go into my BFHQ and preview my awards then game crashes to desktop. Suggestions?

    I hope this helps you out Baron and anyone else who is also experiencing the same issues. I have not thoroughly editing this post so I may have overlooked something so please let me know if I need to be corrected.

    Cheers and good luck!!

    WILE - I don't believe the above or Barons issue has anything to do with DX9 newest release. If I'm correct to diagnose this, it's only particular to Nvidia's drivers younger than Feb. 2008.
    15] I have the "Conflict with Emulation software detected" when I try to load the game

    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritOfF1re
    After 8 months of not playing 2142, I finally figured out how to implement the SecuROM fix, I just had to replace the BF2142.EXE with a fixed version from SecuROM... the problem had to do with DVD drivers, and I had the "Conflict with Emulation software detected"
    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritOfF1re
    1. Download this zip file:
    2. Save the zip file, extract it and replace bf2142.exe located on your hard drive by the one you've just downloaded.
    I used that, but here is a slightly more informative.

    an E-mail from SecuROM

    Please download a new <BF2142.EXE> from the link below. I would appreciate it if you could rename your current one to


    Extract the downloaded file into the application path mentioned and start the new application.

    The link for the new file is:

    And here is someone's theory/explanation of the problem
    The emulation message was caused by a conflict between SecuROM and some old firmware on DVD players especially Samsung. SecuROM fixed this after Update 1.50 was released which is why they have a new exe file on their website.

    If you don't get the error message you don't need to do anything, if you do get an error then try the SecuROM websites version of BF2142.exe.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Too Much Damage's Avatar
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    BF2142 Common Issues &amp; Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues &amp; More) BF2142 Common Issues &amp; Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues &amp; More) BF2142 Common Issues &amp; Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues &amp; More) BF2142 Common Issues &amp; Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues &amp; More) BF2142 Common Issues &amp; Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues &amp; More) BF2142 Common Issues &amp; Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues &amp; More) BF2142 Common Issues &amp; Resolutions (Installation Tips, NS Issues &amp; More)
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    Re: Stuck Loading

    not as of late. when dose this happen, after your computer has been on for a long time?

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    Re: Stuck Loading

    I&#39;m getting the same problem Frau, it won&#39;t load for me as well. Mines gets stuck right around three quarters of the way loaded maybe less.

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    Re: Stuck Loading

    u have msn black?

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    Re: Stuck Loading

  6. Registered TeamPlayer QuickLightning's Avatar
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    Re: Stuck Loading

    I also am unable to load a map now. It was working fine until the server switch to Suez Canal... Now I can&#39;t get in.

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    Re: Stuck Loading

    if u try any server on any map..dont think you can get in now
    still workingon figuring it out ...doing forum searching etc

  8. Registered TeamPlayer QuickLightning's Avatar
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    Re: Stuck Loading

    Give me a heads up if you figure anything out. I&#39;ll try again in a bit. I&#39;m going to grab some food in the meantime.

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    Re: Stuck Loading

    im going to grab a gun :P

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    Re: Stuck Loading

    From my reading on EA&#39;s forums, I&#39;ve found this:

    This problem started to occur when 1.40 beta came out and it effected ALOT of people I am not sure how it is related but I had to do this:

    Follow these steps:
    1. right click your 2142 icon and go to properties

    2. click on the "find target" button

    3. in the window that jsut came up go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View

    4. now, find the box that says "show hidden files and folders" click it so it is checked.
    Now scroll jsut a litte below that and find the box that says "Hide protected operating system files [recommended], uncheck that box and then hit ok.

    5. now find the folder named &#39;radial.cdb&#39; and re-name it to oradial.cdb

    that will fix the problem where the map will stop a little past half-way.
    You can delete radial.cdb instead of renaming it if you&#39;re not worried about backing up the file.

    But a bunch of people started having it all at once, so it&#39;s an EA problem (even if this does fix it, EA fucked something up).

    Note: This is for 1.25, he just put in the bit about 1.4 as a reference to when it started for some people. *shrugs* Try it if you so wish, but I&#39;m still looking for anything more official.

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